I had a general reading from Kisha in Oct last year (2020).
In it she wrote a long paragraph about a slow moving relationship starting to pick up in the "next 12 months"..
It goes on to explain that the man is apprehensive, but he is just waiting for the right time for him and me to be together, then I'll see a "big change".
She said, I won't feel he is absent because he is making an effort to keep things flowing... but it may not move as fast as I want and I may feel as if nothing is happening.
She finishes the paragraph by explaining that she sees more contentment in my love life in the next 1-2 years.
Well.. no slow moving relationship has started over the 12 months since the reading.
In fact, what did happen was me finding out a month after this written reading, that a Man I was hoping would be in my life - someone I had dated on occasion and had a very strong connection with - is with someone else and never told me...
As such, there has certainly been no contentment in my love life - quite the reverse...I've watched his relationship progress with another woman.. overseas.. for the entire 12 months and it's torn me apart..
Does anyone know if the timing could just be out?
If if it is 100% wrong...
if 12 months could mean something else?
I even wondered if she had mixed me up with the woman the man I mentioned is with...as their relationship has certainly progressed... and also - this man is very apprehensive.. and slow moving...
Any idea what has happened?
I was so hopeful love would manifest... :-(