Hi all. It's been a long while again since I've been back and updated. Last time I was here I think was way back in like September or October. I've seen many questions about Kisha/Aries' timing. Some of her biggest events came to pass YEARS later. For the new folks, I'll list them here. It should be noted that I've been talking to her since 2010 and she hasn't been wrong yet. Maybe there were some things she didn't tell me but that's because she wasn't shown said things and I'll update on my situation in a minute.
1. I had been in a relationship with someone for 6 years and she never saw anyone new until April of 2018. She said I'd have a slow start with a male and she gave his physical description, personality type and some other descriptions. She said I'd meet him in a 4 (she thought April of 2019) and she said it'd be in the warmer months. Long story short, didn't meet this man until the very end of April 2021, yes, 3 entire years later. Everything she said about him was to the exact T, but man has there been some crazy things that happened since being with him but it's all way better now.\
2. My father passed away in August of 2017. Had a reading with her regarding a lawsuit I was pursuing at that time regarding my dad's death. I was trying to sue a nursing home because he had metastatic cancer and they just fed him sugar (if they fed him at all), they neglected him and left him in soiled diapers etc. He ended up dying of sepsis from a sore that got infected. Long story short, I was having a problem finding an attorney that would take my case and I asked Kisha about it. She told me in October of 2017 that I would indeed find an attorney that would help me out but that it would take awhile for me to find him, and yes, she specifically said it was a male attorney that would take my case. I had given up on that lawsuit about a month or so later. Fast forward to December of 2020, I seen an add on YouTube regarding Zantac aka Ranitidine causing cancer in people and there was a massive tort lawsuit going. My father was prescribed the Ranitidine and took it on and off since 2010 and I remembered that. There also was no history on my father's side of anyone ever having cancer so when my dad was diagnosed with the bladder cancer back then, I was shocked. So, indeed, I did find that attorney to take my case, albeit it's over the cause of my dad's cancer rather than the original reason for suing. And it is also a male attorney. I expect settlement from this case by the end of the year. So, yes, another 3 years later, her event came to pass.
Regarding my last review on here when I said the boyfriend thing was a nightmare and he was doing drugs, well things are totally opposite now. He quit drugs, started eating healthy, working out, works like a horse at his job etc. He's a totally different person, in a good way now. He's been clean and sober since Christmas Eve and Kisha also told me back in October that he wouldn't get it together until the end of January. She was right. While he quit the drugs at the end of December, he took a few weeks to recover and go through certain withdrawals etc. Then, literally right at the end of January, on January 24th to be exact, he started a new job, the eating healthy, and the working out. He's been consistent with all of it since then. I'm pretty shocked and amazed.
One more huge thing I'm still waiting on was from a reading I had with her in August of 2020 and again in August of 2021. That thing is for my own healing and recovery. I am agoraphobic with panic disorder and have been stuck and trapped in my home for almost 16 years now. The very first time Kisha ever mentioned any kind of healing, recovery, and overcoming for me regarding this was in a general reading in August of 2020 when she said that I would go through a major breakdown and it would be really bad (I did go through a horrible breakdown that lasted from January of 2021 up to now) but that I would also have this massive breakthrough when it was over. I'd find a healing mechanism that actually worked for me and I'd be happy, healthy, full of energy etc. She said she saw fire around me in the winter months but it wasn't a literal fire (her seeing fire around me still scares me lol). She said it was just me doing so great in life and feeling so great in life again. Then in August of 2021 I was about to move again and it was into the same exact apartment, not just the complex, but the exact apartment unit that I lived in when this agoraphobia first started. She told me there was a reason for me coming back here and that I would come out of here and completely different person. I would come out stronger, healthier, full of energy, and happy. In 2021 I developed a new phobia of being alone and it was so much hell. I had to take a benzo almost everyday and I hate pharmaceuticals of any kind. I am just now starting to feel alright being alone again without having to take the benzo daily. Now I just have issues at night time but even that is starting to diminish. Anyway, I found this fantastic orthomolecular doctor that I'm so blessed to have found and he's helping me tremendously. It's all vitamin, mineral, amino acid, adrenal, and hormone issues. Once I'm all balanced out, I'll be back to normal, no more panic, no more weird paranoid thoughts, and out of the house agoraphobia free. I can feel it coming. She's going to be right again. By winter of this year, I'll be everything she saw back in 2020 I feel. This healing modality is going to be the thing that fixes me. I will definitely be overly excited to come back and update everyone on that last major event she saw for me.
That's all for now. I hope everyone is doing so great and all of your dreams and wishes come true. Many blessings be with you all <3