Not to detract from your predictions, but CONGRATULATIONS on becoming a homeowner, and obtaining your dual citizenship!
Thank you thank you! I made up my mind summer of 2020 and Kisha picked it up immediately in a general reading.
This year, I hope to adopt a pet and again she picked it up in the general without me telling her!
congratulations! do you mind me Asking if you already were thinking of citizenship and owning a house when you got your reading with her?
Wonderful question!
Yes, I was. and she picked up on it.
Specifically, I had already submitted my citizenship application but it was stuck with no movement due to the pandemic. So at this point it'd have been 9+ months in limbo but she predicted that she saw a passport in hand, in '4' or month of April. As this was a general email reading last January, in four or April amount to the same and yes, I had passport in hand end of April.
On the homeownership, she said that this was slow moving and that I Had put it off for some time but I'd make a transaction in September tho it'd take until end of the year to complete.
In contrast, when Yona picked up on it in 2018, I had no clue. It only said 6 of swords- a house move and didn't implant the idea of homeownership in my mind.
During lockdown of 2020, I took many walks (gyms being closed) and I'd wonder about having a single family home. In August of 2020, I did the math and realized that I could pull it off with one more year of saving. At this point, my frustrations with student-infested apartments were mounting.
In January of 2021, in the general reading, she picked up on it.
I secured the contract Aug 30th and closed on Sept 29th. It took me till end of October to move. and in terms of the end of the year/January: I think she picked it up because I was tied to an apartment lease till end of January. However, luckily I found a subtenant the day I moved in to my house, even tho the lease is still under my name for exactly one more month.
Same with the pet--Been wanting one for so long and Kisha picked up on it in November general reading and said in 3 or by March. Which puts it to Feb-March.
However, Yona homed in on it on her own first in 2019 and when I said I wasn't considering it, again she picked it up in August of 2020 when she first saw the house contract. Her latest top up, from November, gave the pet as the first prediction and new love as 2nd prediction (and the old love interest in opening cards as those around me-he wasn't at the point of the reading but he resurfaced 10 days after, after 2 years of no real communication).