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Kassie vs Autumn Rivers

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Kassie vs Autumn Rivers..Who do I trust ? They gave opposite  outcomes

kassie is not good at relationship reading, especially when the love is not strong & not mature. she is not an empath, she just doesnt pick up feelings if it is not strong
autumn rivers i tried her before; she was wrong for me.

Thank you

--- Quote from: pfizer on June 04, 2020, 03:35:06 AM ---kassie is not good at relationship reading, especially when the love is not strong & not mature. she is not an empath, she just doesnt pick up feelings if it is not strong
autumn rivers i tried her before; she was wrong for me.

--- End quote ---

Kassie Kai, was wrong for me twice. Autumn River, I really dont know what to say about her, I also feel she has no empathic skills she is a plain card reader, she picked some things right, but still I felt she missed major parts of his personality thus couldnt explain his behavior.
I think the best card readers on Bitwine is Miss Ann & Angel Readings, they both nailed down my pois personality very accurately. Prediction wise though I stick to those strong empaths, such as ST & Ari.
Rares Mandare is also good with cards.

I asked Kassie a very simple question once. Will X reply to my message? Not when, or what will they say... just yes or no. She said yes. He never, ever replied. Even a non psychic person without tarot or any tools had a 50/50 chance of being right. I also don’t  like her for other reasons I won’t bore you with.


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