Author Topic: ARIES INTUITION - NEW OFFICIAL THREAD  (Read 360540 times)

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« Reply #885 on: May 29, 2021, 12:56:38 PM »
How accurate is Kisha in terms of love reading? Does she ever change her timeline?

I did a general reading with her last year and she told me I will meet new love interest in the first half of 2021. So far I don’t see this happening.

I did another whatsapp reading with her on January this year and she said meeting someone new again but no timeline is given. Maybe I don’t just connect with her. Most of the thing she said on her general reading, I don’t think anything is happening or I can’t fit which prediction is what

I did have so much expectations to read with Kisha :(

I think we ordered our general reading around the same time last year! Maybe she was overwhelmed with the number of people who ordered a reading because I’m just as disappointed as you are. When I got the reading, most of it did not resonate and I thought it was for someone else. However, she’s gotten one minor prediction right but overall nothing has really come to pass.

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« Reply #886 on: May 30, 2021, 04:36:43 AM »
How accurate is Kisha in terms of love reading? Does she ever change her timeline?

I did a general reading with her last year and she told me I will meet new love interest in the first half of 2021. So far I don’t see this happening.

I did another whatsapp reading with her on January this year and she said meeting someone new again but no timeline is given. Maybe I don’t just connect with her. Most of the thing she said on her general reading, I don’t think anything is happening or I can’t fit which prediction is what

I did have so much expectations to read with Kisha :(

I think we ordered our general reading around the same time last year! Maybe she was overwhelmed with the number of people who ordered a reading because I’m just as disappointed as you are. When I got the reading, most of it did not resonate and I thought it was for someone else. However, she’s gotten one minor prediction right but overall nothing has really come to pass.

I remember you. We chatted a bit in DM.
Yeah truly disappointed. It was a 2 and half long document and I can’t find anything that resonate me.

But who do you guys think is the best psychic for love and relationship? I had a reading with Yona too and love interest prediction did not come to pass. When I had reading with her again this year, she said, if not this Summer, next Summer 😂 But her career prediction was spot on.

Offline Intheotherside

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« Reply #887 on: May 30, 2021, 10:15:00 PM »
In her emails Kisha mentions that when she says a month (March) could be this year or next year (24 months). So if you read early last year with Kisha you have another year that predictions could pass. In my case, she was spot on in several things. There is one prediction that she mentioned that could have happened 2nd part of last year. I read again in Oct and the prediction moved to this year (no month). I read at least two times and she sees the same thing. I know will happen. My point is, you need to find the reader that best connects with you. Even this reader may get some things wrong. A few predictions may not come to pass, others the date may be off, but in general, this reader will be well connected with you. For me, this reader is Kisha. For you, it may be someone else.  I read with a lot of them, from Yona to Leanne, Cookie, and the list is long. I learnt that for me , readings very often just cause me anxiety. So I am spacing them apart and I am being more selected.

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« Reply #888 on: May 31, 2021, 03:19:26 AM »
ive read with kisha a few times in the last year and her predictions have always stayed the same. it was the very last reading I had with her, where the dates she gave me actually panned out:)) nothing until then. I'm yet to figure out how her dates work but somehow I really believe in what she says. time will tell.

Offline Jili1945

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« Reply #889 on: May 31, 2021, 04:36:48 AM »
ive read with kisha a few times in the last year and her predictions have always stayed the same. it was the very last reading I had with her, where the dates she gave me actually panned out:)) nothing until then. I'm yet to figure out how her dates work but somehow I really believe in what she says. time will tell.

Kisha is truly amazing. Her gift scares me sometimes haha

Offline Miss Philosopher

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« Reply #890 on: June 02, 2021, 09:04:13 PM »
Hi all. It's been a long while since I've been here but I have a MAJOR update regarding Kisha's readings from April of 2018, November of 2018, March of 2019, October of 2019, March of 2020, August of 2020, December of 2020, and March of 2021.

All of the above dates were general readings given but specifically, regarding my love life. I was with someone for 6 years, many of you have seen my rants about the guy previously over the past few years. Long story short, that relationship did end permanently in 2019. In all of the readings that I mentioned above she kept seeing another male for me. She described him physically as being around 6ft tall, having wavy or curly hair, him having darker skin and being of mixed ethnicity, and that I would be very physically attracted to him. She also described his personality and character traits as sounding waaaaaaaaay too good to be true. She said he was loving, caring, very affectionate, and would surprise me in good ways about who he is. She also said he would help me heal and that he would be genuinely interested in me and it would actually be mutual. She said for some reason our relationship would start out very, very slow once our paths crossed. She said he would watch me and be very observant in an attempt to really try to know me through and through. She said he did not have a good relationship with his mother. She said that I would not meet him online, but rather in person which I thought would be impossible because I am agoraphobic with panic disorder so I don't leave my house. I've been this way for 15 years. She kept seeing mountains so she thought that I'd either meet him in a mountainous area or that he really loved the mountains. I asked for his age twice and the first time she said he was 43 or 44 (this ended up being me that would be 43 when I'd meet him but she got it mixed up with him being 43) and the next time she said she got a 3 and a 5 for his age and thought that his age would be 35. She specifically gave me the number 4 for my love life turning around and it didn't happen for all of these years until............April 26th of this year!

I ended up moving from an apartment that I had been living in for the previous 14 years back in December of 2020 into a house with my mom, son, and brother. I was having the worst panic attacks and adjustment problems ever and it lasted from the time I step foot in here back in December up until the end of April. My brother started having some of his friends over to hang out periodically. He has this one friend that would come over and he was in a lot of emotional pain so I would talk to him a lot and try to help him through it. I was definitely physically attracted to him but I never thought of going there with him because he's my brother's close friend. So from December up until end of April, I would see him a few times per month when he'd come hang out with my brother. Then it turned into something else on April 26th at a bbq we had at the house. It suddenly hit me that HE WAS THE ONE Kisha kept telling me about. His physical appearance matched 100%. His personality and character matched 100%. He has a bad relationship with his mother, he loves the mountains and goes there a few times a year alone and even showed me pics of his last trip in March of this year. And, he's 35 years old soon to turn 36 in July. I just turned 43 this past January. This man is SUPER AMAZING unlike anything I've ever experienced and yes, he has surprised me to a speechless point with many things about himself. We are extremely different yet, we are exactly the same at the same time. It's hard to explain I now understand why she said it would start off so slow because I was just helping him through stuff for months first. This man treats me like I'm the only person in the world. We've been in a relationship for a month now and I know it's early but I had another reading with Kisha last week and she sees this as a strong, steady, serious relationship. All I have to say is, it was so worth the wait. I am so thankful.

One other thing, back in 2017 when my father passed away, I was trying to find an attorney to take a lawsuit case but no one would. Kisha said I would eventually find someone to take my case and it would be a male but that it would be awhile first. I had given up on that case and figured she'd be totally wrong. Well, in January of this year, there was an advertisement of people that had taken a certain medication linked to causing a specific kind of cancer, the same kind my dad had and my dad had taken that medication since 2010. I called the attorney, they took my case, and it is indeed a male. 4 years later this happened!

If nothing happened for you that she said would in the timing you expected, please believe that it will eventually happen. That woman is the most GIFTED clairvoyant I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I had given up hope on the man she kept seeing and figured she was just wrong about it. I am truly elated that it finally happened and I am truly grateful to have Kisha in my life guiding me since 2010.

I wish everyone the best and I hope this review helps others keep the faith but at the same time let go and trust the universal plan Love to you all! Namaste!

Offline curiouspsychicreadings

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« Reply #891 on: June 03, 2021, 12:39:20 AM »
This is such an amazing story, I can not tell you how happy I am that this all came true for you, I have had a few readings with Kisha and she has picked up things that validated her true gifts, it is hard sometimes to believe what she is seeing is coming...

One question I don't think she has ever described this person physically to me and the energy she is seeing is a present energy already in my life. Do you ask her for physical descriptions or doe she just say them?

Hi all. It's been a long while since I've been here but I have a MAJOR update regarding Kisha's readings from April of 2018, November of 2018, March of 2019, October of 2019, March of 2020, August of 2020, December of 2020, and March of 2021.

All of the above dates were general readings given but specifically, regarding my love life. I was with someone for 6 years, many of you have seen my rants about the guy previously over the past few years. Long story short, that relationship did end permanently in 2019. In all of the readings that I mentioned above she kept seeing another male for me. She described him physically as being around 6ft tall, having wavy or curly hair, him having darker skin and being of mixed ethnicity, and that I would be very physically attracted to him. She also described his personality and character traits as sounding waaaaaaaaay too good to be true. She said he was loving, caring, very affectionate, and would surprise me in good ways about who he is. She also said he would help me heal and that he would be genuinely interested in me and it would actually be mutual. She said for some reason our relationship would start out very, very slow once our paths crossed. She said he would watch me and be very observant in an attempt to really try to know me through and through. She said he did not have a good relationship with his mother. She said that I would not meet him online, but rather in person which I thought would be impossible because I am agoraphobic with panic disorder so I don't leave my house. I've been this way for 15 years. She kept seeing mountains so she thought that I'd either meet him in a mountainous area or that he really loved the mountains. I asked for his age twice and the first time she said he was 43 or 44 (this ended up being me that would be 43 when I'd meet him but she got it mixed up with him being 43) and the next time she said she got a 3 and a 5 for his age and thought that his age would be 35. She specifically gave me the number 4 for my love life turning around and it didn't happen for all of these years until............April 26th of this year!

I ended up moving from an apartment that I had been living in for the previous 14 years back in December of 2020 into a house with my mom, son, and brother. I was having the worst panic attacks and adjustment problems ever and it lasted from the time I step foot in here back in December up until the end of April. My brother started having some of his friends over to hang out periodically. He has this one friend that would come over and he was in a lot of emotional pain so I would talk to him a lot and try to help him through it. I was definitely physically attracted to him but I never thought of going there with him because he's my brother's close friend. So from December up until end of April, I would see him a few times per month when he'd come hang out with my brother. Then it turned into something else on April 26th at a bbq we had at the house. It suddenly hit me that HE WAS THE ONE Kisha kept telling me about. His physical appearance matched 100%. His personality and character matched 100%. He has a bad relationship with his mother, he loves the mountains and goes there a few times a year alone and even showed me pics of his last trip in March of this year. And, he's 35 years old soon to turn 36 in July. I just turned 43 this past January. This man is SUPER AMAZING unlike anything I've ever experienced and yes, he has surprised me to a speechless point with many things about himself. We are extremely different yet, we are exactly the same at the same time. It's hard to explain I now understand why she said it would start off so slow because I was just helping him through stuff for months first. This man treats me like I'm the only person in the world. We've been in a relationship for a month now and I know it's early but I had another reading with Kisha last week and she sees this as a strong, steady, serious relationship. All I have to say is, it was so worth the wait. I am so thankful.

One other thing, back in 2017 when my father passed away, I was trying to find an attorney to take a lawsuit case but no one would. Kisha said I would eventually find someone to take my case and it would be a male but that it would be awhile first. I had given up on that case and figured she'd be totally wrong. Well, in January of this year, there was an advertisement of people that had taken a certain medication linked to causing a specific kind of cancer, the same kind my dad had and my dad had taken that medication since 2010. I called the attorney, they took my case, and it is indeed a male. 4 years later this happened!

If nothing happened for you that she said would in the timing you expected, please believe that it will eventually happen. That woman is the most GIFTED clairvoyant I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I had given up hope on the man she kept seeing and figured she was just wrong about it. I am truly elated that it finally happened and I am truly grateful to have Kisha in my life guiding me since 2010.

I wish everyone the best and I hope this review helps others keep the faith but at the same time let go and trust the universal plan Love to you all! Namaste!

Offline Just FYI

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« Reply #892 on: June 03, 2021, 12:40:55 AM »
Miss Philosopher, this is wonderful news! So happy for you! You’ve had a long road, and it’s wonderful that your predictions played out.

Offline curiouspsychicreadings

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« Reply #893 on: June 03, 2021, 01:39:35 AM »
I had my 3rd reading with Kisha on 5/24 I got a general to see if POI came into the reading but also just to see where my life is heading. This is what she said from what I could write down as I was writing very fast lol...

She saw me contemplating if I need a break/step back, me individually. She saw a shift in April where I am questioning the next steps - overlooking or missing emotionally how things are panning out- moving forward in a month or so, pulling energy back from a situation or person. July/7 or 7 weeks I am opening myself up to a new beginning, fresh start- I remove the idea and say I allow the universe to show me what I need, period of what happens happens - I take a step back, things unfold the way they are supposed to, energy is lighter/ less expectation, different mindset. Then there is a period something I haven't dealt with - 3 months or so something i haven't dealt with, emotions/realization. someone is/isn't in my life-amicable (I have to say this resonates and I wonder if this energy is my soon to be ex-husband... we started divorce proceedings in March and haven't finalized everything yet, it has been on hold until the end of this month we have an appointment, and we are amicable) then she said happy the relationship ended, I am ok with it- it is addressed and dealt with... she sees me being torn romantically- I have someone connected (POI) she sees me frustrated/frustration 2/ maybe 2 months... July- span of 2 months, maybe past 2 months... this month has been hell so far with him( we usually see each other weekly or at least every other week, I have felt since the second week of May he has had much less communication and we haven't seen each other.) again frustration, mutual connection- I am putting in the most effort, correct, confusion here- getting from relationship confusing period allows to have movement, ups & downs ---> established relationship - not much effort but not releasing (I got pissed the other night and messaged him he is inconsiderate, got an apology and my mom actually said he isn't going to let go that easily)... but a period of more development, I am not sure what I am getting, communication lacking I am uncertain where things are going... then sees solid stable Aug-Nov 8-11 months or 8 & 11... progress/progression, still not totally clear, not 100% clear romantically until 8 August or 8 months into a space of established more- she then said something I have come up, someone trying to spy on finances (personal business) $, be cautious/guarded financially.... someone trying to take $ timeframe - plotting to ask for $, spying or peeking financially. June or 6 months - protective about $/ be careful... period step into focusing on business/venture, more focus on personal stability, certain amount of recognition... me having power/ownership Dec/Jan 12/1? finances/career or work more recognition... shift to a bigger focus on my career, focus on work change/transition winter months new door carries, building up things for the future, setting foundation for having my own family. stability more in relationship (winter months) more focus financially/winter - spring) significant changes carries Spring 2022, being on the same page with relationship- kinks sorted out- worked out- several months into next year- carries shorter span, steps taking to allow things to happen, Spring 2022 (intervals/changes) now ---> few months ... last month/April to the next few weeks me sort through own emotions, I question my energy and reciprocation, what efforts do I have coming from other people? Step up, I remove energy and become an observer, summer months do something different for a different outcome, relationship better space/stable- positive realizations, me... informative period, eye opener after July - things come together, romantic energy, I feel ?, strategy for relationship, things need to be revealed. I asked about this relationship energy, Kisha said it is a familiar energy but this relationship doesn't have the footing as a couple... I don't with POI it has been hot and cold for a year now and I have been wanting the full relationship... she said relationship isn't being worked on and needs more time, I feel alone and figure things out alone, he will step up in the next few months or so, there is communication and understanding summer months something revisited I am getting mixed messages, back & forth, I need to address things , opportunity for me to see things aren't one sided, change needed with him, period of development to become a bit more stable, I need to see a step up and not just me making an effort... 6/6 weeks/June shift or indication that they are capable of stepping up, still not 100% not consistent something needs to be sorted out, serious sit-down, circumstances change he is asking more ?'s he is more inquisitive, jealousy/insecurity on his end... a lot of emotions to work on, periods of back & forth to get to the same page/same plan - how it originated/weird place... (I was married when we met it was not a normal start to any type of relationship) level of development as a couple - relationship has to get to a point development/investment, have to put effort/energy lack of foundation, solid/stable comfortable this year (end of year), Spring months much more solid... next several months still building and developing emotional/development/ commitment almost a year for stability/gradual - turning point - solid space now to that point  sort through from there on out focus on maintaining the relationship.

Just wanted to see what those who have read with Kisha a lot would think about this, it seems to hit the nail on the head with POI overtime but she has never described him physically but this explains the relationship and how I am feeling 100% so can I say it is safe to say that it is POI, how do we truly know who/what energy she is reading.

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« Reply #894 on: June 03, 2021, 03:02:53 AM »
For me personally Kisha was better around 2016 around when I first started getting readings or so maybe earlier . I think since her client base got larger the accuracy suffered. I haven’t called her since I left my ex and the predictions she made not only didn’t happen but she didn’t correctly pick up on what was going on with his level of cheating. Again me personally I have had better wow factor reads from smaller fan based advisors outside of major sites.

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« Reply #895 on: June 03, 2021, 03:09:50 AM »
For me personally Kisha was better around 2016 around when I first started getting readings or so maybe earlier . I think since her client base got larger the accuracy suffered. I haven’t called her since I left my ex and the predictions she made not only didn’t happen but she didn’t correctly pick up on what was going on with his level of cheating. Again me personally I have had better wow factor reads from smaller fan based advisors outside of major sites.

I agree with you in case of getting email readings and the times she could have been overwhelmed, but in phone reading it's just you and her and it's all your time and she is never is rush. And definitely she cannot see everything. No doubt in it.

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« Reply #896 on: June 03, 2021, 04:24:58 AM »
Most definitely! I was a client of hers and purchased many reads but the quality decreased... unfortunately I didn’t know that until much later. One time I told her a prediction didn’t happen and she sent me 5 min free to read for me again and that was nice of her. Back when she was only on keen.  Sweet lady truly and she maybe phenomenal for others but I wouldn’t waste my money. I stem away from large client based advisors ever since

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« Reply #897 on: June 03, 2021, 04:30:58 AM »
I only purchased phone reads from her and you’re right she isn’t god but large factors that resulted in me leaving him were not said in my reading with her. So if you miss those things i clearly don’t need you reading me lol

For me personally Kisha was better around 2016 around when I first started getting readings or so maybe earlier . I think since her client base got larger the accuracy suffered. I haven’t called her since I left my ex and the predictions she made not only didn’t happen but she didn’t correctly pick up on what was going on with his level of cheating. Again me personally I have had better wow factor reads from smaller fan based advisors outside of major sites.

I agree with you in case of getting email readings and the times she could have been overwhelmed, but in phone reading it's just you and her and it's all your time and she is never is rush. And definitely she cannot see everything. No doubt in it.

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« Reply #898 on: June 03, 2021, 10:11:42 AM »
Wow that is amazing that she called you to make sure you were ok, this month has been my worst so far, I feel like I am turning into someone who isn't happy and I can't stop feeling like I've been ripped apart, I am trying to focus on things that make me happy and I truly am taking a step away from POI. Not only were we best friends but he was my person and I feel a negative shift from him. I am currently working on my house and expanding upstairs and he is an electrician so he has been working with me on it, I paid him half ahead of time and there is still things he hasn't completed. I also paid him last summer to fix my pool motor outlets, they were flipping and he hasn't helped since asked, he was coming last Thursday but I had friends coming over so I told him lets reschedule he said Sunday so Sunday came and he never reached out or even tried to call or come, I texted him because it was raining all day that I didn't hear from him but it wasn't the weather to be working outside either so can we reschedule for Monday, he said he needed to go see his dad Monday so Tuesday would be better... Tuesday came and went and again no text, I was frustrated and texted him not in a petty way but just saying how its just inconsiderate how he couldn't even text if he wasn't going to make it. He replied hours later sorry my grandma passed away, which now I feel horrible so I sent the sorry for your loss and condolence text and he said thank you and that he was sorry he didn't make it over... still no mention of when he can come or to reschedule.. I texted him yesterday I hope you are felling ok and he replied yes I feel fine lol... so he seems to be doing ok yet again not a care in the world about helping me with what he said he would so I honestly don't even know where to go from here... other than to remove my energy from him and heal because this is not healthy for me... I truly hope Kisha is right seeing him coming around, and many have said they see him returning so idk... Bona did say she sees him still in the picture in every reading and that he is putting more effort in but I haven't seen that yet.

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« Reply #899 on: June 03, 2021, 10:46:38 AM »

Its great to be hopeful but prepare your mind and heart for the worst. At this time in my life If a man gives me anxiety to read I leave him alone because my sanity comes first. If at this age we can’t be upfront then we don’t need to date. I also don’t want to self sabotage anything good with a reading. Good luck to u hun

Wow that is amazing that she called you to make sure you were ok, this month has been my worst so far, I feel like I am turning into someone who isn't happy and I can't stop feeling like I've been ripped apart, I am trying to focus on things that make me happy and I truly am taking a step away from POI. Not only were we best friends but he was my person and I feel a negative shift from him. I am currently working on my house and expanding upstairs and he is an electrician so he has been working with me on it, I paid him half ahead of time and there is still things he hasn't completed. I also paid him last summer to fix my pool motor outlets, they were flipping and he hasn't helped since asked, he was coming last Thursday but I had friends coming over so I told him lets reschedule he said Sunday so Sunday came and he never reached out or even tried to call or come, I texted him because it was raining all day that I didn't hear from him but it wasn't the weather to be working outside either so can we reschedule for Monday, he said he needed to go see his dad Monday so Tuesday would be better... Tuesday came and went and again no text, I was frustrated and texted him not in a petty way but just saying how its just inconsiderate how he couldn't even text if he wasn't going to make it. He replied hours later sorry my grandma passed away, which now I feel horrible so I sent the sorry for your loss and condolence text and he said thank you and that he was sorry he didn't make it over... still no mention of when he can come or to reschedule.. I texted him yesterday I hope you are felling ok and he replied yes I feel fine lol... so he seems to be doing ok yet again not a care in the world about helping me with what he said he would so I honestly don't even know where to go from here... other than to remove my energy from him and heal because this is not healthy for me... I truly hope Kisha is right seeing him coming around, and many have said they see him returning so idk... Bona did say she sees him still in the picture in every reading and that he is putting more effort in but I haven't seen that yet.