Author Topic: ARIES INTUITION - NEW OFFICIAL THREAD  (Read 361991 times)

Offline wishes215

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« Reply #990 on: October 27, 2021, 07:12:27 PM »
I believe she means POI = Person Of Interest.

lol yes, thats what I meant. thanks @hornetkick :)

Offline LAW1974

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« Reply #991 on: October 27, 2021, 08:22:35 PM »
Hey all. It's been another long minute since I've updated here. My life has been insane. Here goes and I'll try to keep it short.

Guy she predicted several times since April of 2018 finally appeared in April of 2021 and she always got a number 4 for the start of things to occur, so yeah, it took 3 years. The guy she described sounded way too good to be true. She was right about all of his positive sides, his appearance etc. However, there were some major things that she didn't tell me about that are horrid about this dude and it's probably because she wasn't shown these things. Back in August of 2020 or somewhere around there before I actually met said guy, she said she saw a lion but didn't think it represented his temperament, rather, the season when things would be really passionate etc. Turns out, it indeed did represent his actual temperament because he has a really nasty one.

Things were so great for the first month with this guy and he was, in fact, every single thing she said he'd be. However, I began to see other sides to him about a month and a half later. He started yelling at me and was verbally abusive from time to time. He has like no patience and when things don't go his way, he has a tantrum. At the same time, the guy will do anything for me and he can be the sweetest person on the planet. I also found out he has some major drug addiction problems. He was wanting to turn his life around and quit the meth I found he had a problem with and he did quit for the last 5 months. However, I think he's back to doing that. He also has a cocaine problem and that one he just cut back on but didn't completely quit. He does that like once a month but when he does it, he's a monster. For the past few months, our sex life dissipated and he basically showed his other 5 personalities to me. All the things he told me in the beginning, he began doing the opposite a few months in. I guess this update will be longer than expected. Sorry in advance.

I have to back up now. So, back in August of 2020 I asked Kisha about a house move that I was making. I bought a house with my son and mother. We moved in December of 2020. I have anxiety disorder, namely panic disorder, and I am also agoraphobic. I had lived in my previous apartment for 15 years with my son so that move was very difficult for me to make. I got drunk and got to the new place, immediately freaked out and didn't stop freaking out. Had panic attacks morning noon and night. In that reading Kisha said the move would be good for me. If it was, it only ended up being a benefit financially. I developed a new fear, a fear of being alone, while at that house. Called Kisha end of December 2020 and she said things would calm down after March. End of April is when I started dating the guy so the panic did calm down. But then, my entire family, my mother, my brother, and my son began to show serious anger and hatred toward my relationship with this guy. I couldn't understand why. They all started treating me like shit etc. so then I started to feel like this guy was all I had left since my family basically turned on me over it. So everyone agreed to go ahead and sell the house but, my son decided he was going to move to Oklahoma (We currently live in Colorado). I was devastated because my son was my only safe person I had left since my father died in 2017. So then I REALLY felt stuck with the guy. I told the guy I was going to need him more than ever the closer it got to the move and the first few weeks after the move. I needed him emotionally. He seemed to have no problem with that. And, well, he did the exact opposite.

The move was set for September 27th. He picked up the keys to the new apartment on September 15th. The moment he picked up those keys, he began staying at the apartment at night and suddenly just couldn't handle being at that house anymore (granted it was SUPER stressful over there so I get it) but I found that to be so messed up and felt abandoned. If I needed something he'd bring it to me and he'd come to the house still in the day or early evening but he'd only sit in his truck the entire time so it was very awkward. I then had to come up with excuses for his super rude and weird behaviors which put more pressure on me. He didn't help me pack and he ended up going on a cocaine binge for the last week and a half before the move. He didn't sleep for almost an entire week and he was an absolute jackass the whole time. I started to feel hatred toward him and started looking at him completely different at that point.

Bear in mind, in one of my past readings before I actually met him Kisha told me that people had a hard time trusting him and she didn't know why because she was seeing him as a very honest genuine person. NOW I know why people don't trust this dude. They can't trust him because his emotional state fluctuates from hour to hour which makes me very unreliable and undependable. He's pretty honest but he's still sneaky. In other words, he will go do something like cocaine for a few days and then tell the truth later without you asking him to tell the truth. So he ends up telling on himself but you can't trust someone like that.

So anyway, the night of the move I had to throw back a 12 pack of beer to fully sedate myself since I had to get in a car to get to the new place (panic disorder and agoraphobia so I had to be sedated). He puts me threw so much hell the day of the move, yells at me etc. So I ended up waiting for my son until 2 in the morning to give me a ride instead since I didn't feel safe with my wonderful boyfriend to drive me. He started punching the steering wheel of my truck so hard that the horn kept honking and I could hear the punches from a few feet away. It terrified me. So I get to this apartment and he's a complete asshole the first two days, meanwhile, I'm having major anxiety not only from the move and the anticipation of my son moving out of state, but now getting it from being around him too. He then apologized and was nice for a few days but then he built himself some sort of man cave in this tiny storage unit we have on the patio and he just started staying in there. Like literally STAYING IN THERE. He started staying awake for 4 and 5 days in a row. He stopped eating etc. My son is staying here with me until he leaves out of state on Saturday and it's just a one bedroom apartment so the living room is basically my son's domain. The boyfriend kept using that as the excuse for remaining in the storage unit day and night. It's all bullshit to me though. Then it got to the point where we don't even speak. I don't want to be with this guy at all anymore and now I've lost my entire family and my son is leaving out of state and I have this new fear of being alone.

I also lost my job back in June of this year and Kisha said it was temporary and that the boss and I would come to some resolution. I worked for him for the last 8 years and didn't really see that one coming either. Kisha was wrong about that. To this day I didn't return to work for him and I still have no job. I'm living off the money I got from the sale of the house.

My last reading with her was August 9th 2021 and she said I'd be fine in the new place, that there was a relationship that would take me by surprised as to how fast things came together with it and that I was going to be super satisfied with the level of commitment I get from my partner and something happens in 10 months or October of next year that really "solidifies" the relationship which is probably a marriage proposal but there's no way I'd marry this dude. I don't see this lasting AT ALL and I'm not even really interested in it anymore. Not after all this horrible behavior from him in such a short space of time. That's just a sign of things to come and no thanks on that one. I don't know what she meant by a relationship taking me by surprise unless she meant a surprise in a bad way because I'm pretty surprised at this gawd awful behavior of his and that's about it. She said my son's move would be temporary and he'd have some sort of realization from it. I don't feel it's temporary though because I know my son. Oklahoma is way cheaper than Colorado and he isn't going to return here to live.

I've been talking to Kisha since 2010 and honestly this is the first time she's been so very off about things for me and it's really disappointing. All this may be a bump in the road and things take a turn for the better or something but so far, nothing is good. I'm very scared and very alone and very heart broken and that's pretty much it. I've another reading scheduled with her for October 20th so I'll be back to update again. Thanks for reading and sorry so long.


Offline KitKat121

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« Reply #992 on: November 04, 2021, 11:54:00 AM »
Hi all, I’ve had a few email and WhatsApp readings this year from kisha. I went to buy a recorded reading and did read all instructions I’m not a new customer and I’ve had readings in the last 3 years. She refunded me for no reason and didn’t explain why I emailed her few times bit she didn’t reply and it was less money than what I paid for. Has anyone else experienced this just think it’s a little unfair to not even explain as to why she’s refunded

Offline Freefinally

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« Reply #993 on: November 05, 2021, 02:58:54 AM »
She posted on her website that she had to cancel and refund all readings that were booked for today. Maybe the amount was minus the PayPal fees.

Offline KitKat121

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« Reply #994 on: November 06, 2021, 07:24:38 PM »
I went on her site I can’t see that posted anywhere to say it’s not going ahead ? And I’m not a new customer so not sure why I was refunded

Offline Intheotherside

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« Reply #995 on: November 07, 2021, 05:52:00 PM »
Just ask her, maybe she was not feeling well.

Offline Freefinally

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« Reply #996 on: November 12, 2021, 08:48:16 PM »
I went on her site I can’t see that posted anywhere to say it’s not going ahead ? And I’m not a new customer so not sure why I was refunded

I know she’s posted on the WIX site multiple times in the last couple weeks that becuz of emergencies she has to cancel all reading for the day and that she is just refunding everyone…she’s not trying to reschedule with everyone. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve read with her in the past when this happens.

Offline Shubhra

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« Reply #997 on: November 17, 2021, 02:48:17 PM »
what is WIX?

Offline Freefinally

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« Reply #998 on: November 19, 2021, 11:42:50 PM »
what is WIX?

It’s her other site that clairvoyant chat links to. I just updated my app the other day and now it’s called spaces. She posted there the other day saying that she’s hired an assistant to answer emails so not to send anything personal in them for awhile.

Offline Intheotherside

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« Reply #999 on: November 22, 2021, 11:47:08 PM »
I will check it out. I just sent an email and someone else answered, i didnt know. Do you have the Wix link? I am there, but couldnt find it

Offline Freefinally

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« Reply #1000 on: November 23, 2021, 10:55:55 PM »
I will check it out. I just sent an email and someone else answered, i didnt know. Do you have the Wix link? I am there, but couldnt find it

I hope I did this right.   

Not sure if you have to have the app downloaded or not. I’ll see what happens when I click post

Edit to add that when I click the link it sends me to the app and then her page. It may prompt you to download the app or if it’s also web based it could take you there.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2021, 10:58:04 PM by Freefinally »

Offline Intheotherside

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« Reply #1001 on: November 23, 2021, 11:48:34 PM »
didnt work, but thank you so much! I saw forum yesterday, didnt fnd this message. but today is no longer showing.

Offline wishes215

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« Reply #1002 on: November 25, 2021, 01:50:57 AM »
How are people feeling about her Whatsapp readings? Telling to be rather precise in predictions once time has passed?

sorry, I didn't get this

Offline Lyssa

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« Reply #1003 on: November 25, 2021, 07:56:39 AM »
I've gotten a handfull of readings over the years, 1 to 2 per year for 4/5 years. Today she refunded me b/c she couldn't connect. Has never happened to me. Anyone else have that happen??

Offline Kate

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« Reply #1004 on: November 25, 2021, 10:24:50 AM »
I've gotten a handfull of readings over the years, 1 to 2 per year for 4/5 years. Today she refunded me b/c she couldn't connect. Has never happened to me. Anyone else have that happen??

Happened to me once - on a single question reading - she refunded and said she couldn't connect, it wasn't anything to worry about - but happens sometimes.

Not happened since...

