Author Topic: ARIES INTUITION - NEW OFFICIAL THREAD  (Read 368046 times)

Offline Jili1945

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« Reply #45 on: June 15, 2020, 09:30:54 PM »
Well, Kisha refunded me. Couldn't connect :( How long should I wait before trying her again?

I think you can go back any time :)

Offline frozenfox

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« Reply #46 on: June 15, 2020, 09:33:38 PM »
Well, Kisha refunded me. Couldn't connect :( How long should I wait before trying her again?

Bummer! I’ve been lucky she always has connected with me. Others have said in her old thread that after waiting a few weeks they tried again and she connected.
I guess I'll just wait a week or two and call her instead of going for email :'(

Offline jhuskindle

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« Reply #47 on: June 16, 2020, 08:35:17 PM »
She hasnt been accurate for me at all, said a guy wasnt interested in me, he ended up proposing. Said one guy would MAYBE be interested, we got together last year. I tried her 3 times, 3 subjects, none were accurate. I simply just dont get a connection for her. Not knocking her CLEAR skill, a psychic CAN not connect with one person and still be right for almost everyone. The reviews spoke for themselves. But she has never been right for me.

Offline serenejoy

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« Reply #48 on: June 17, 2020, 12:22:33 AM »
I am just finding out about this reader from this forum, seems to work well for a lot of people. Does she not provide any time-frames? I noticed her site states that but from reading a lot of your reviews she has given time-frames so I'm just a bit confused. My main question/theme for short-term is a timeframe related question. Of course I am interested in other aspects but due to the nature of my question, it's very important to me.

Offline serenejoy

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« Reply #49 on: June 17, 2020, 12:44:22 AM »
I just purchased an email reading for one question to try her out - does she need names and date of birth for myself and the poi?

Offline Jili1945

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« Reply #50 on: June 17, 2020, 12:45:54 AM »
I am just finding out about this reader from this forum, seems to work well for a lot of people. Does she not provide any time-frames? I noticed her site states that but from reading a lot of your reviews she has given time-frames so I'm just a bit confused. My main question/theme for short-term is a timeframe related question. Of course I am interested in other aspects but due to the nature of my question, it's very important to me.

She does provide timeframe if she sees. I always ask her clearly when it happens and she answers if she gets any (on phone). She is very accurate in timeframe in near future. In email, I try to ask implicitly. Even if you don't ask, most of the time she associates predictions with a timeframe.

Offline Jili1945

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« Reply #51 on: June 17, 2020, 12:47:46 AM »
I just purchased an email reading for one question to try her out - does she need names and date of birth for myself and the poi?

Just names (both parties).

Offline serenejoy

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« Reply #52 on: June 17, 2020, 12:54:29 AM »
Thank you!!! I just sent my email. So she always responds around the 14th day or anytime between those days?

Offline serenejoy

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« Reply #53 on: June 17, 2020, 01:07:06 AM »
Oh darn! LOL. It's amazing to me how someone doesn't need any background and can do a full email reading lol. Are they usually long or like a paragraph? i have no idea what to expect lol

Offline serenejoy

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« Reply #54 on: June 17, 2020, 01:14:49 AM »
Have any of her past predictions happened for you? I fear she will be negative because I'm going through a lot of stress right now. Hopefully within a few days its different and i'm more relaxed so she can get a good read.

Offline kacee8796

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« Reply #55 on: June 18, 2020, 02:09:21 AM »
Not 100% sure yet but I may have had a hit with Kisha. Kisha predicted that I was going to meet someone new while I still have unfinished business with a person from my past. (I was about to call him my POI, but I think I'm at a point where I don't care, and it feels weird to call him that now. Progress!) Well, I recently met someone new. We've been mainly talking since the world's a bit chaotic right now, but he matches her description so far, and I definitely get the feeling that if this does go anywhere, it won't develop quickly, like she said. Many people predict the person from my past returning in the summertime/towards the end of summer and me having to choose between 2 people. This may be it. Thought this was worth sharing!

Offline seeker123

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« Reply #56 on: June 19, 2020, 03:48:11 AM »
Oh darn! LOL. It's amazing to me how someone doesn't need any background and can do a full email reading lol. Are they usually long or like a paragraph? i have no idea what to expect lol

Well, my first email read with her was nearly 3 pages of negatives, ended with : “Thank you for your purchase. Have a great weekend.” LoL. She is a straight shooter and for me, her email readings, well her general email readings, have always been detailed! One question reads usually go a few paragraphs. Im currently awaiting a one question read due this week. I asked her abt my poi for the final time! It has always been: “... has romantic feelings, but there is no action attached to the thoughts.” Hopefully this one is more positive!

So I decided to read abt poi for the final time with Kisha and got my reading back today. This was the most negative and depressing of them all. Pretty much all she sees is some slight communication somewhere in the future. Wow, talk abt devastating. Yona says it would take time but she sees reunion. Im very confused and disheartened now and at this point my hope has died. I am going to do one final reading with Yona in August (official 1 yr mark since I first read with her) then depart the psychic ship.

So sorry to hear that! Hope you find some peace with your situation soon!

Offline massine

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« Reply #57 on: June 19, 2020, 03:52:38 AM »
pRoFeSsOr777 if only I lived closer to you, we could've popped a bottle of wine and drank our sorrows away! I'm waiting on a reading from her and I'm just starting to think those who see my poi coming back are either picking up a future ex or are giving false hope. We deserve our prince charmings already!! Love to you, hope you find happiness elsewhere soon <3

Offline happyk

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« Reply #58 on: June 19, 2020, 05:47:40 AM »
Since, there is a new thread for Kisha, I think I should share my experiences with her. I have shared my story on a different post here and here is the link for that:,5506.15.html

So, my first reading with Kisha was in 2019 Mar/Apr and I got a general reading from her. She saw that I was expecting communication with someone and without me mentioning anything she went on to saying I will never hear from this guy and went on to describing him physically and she was right. She predicted that I would meet this guy in Spring 2020 and I would travel with him in April 2020 and that would be associated with family. Fast forward, I met him in Nov 2019 and we booked a trip to a different state to meet my cousin and my aunt for April which we had to cancel because of this pandemic. In the same reading, she had also mentioned that I will be doing some exploring but also spending quite some alone time. I did some traveling but at the same time I also kept to myself a lot, I still do.

In the same reading, she also said that she saw some financial growth for me in June or 6 months and there will be a dark haired man involved and when I asked her if she saw me quit my then job she didn't think so. Well, I quit and I started a new job very end of Sept and I was hired by a dark haired man my pay was quite a bit more than my previous job. She had said though that I might want change in my work environment around that time which I desperately did and left. So, she was only partially correct with this prediction.

My next reading with her was in the beginning of Sept and I was desperately looking for another job. Love wasn't my main concern then, however in the beginning of the reading she picked up on this man who sounded like a different man than from my previous reading with her. She also thought we might have already met. She told me there will be further contact in 2 which she said Nov or Feb 2020. End of November, I meet this man. I still hadn't recognized this guy from either of her readings. Few months after we had been together, when I went back and listened to both the readings, I realized that she had described the same guy just different attributes of the same guy. In the Sept reading, she had said in 3 months I would travel and it would be a spur of the moment thing and not something that I would have planned. My boyfriend asked me to go to Hawaii with him and his friends in January and everything was planned, I had to do absolutely nothing.

When I asked her about my job she said either in 4 so 4 weeks or 4 months and I started a new job at the end of Sept which puts it at 4 weeks. She also told me that I would get a job where I will be interviewed by 2 men and she was right about that. However, that job was the one of the worst thing that ever happened to me and she failed to see/mention that. So, although her predictions were right about the job, i don't think I got the full picture.

I spoke with her during the pandemic and I asked her job specific questions and none of the predictions came to pass during that time. She did pick up a few peculiar things but nothing she said about my potential work came to pass. So, I decided to get a general reading from her but those predictions are not for anytime soon.

So, in my experience general readings are always better than question specific readings. I do not have patience to wait for 3 weeks to get email readings so, I just go for a phone reading. She did once pick up a past event to be a future event. Also, I do not know if she never saw it or it's not ethical but I had an accident which she did not pick up on during my first reading. However, during my second reading, she said that she saw an event that happened in the past which was a turning point for me and after that accident everything in my life did turn upside down.

I had a few other question specific readings in between and none of her positive predictions came to pass. She also had said no to something and I was quite disheartened however, to my relief she was completely wrong. Still, I would read with Kisha before anyone else. A lot of psychics have completely failed me so Kisha's 70% accuracy is all I need.

Offline Realrealwater

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« Reply #59 on: June 19, 2020, 06:36:33 AM »
How do you guys read with her from the UK through phone? I saw oh her website she doesn’t do skype or whatsapp...
I remember wondering this for so long& happyk’s post reminded me

