Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services


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--- Quote from: JackY on June 20, 2020, 08:47:51 PM ---Thanks for weighing in! Her site says no general readings though. Any idea why that is?

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You can order a general email reading though today is the last day to purchase an email reading since she’s going on a brief break doing them until end of August or September, but still she’s still doing phone call readings.


--- Quote from: JackY on June 20, 2020, 08:47:51 PM ---Thanks for weighing in! Her site says no general readings though. Any idea why that is?

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She used to have a general reading option for calling but I don't see it there anymore...

If I am not wrong, she had a date in her website asking to order general readings until mid June (I cannot remember the exact date). I believe she is taking a break.


--- Quote from: Intheotherside on June 21, 2020, 03:37:45 AM ---If I am not wrong, she had a date in her website asking to order general readings until mid June (I cannot remember the exact date). I believe she is taking a break.

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I thought that was for email general readings only

She will tell you right away if she doesn’t connect and you can try again at a later date. She wasn’t able to connect with me over the phone the first time. I waited like a month or so and then tried her email readings and she’s been able to connect with me that way ever since.


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