Is she usually correct in her description of new love interests? She has described a new person for me and she has given physical characteristics and also character traits. I’m just wondering how accurate she is with those.
I just asked a general question as I wanted to try her again after having a positive experience with her long ago in '16. I'd asked two specific and one general at the time. On the love interest at that time, she was absolutely bang on. I made the mistake of asking about a rando app guy and she was not as harsh about him as she should have been but she did raise a few flags.
The general love was the first I got from her and she predicted a new love interest, she said spring-this reading was in Jan '16-and it turned out that she was most likely seeing the KoW1 whom I met the spring after. the physical traits are a fairly good match... Some personality traits match. but if he'd been the guy she described in terms of stable profession and mature etc, it'd have been a whole diff story.
So I feel like she was able to get physical traits right, at least.
Interesting to see what she sees come up this time. Hopefully not a dud of a reading.