Author Topic: Seha  (Read 34961 times)

Offline optx88

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Re: Seha
« Reply #60 on: August 24, 2011, 07:06:37 PM »
i had asked Seha about a friendship as well...i wasn't sure if i was being too sensitive or if I was handling it correctly...that was all that I asked...and she told me to stay back...she told me that we would be in each others lives...but our friendship wouldn't be good again for about a year. (which i can see this being possible...just not as close as it once was)

She described her personality perfecctly and picked up on the guy and described him as well.  Everytime I had pulled back from my friend she kept pushing forward and we are now no longer friends.

Seha said its all based on ego with her...and that is so regards to some jerkhead she is seeing and in regards to me...because i caught her in lie after lie and she was freaking out.  She became hurtful during the process and will take a year or so for me to be in a decent place with her...but at this point....I don't want to be...there really is too much darkness that follows her.

I hope your friend comes around...if he had feelings for you that makes it harder to predict...i'm sure his ego is bruised and he may feel a little embarrassed which will make him move a little slower...if he doesn' will be something that he will always look back at and regret.

Offline lightme

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Re: Seha
« Reply #61 on: September 01, 2011, 07:11:44 PM »
just read with seha, first time. not bad at all. i said not bad because she was able to picked up on the other the two persons involved in my situation. she also disagrees that my guy is a jerk.

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Seha
« Reply #62 on: September 01, 2011, 08:57:48 PM »
Seha has always been able to pick up on things with me that are happening in the present, even things I never mentioned to her. She would just suddenly ask me if this certain thing was happening and I would have to tell her yes it was. But the predictions still havent happened for the outcome, but to this day she still sticks to her guns and swears it will. Who knows? Im doing my best to move on but its so hard sometime. I truly dont understand how a woman can still feel love for someone that never even attempts to talk to her or anything.
I havent called CP in a while now. Im doing great at resisting the urge and to tell you the truth, I dont even want to talk to them anymore. But I did see a lady on a television show and I looked her up on the net. She seems so real. Her testimonials are great. She is very expensive but I think Im gonna take a chance and try to talk with her in the next month or so. I will let you guys know how it goes and if she is good then I will give you her name and info. I just cant decide how to start the reading with her. I dont want to give her any more info than I have to. And her website says she likes for you to send photos of the persons you want her to read. I think Im going to try to phone her to ask exactly what kind of things she can see without photos. Anyway, I will let you guys know if I do read with her and how it goes.

Offline lightme

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Re: Seha
« Reply #63 on: September 01, 2011, 09:30:33 PM »

it puzzles me too why they keep giving you the fairytale when he is not even contacting you for so long. but you know what, never say never. maybe one day he is down with the woman he is with now and who knows what will happen?

i read seha's reviews, they said she would tell negative outcome too. or you could give ciarra a try, but i tell you, even though she told me negative outcome, i know she couldn't read my guy at all. she dished out the commitment phobia talk due to childhood thingy. she didn't nailed the very important issue that nina, seha and some others could. sorry i am still pissed with her. if i had listened to her i would be destroying a potentially good outcome.

also, putting psychics aside, you should trust your own intuition too. if my guy doesn't contact me for a long time, i will move on without calling the psychics. and if he comes back then you consider if you want him back, if not you had already moved on.

as for me, for the past two months, things are unfolding as told by the psychics. so i hope they will continue to happen.

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Seha
« Reply #64 on: September 01, 2011, 11:23:47 PM »
Yeah Lightme, I understand what youre saying. I know its been a very long time without contact of any kind. And I do talk to myself on a daily basis about putting it all behind me and moving on. I try to meet other people but everytime some man starts asking me out or acting interested, I seem to just cringe. I did go out with this one man about two months ago and we saw each other every weekend for about a month. Then after an overnight trip, I guess he saw that I wasnt really feeling that much, and I havent heard from him since. Oh well. No great loss, lol. There is just something deep in me that wont let go. Ive tried and tried. Thats why Im considering calling this other lady that has no affiliation to CP at all. She is one of those psychics that has worked on police cases and has the testimonials to back it up. She even had confidential reports that I assume the people signed releases for, that show that she reads medical things too. It showed things diagnosed by physicians after these people had a reading with this lady and she told them to go see their doctor. Shes been right a lot of times.
I did read with Ellen Hartwell also after I read about her from some of our friends here. I was upfront with her, and even told her if he wasnt coming back, I wanted to know that. I just wanted the truth. She swears she sees me getting contact and that he still has feelings but the circumstances are such that he doesnt want to give me hope until he is home again. Like I say, who knows? But it was funny that she told me the same as some of those at CP. I dont know why Im not convinced to just live my life and stop thinking about it but I cant. When I make coffee in the morning, Im reminded of making coffee for us. When I cook, Im reminded of me cooking for him and him cooking for me. It doesnt seem to matter what Im doing, something always makes me think of him. Another funny thing too, Gina Rose in my first reading with her, told me it would be 3 to 4 years. This was two and a half years ago. Then I read with Raziel in the spring. I only asked him to look at love/relationships for me. He immediately said I had met someone within the past 5 yrs. I confirmed and told him it was 3 yrs ago this past March. He said I was in a 5 yr span for things coming to fruition. He described this mans personality, things in his past, lots of stuff that I couldnt deny. He is another that said I would get another chance.
Anyway, Ive decided to read with this new lady and take whatever she tells me and then focus completely on me. At that time, I will most likely come and post what she tells me for you guys, then Im out of here and out of anything that concerns psychics until I see something happen. If and when it does, I will be sure to come back here and report. But I think that is the only way Im going to get past this whole thing.
I know I sound crazy for still loving this man. But I think I honestly found and felt what true love really is, and its very hard to give up on that feeling. To be honest with you all, I dont think I will ever be with anyone else in a serious relationship. I just cant see myself caring for anyone else the way I cared about him. It was and is unconditional love. And thats what we are all looking for.

Offline lightme

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Re: Seha
« Reply #65 on: September 02, 2011, 02:18:20 AM »
4ever,i know what you mean about your feelings towards your guy. i love my guy as much as you do, i believe. if things don't work out, i feel that i will let nature take its course whether i will or can move on or not. i don't think i will even bother to date again because i don't feel like it. it is either him or nothing. really, i am prepared to live without a man until i can forget about him. if i couldn't, so be it. this is how i feel now and i think this is true love. what we had was very deep, my guy should be feeling this same way too, if not, he is not what i want anyway.

time will resolve things for us ultimately. let's turn a lemon into a lemonade, there are things to learn from all these.

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Seha
« Reply #66 on: September 02, 2011, 10:58:30 AM »
I agree Lightme, Time to turn lemon into lemonade. There are always lessons to be learned. Im still not certain what those lessons are other than men can be such dogs and leave you hurting so badly that you never get over it. But I know thats not the lesson that we are supposed to learn. Ive tried looking at it from a lot of perspectives, tried seeing the bad things in our relationship. But honestly, there werent any bad things. We never fought. The only times we disagreed on small things, we agreed to disagree and ended up laughing or understanding each others point of view. I think the main lesson that I learned was not to give too much too soon. But now I cant find a man that measures up to what I want. I refuse to settle for just any man. He has to have the qualities that Im looking for, and if he doesnt then I will be alone too. Its much better than being with someone that you dont look forward to seeing or a man that dont yearn for his touch. I wont go through that.
This is going to be a new day for me. Focusing on me and my family, refreshing my house with some new paint, clean what Ive put off cleaning, lol. And I have a class reunion this weekend so that will help to get things off my mind for a little while. Its a start at least. Thanks for your understanding and support.

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Re: Seha
« Reply #67 on: January 07, 2012, 07:00:35 PM »
her prediction did not pan out...sorry to say but she's not that great (well for me)

Offline haileyn

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Re: Seha
« Reply #68 on: January 09, 2012, 01:22:21 AM »
Over the past couple of months I've had feelings described by Seha confirm by my ex, things he thought about in regards to me, etc. However, the timelines recently have been terrible but she still insists it's not over.

I asked her about school a couple of months ago, whether or not my petition to retake a particular class would go through. She said she sees it going through but it's going to be a though semester where all my focus will be on that one class. Sadly my petition was denied. I mean this isn't a freewill decision right? It's yes you'll get it or no you won't. This has made me lose faith in her.

Offline Shoe Gal

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Re: Seha
« Reply #69 on: January 25, 2012, 02:14:46 AM »
I know some of you mentioned reading with Seha outside of CP and that her rates are cheaper.  Can you tell me how I can find her on an alternate site, etc? 
Many thx :)

Offline haileyn

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Re: Seha
« Reply #70 on: January 25, 2012, 03:47:29 AM »

Offline haileyn

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Re: Seha
« Reply #71 on: July 05, 2012, 05:33:16 PM »
Maybe she isn't good at timing bc I know for me her time frame has been pushed back 7 months now, lol. I don't think it will happen at this point but I do know her to be a good empath because my ex told me word for word what she told me about how he felt. It's not the generic "I like you" or any like that.

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Re: Seha
« Reply #72 on: July 05, 2012, 05:34:15 PM »
I agree, she is definitely a good empath and she had gotten predictions right for me in the past.