Author Topic: ARIES INTUITION - NEW OFFICIAL THREAD  (Read 367968 times)

Offline jhuskindle

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« Reply #60 on: June 19, 2020, 06:06:10 PM »
Thank you Seeker and Massine! I will live. As Kisha as always said, everything will unfold as it should, whether or not I get a reading. I just went ahead and booked a reading with Yona, hoping there are slots available for August. I read with her last August, then February, and so I want to complete the cycle this august. May God help me. Idk how, but after that i have to find a way to let go and be grateful for all the blessings i already have instead of drowning in sorrow over what isnt meant for me. It will be painful but life has to go on. Right now my goal is to just survive until tomorrow. Just make it through tonight. I know it gets better. A day at a time!

Dont worry too much, she didnt connect with me at all, said opposites of things that happened. Not all psychics connect. Yona, Ive had some pass, and I am sure more will, becuase things she predicted I didntbelieve at all, came true, a year later. So dont worry if Aries said no, she is short sighted. Remember to choose psychics that are accurate FOR YOU and test them on some short terms.

Offline jhuskindle

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« Reply #61 on: June 19, 2020, 06:43:19 PM »
This is great advice. I actually feel alot better. I have a feeling u r a psychic. I just get that feeling from the way u speak on the issue. Yes, Kisha has gotten many things wrong for me actually. And a few months ago she got a huge prediction wrong for me too. All my predictions with Yona are long term, like years out. The only short term prediction she gave was a financial hit i would get a few weeks after my first reading. I got a irs hit a few weeks later. So maybe I connect better with her. What i dont get with kisha is: what was she seeing? Like last yr she predicted a short term lover, described their looks, and behavior and nothing happened. So what was she seeing in her visions? Why didnt it happen. But i will keep ur advice with me going forward......’test the connection with short term predictions.’ I feel alot better. I mean, she could still turn out right on this, but your words have lifted my spirit!!

I used to be a reader! I dont do it anymore. Its kind of hard, people really dont want to hear ANYTHING of what they consider negative so they review you poorly. I was sick of putting on rose colored glasses for them, I believe people should be prepared for these things, not side swiped, thats why I would still tell them  if something negative was coming. That said, Ive also read with TONS of people on this board. Of them only a few stuck, I think its important not to take a psychic too seriously until things come true. And remember what they see as "so negative" can sometimes be a small blip on your radar, like a financial setback, or an upcoming rejection from a partner. Doesnt mean the partner wont eventually accept, just that they can only see a limited view, or rather, short term.

I was a big picture psychic and the problem with that is no one believes you. For example, yes you will et engaged, in a few years and itwill be up and down. 6 mo later, big breakup, SHE WAS WRONG!!!!! then another 6 mo later Actually she turned out right! Then 6 mo again, SHE WAS WRONG WE BROKE UP FOR GOOD THIS TIME then 6 MORE months she was right he came with a ring!!!

So, all types of psychics have their positives and negatives. Some are good for short term upcoming events, some are good for big picture. You cant really judge until years later. Which is why we have this forum, so we can keep up with each for years.

Offline Bg2020

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« Reply #62 on: June 19, 2020, 06:56:17 PM »
Hi --

I've been on a quest to find answers -- so I read with -- what seems every psychic known to man -- and I still don't have answers as time frames given are for later this year and next year -- so to help me process all the information I have put a simple website together (this way I have control of my story) where I'll put the transcripts of all my readings. I haven't finished doing all the transcripts -- takes a lot of time!

Just finished with the transcripts with readings I had with Kisha -- Not a lot has happened yet....Had a hit from her regarding a home improvement she saw in my first reading.

 So here we are -- I hope this helps someone.

Offline massine

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« Reply #63 on: June 20, 2020, 02:19:13 AM »
She couldn't connect with me 😭

Offline Bg2020

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« Reply #64 on: June 20, 2020, 06:14:23 PM »
Hey -- just ask for a general reading and let her talk -- no specific questions....hope this helps!

Offline staircasewondering

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« Reply #65 on: June 20, 2020, 11:54:55 PM »
Thanks for weighing in! Her site says no general readings though. Any idea why that is?

You can order a general email reading though today is the last day to purchase an email reading since she’s going on a brief break doing them until end of August or September, but still she’s still doing phone call readings.

Offline frozenfox

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« Reply #66 on: June 21, 2020, 02:07:17 AM »
Thanks for weighing in! Her site says no general readings though. Any idea why that is?
She used to have a general reading option for calling but I don't see it there anymore...

Offline Intheotherside

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« Reply #67 on: June 21, 2020, 03:37:45 AM »
If I am not wrong, she had a date in her website asking to order general readings until mid June (I cannot remember the exact date). I believe she is taking a break.

Offline frozenfox

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« Reply #68 on: June 21, 2020, 03:40:05 AM »
If I am not wrong, she had a date in her website asking to order general readings until mid June (I cannot remember the exact date). I believe she is taking a break.
I thought that was for email general readings only

Offline Piggynose

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« Reply #69 on: June 21, 2020, 05:34:02 PM »
She will tell you right away if she doesn’t connect and you can try again at a later date. She wasn’t able to connect with me over the phone the first time. I waited like a month or so and then tried her email readings and she’s been able to connect with me that way ever since.

Offline Bg2020

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« Reply #70 on: June 22, 2020, 06:27:23 PM »
Hi -- How accurate is Kisha when she picks up where I'm going to be emotionally? I had a reading with her recently, and she said that the biggest change will be my emotional state in the winter months....I can't wait for that! I was just wondering -- how good is she at predicting that?  ;) ;) ;)

from the reading:

"The biggest change that I'm seeing here is that you're going to be in a position here that -- Yes, I do see that there's going to be some changes when it comes to your love life, but the biggest change that I see here is how you're are viewing things -- how you feel about your life is -- and you being just very comfortable here -- There's a transformation that you've gone through that puts you in a position where you are very content where the space that you are in -- once we get to the winter months I actually get you feeling a though there are some changes on an emotional level -- not that there is any issues with confidence -- but you kind of  have this additional upload -- definitely feel like you're going to be in a stronger period here. Ending of a cycle here that you've been for a few years. That is a good thing."

Offline Just FYI

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« Reply #71 on: June 22, 2020, 06:30:16 PM »
Hi -- How accurate is Kisha when she picks up where I'm going to be emotionally? I had a reading with her recently, and she said that the biggest change will be my emotional state in the winter months....I can't wait for that! I was just wondering -- how good is she at predicting that?  ;) ;) ;)

from the reading:

"The biggest change that I'm seeing here is that you're going to be in a position here that -- Yes, I do see that there's going to be some changes when it comes to your love life, but the biggest change that I see here is how you're are viewing things -- how you feel about your life is -- and you being just very comfortable here -- There's a transformation that you've gone through that puts you in a position where you are very content where the space that you are in -- once we get to the winter months I actually get you feeling a though there are some changes on an emotional level -- not that there is any issues with confidence -- but you kind of  have this additional upload -- definitely feel like you're going to be in a stronger period here. Ending of a cycle here that you've been for a few years. That is a good thing."

She has been accurate for me in this area. This is a wonderful prediction and something to look forward to!

Offline Bg2020

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« Reply #72 on: June 22, 2020, 06:32:58 PM »
Just FYI tks for the reply!!! I can't wait.  :) :) :) :)

Offline CancerBumble

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« Reply #73 on: June 23, 2020, 06:52:23 PM »
Thank you for sharing your experience!
I know that we don't all connect with every reader and vice versa. I read with her because of the threads, but her words didn't resonate with me from the get go and I'm not a "tell me what I want to hear" client. She also wasn't very friendly. She seemed a little rushed. I will let you guys know if her predictions were right.

I really recommend the email reading. I think she does better when she does those.

Offline Jili1945

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« Reply #74 on: June 26, 2020, 12:15:21 AM »
The other thing I thought was very interesting is that I have seen a lot of posts where people say that Yona and Kisha often seem to provide the same/matching predictions. This was not my experience. As a matter of fact, they are polar opposites on a big prediction I'm waiting on.

Yona and Kisha have totally different style. Yona is a card reader and fortune teller and Kisha is a Psychic. I don't really know how we can compare these two with each other. I never had any overlap between their predictions.