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Hi -- How accurate is Kisha when she picks up where I'm going to be emotionally? I had a reading with her recently, and she said that the biggest change will be my emotional state in the winter months....I can't wait for that! I was just wondering -- how good is she at predicting that? ;) ;) ;)
from the reading:
"The biggest change that I'm seeing here is that you're going to be in a position here that -- Yes, I do see that there's going to be some changes when it comes to your love life, but the biggest change that I see here is how you're are viewing things -- how you feel about your life is -- and you being just very comfortable here -- There's a transformation that you've gone through that puts you in a position where you are very content where the space that you are in -- once we get to the winter months I actually get you feeling a though there are some changes on an emotional level -- not that there is any issues with confidence -- but you kind of have this additional upload -- definitely feel like you're going to be in a stronger period here. Ending of a cycle here that you've been for a few years. That is a good thing."
Just FYI:
--- Quote from: Bg2020 on June 22, 2020, 06:27:23 PM ---Hi -- How accurate is Kisha when she picks up where I'm going to be emotionally? I had a reading with her recently, and she said that the biggest change will be my emotional state in the winter months....I can't wait for that! I was just wondering -- how good is she at predicting that? ;) ;) ;)
from the reading:
"The biggest change that I'm seeing here is that you're going to be in a position here that -- Yes, I do see that there's going to be some changes when it comes to your love life, but the biggest change that I see here is how you're are viewing things -- how you feel about your life is -- and you being just very comfortable here -- There's a transformation that you've gone through that puts you in a position where you are very content where the space that you are in -- once we get to the winter months I actually get you feeling a though there are some changes on an emotional level -- not that there is any issues with confidence -- but you kind of have this additional upload -- definitely feel like you're going to be in a stronger period here. Ending of a cycle here that you've been for a few years. That is a good thing."
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She has been accurate for me in this area. This is a wonderful prediction and something to look forward to!
Just FYI tks for the reply!!! I can't wait. :) :) :) :)
--- Quote from: JackY on June 23, 2020, 06:13:36 PM ---Thank you for sharing your experience!
I know that we don't all connect with every reader and vice versa. I read with her because of the threads, but her words didn't resonate with me from the get go and I'm not a "tell me what I want to hear" client. She also wasn't very friendly. She seemed a little rushed. I will let you guys know if her predictions were right.
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I really recommend the email reading. I think she does better when she does those.
--- Quote from: JackY on June 23, 2020, 08:51:36 PM ---The other thing I thought was very interesting is that I have seen a lot of posts where people say that Yona and Kisha often seem to provide the same/matching predictions. This was not my experience. As a matter of fact, they are polar opposites on a big prediction I'm waiting on.
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Yona and Kisha have totally different style. Yona is a card reader and fortune teller and Kisha is a Psychic. I don't really know how we can compare these two with each other. I never had any overlap between their predictions.
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