Incidentally, I had my love path reading today, which had already been scheduled. when I had booked it, nothing had yet happened with the old KOW.
She asked if I want general or specific. I said general. She had always seen new love for me and she started by saying she still sees that but in the current and near future, she sees a newly resurfaced male friend and a crossing of line of friendship. So, she picked him up on her own . She said that he is part of my love path in that I am meant to have this period with him. she said that there's some awkwardness b/c of the friendship and that it won't become full fledged but neither is it a fwb b/c she sees both of us feeling awkward about the physical aspect. however, she said that it won't go back to platonic now and that she sees us kissing. She said that there's at least one tet-a-tet meeting and one outing somewhere like a restaurant coming up.
and that all this has to happen before I meet the new love. she'd originally seen new love for this winter and she said it is possible the energies of the KOW-the friend-are meant for the winter. she sees the new love in the summer.
I am quite impressed she picked him up on her own.