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How to avoid a judgmental reader???

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Can anyone give some tips on how to know if a reader is judgemental before scheduling a reading with them? I know that sounds odd to ask but there is nothing worse then someone who  puts their 2 cents into the reading rather than just telling you what they pick up.


--- Quote from: Love2lovenj on June 03, 2020, 11:57:38 PM ---Can anyone give some tips on how to know if a reader is judgemental before scheduling a reading with them? I know that sounds odd to ask but there is nothing worse then someone who  puts their 2 cents into the reading rather than just telling you what they pick up.

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I do not think I have ever had a judgmental reader. I have had a few readers with bad attitudes and readers that acted like I was wasting their time. I would not classify them as judgmental though. I never felt I was personally being judged, but just that they were in a  bad mood or irritated about something else.

I ve two judgmental readers: tara from cp( she is good though so I can deal with it) and kelly callaghan


--- Quote from: Carmendiaz on June 04, 2020, 01:07:07 AM ---I ve two judgmental readers: tara from cp( she is good though so I can deal with it) and kelly callaghan

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Omg Tara is so judgey I read with her 3 years ago and that was it

Ugh...Leanne. Don’t ever tell her that your POI is an ex or whatever. All aboard the judgment train, to include stops at: “I don’t know why women bother” town and “my latest book that isn’t selling so well is on Amazon, you should read it” ville. Jesus.


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