In e mail readings starting last winter and in some phone readings, but mostly e mail, kisha predicted me meeting someone in May and it becoming long term as well as serious. Last spring yona also predicted someone serious coming in. In may i did meet someone and we have hit it off. It also seemed to line up nicely with what yona said. We are still in the see where it goes n getting to know each other phase. Do to situations beyond our control we haven’t been able to see each other for a couple of weeks but have been txting. Now over phone kisha says that this relationship does nor have enough energy of initiative and it will fade away in a month or so. Sooooo bummed out. Wondering if maybe its just because right now the guy n i are distant from each other for reAsons beyond our control n so present energy certainly does lack initiative. What about all those other readings? Anyone out there able to maybe encourage me of positive?
I would say don’t let the readings control you and the potential for this to grow. Aries has been wrong for a lot of people including myself. I remember she told me I would meet someone new who I wouldn’t be interested in at first but I would eventually give him a chance and it would grow into a committed relationship (within the timeframe she gave me) i knew the guy, I wasn’t really interested in him first and then gave him a chance. Really it ended that all he wanted was sex and nothing serious with me.
She also told me one of my poi’s would be ready for a relationship with me in about two years well that has past and nada.
Don’t let the readings control you or make you think negative things that can alter your reality. Continue to go with the flow