Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services
--- Quote from: Amour on July 01, 2020, 07:32:36 AM ---So overall she is more accurate on email than phone calls?
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I've only ever read with Kisha twice.
My first email with her was in late April and my most recent was yesterday with the love general call. I was ready for her to tell me there was going to be a new woman coming in but to my surprise it was all about POI.
She said the same thing to me in both email (specific question about POI) and the love general phone call but I liked the call better. I felt we connected more over phone because she gave me more details. So either she will be right or wrong for me when the time passes since there are no differences in the readings she gave me.
Has Kisha ever said this to anyone about their connection with their POI/a future romantic connection?
"I kind of get that with this connection with what I’m seeing….. I feel as though there’s a sense of looking at an image, like in a mirror or so. There’s something about a level of understanding each other or something about your connection with this person you may feel as though it’s something familiar or you may feel as though this is someone that you’re supposed to connect with for whatever reason."
--- Quote from: happyk on July 01, 2020, 07:07:50 AM ---
--- Quote from: jolimano on July 01, 2020, 03:25:31 AM ---Just received my email reading from Kisha.
Negative outcome...I think? She is clear with her writing but I'm a little confused if my reading is set in stone or if it's for a certain time out. If anyone has spare time to give, I'd like opinions on my reading please. :)
Have her outcomes turned out opposite for anyone?
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Yes, I had asked her about something very specifically and she said it was unlikely that would happen. However, exactly the opposite of what she said happened which was fortunate for me. I am a really huge fan of hers but this one time exactly opposite of what she predicted happened and many times what she said never happened. I hope that helps.
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It does, I appreciate it!
Huge and I mean HUGE hit from Kisha. She told me she saw a “4” where I would be recognized at work and have a noticeable change financially. I got a call today from the owner of the company. Starting July 4th I will be getting an increase of $25000 per year and a $10000 signing bonus! This was TOTALLY out of the blue and unexpected. I am blown away not by the raise alone but that she said this and at the time I was thinking work very rarely goes through any small changes much less large ones like this. PD also said change in income but I didn’t ask for anything more on the subject. She also picked it up but Kisha NAILED it y’all.God I hope the rest of her reading is correct!
--- Quote from: frozenfox on July 01, 2020, 01:49:42 PM ---Has Kisha ever said this to anyone about their connection with their POI/a future romantic connection?
"I kind of get that with this connection with what I’m seeing….. I feel as though there’s a sense of looking at an image, like in a mirror or so. There’s something about a level of understanding each other or something about your connection with this person you may feel as though it’s something familiar or you may feel as though this is someone that you’re supposed to connect with for whatever reason."
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She didn't say that in my reading!
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