Author Topic: Seha  (Read 35781 times)

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Seha
« Reply #45 on: August 04, 2011, 01:56:20 AM »
What site is she on?

Offline rainy16

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Re: Seha
« Reply #46 on: August 04, 2011, 03:35:27 PM »
She is on CP.

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Seha
« Reply #47 on: August 04, 2011, 09:43:25 PM »
Ive read with Seha many times during the past two years or so. Shes really good at picking up on some things but the main prediction has yet to manifest. But I remember about two years ago,I was asking her about the man that I was broken up with. She stopped and asked me if I was dating. I told her no I wasnt but that I did have a friend that I talked to a lot but there was no hope for anything as he is married. She told me that she felt that this man had fallen hopelessly in love with me. was only about two weeks later that he approached me and told me that very thing. Said that he had fallen in love and didnt know what to do about it, but just knew that he wanted so badly to be with me. Of course we are not together or anything. We do still remain friends but I would never break up a marriage, even though there is a big attraction and caring from both of us. So she was right about that. She has also hit on other things concerning my job and a pay cut that I was expecting. She didnt see any loss of income and she was right. Even though my hours were cut back, I got a raise and it compensated the loss that I had expected. Her timelines never pan out for me, but she still sticks to her guns about her predictions of this man returning to me at some point. She nor I even talk about the time anymore, she may give a timeline but I dont count on timelines from anyone anymore.

Offline rainy16

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Re: Seha
« Reply #48 on: August 04, 2011, 10:10:15 PM »
Wow - thanks for the validation 4ever :)
Have the timelines been way off? like by many months? For me she was on target with timing about 50% of the times.

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Seha
« Reply #49 on: August 05, 2011, 11:25:04 AM »
Hi Rainy, it seems the timelines are always off concerning this man. Even Seha has given up on the time, lol. But in one of the first readings she gave me a couple of years ago, she said he was going to be slow as molasses and she was right, lmao. The timeline of a pay increase was right on the money though. She said I would see a financial gain in May and thats when my bigger paychecks started to roll in. Someone else at CP, and I cant for the life of me remember who it was, told me I would be changing jobs at the first of April. I didnt actually change jobs but I did change agencies. Im a home health nurse and have worked for the same family for years, so Im still with the same patient but get paid by a different agency, so that was true. And the new agency took over on April 1st. Wish I could remember the reader that told me, but she was fairly new to CP at that time. If I can find that particular reading at CP in my history I will let you know who it was.
But as far as timelines with Seha, they never pan out for me, always off by months. And some of them havent happened yet. Feel really silly sometimes for hanging on. And in fact, Im learning to detach now, finally. Im finding myself to be calmer and less anxious if I let go of the predictions and not look for them to happen.
Has anyone here ever wished they had never had a psychic reading? Sometimes I do, lol.

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: Seha
« Reply #50 on: August 05, 2011, 01:32:44 PM »
If I'd never had a reading my cc bill would not give me anxiety attacks.

So has anyone had predictions come true with someone who is "slow as molasses"? I have one of those men in my life.

Sometimes I think I am being sucked back in for more readings ie you get a timeline of a month, it passes, you call and the cycle continues.

But I've taken to bringing up a new guy that I think likes me at work. I then think if the above is true, wouldn't they encourage me to move on to the new guy just knowing it's a r/s and hey I'm already hooked on calling so I'll just call about someone else? But no, every since psychic I've asked about this new guy insists that I have a deeper connection with the old one. Even my most called psychic that I've been with from the beginning and has said multiple times I'd have someone new in my life, crush on someone by my birthday etc.... says nope, not him. Old guy still in picture.

Offline Luckystar

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Re: Seha
« Reply #51 on: August 05, 2011, 02:57:39 PM »
I agree Seha is a great psychic, and the only timeframe she did ever give me was actually correct.

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Seha
« Reply #52 on: August 05, 2011, 10:27:57 PM »
I think we all feel at times that we are being taken for a ride when things take so long to manifest. But I had a reading with Red several times. Nothing has come true so far, but,,,,,,the thing that got me is that the last time we talked I asked her if she saw anyone new coming into my life. She told me it wouldnt do any good as this is the man I will spend the rest of my life with. Like I told my friend, that would be a pretty cruel thing to tell someone if these people arent really seeing this stuff happen in the future. Of course lots of other readers have predicted someone new coming in, and I have dated a lot of men during the past 3 years but nothing ever came of any of the dates. I never feel a connection other than one or two have become good friends that I still communicate with from time to time. But I also read somewhere that the more we want something, the farther it is pushed away. I think I read it here and Ive also read it at other sites that told about psychic abilities. I sometimes think Im really obsessed with this psychic stuff anymore, lol. I know, I know, I really need a life, lol. But I am truly enjoying this site and the interaction with others like me that are still waiting for that main prediction to come to life. But my detachment from the predictions has really helped me to feel better and less anxious.

Offline lightme

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Re: Seha
« Reply #53 on: August 05, 2011, 10:38:16 PM »
hi 4everhopeful, i know exactly what you mean.

i am now shifting to relying on myself to move on, and make effort not to think of him. if he comes back then great, the love is true. if he doesn't life goes on.

however i am still calling psychics. i am quite keen to find a real psychic, i think the gift if real is awesome.

i spoke to a couple who told me very specific details and i was very impressed. as for timeline i wouldn't know and i don't bang on them.

if you dare you can start off by asking a test question, but i don't know if that is fair. if the psychic couldn't see and just say she couldn't see i would be satisfied rather than give me a wrong answer and tell me she is sure.

i read london's review, one caller asked her to described him and she did it accurately. would i dare to do that? if they are real they shouldn't feel offended right? and are we not entitled to ask testing question? like i say if they answer they couldn't see i am ok with that answer. this is honest at least.


Offline rainy16

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Re: Seha
« Reply #54 on: August 05, 2011, 10:55:18 PM »
friends -

I know i am a newbie and this is more a place to share psychic reviews. But I wanted to say a few things on my mind in the last 2 days.

I had very strange last two days - and i wont get into my sob story details abt what a jerk my ex turned out to be - but what i realized is that despite all my love and passion that i have had for him - he never matched upto the guy i thought i knew him to be. I was clearly in love with what i thought him to be and not what he really was. I read this in the book "eat-pray-love" that we always fall in love with a man's greatest potential and while we are in love or obsessing over having them in our lives - we never realize that their true potential is much less - and i mean potential on all realms - specially emotional.

Also I guess a lot of us are in that stage where somehow we feel that we will never find someone to love us for what we deserve and hold onto the memories and learn to believe that those moments were euphoria. And I know what i am saying sounds like yet another speech - i used to feel the same when my friends used to give me all their 2 cents. I guess the epiphany happens when it has to and the road to it is equally important :)

Hope all of us here continue to bond and get the man we truly deserve.

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Seha
« Reply #55 on: August 05, 2011, 10:57:24 PM »
I think test questions are fine. I have found that if I simply ask them to focus on love/relationships or if I give them his first name and just ask what they can tell me about him, I get really good results. It seems to open the door for them if they can truly pick up on stuff. I have gotten lots of correct personality traits, things happening with him at that time, his location of sorts ( this was saying he was on a large piece of land, and he was, a facililty that covered thousands of acres) so that was true and this ladys remote viewing was great.
I have wanted so many times to call one of my favorites and give them a false name of some man and just see what they say. Wonder if they would pick up on stuff or tell me they didnt see anyone at all by that name. Mean of me I guess to want to do that but I sure dont want to be scammed. And I have spent way too much on psychics. Thats why Im taking a break from it and just shutting the door on this man, I wont lock it but I can sure shut it. That way I can live my life again. After all, he is sure living his.

Offline lightme

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Re: Seha
« Reply #56 on: August 05, 2011, 11:22:59 PM »

i think we have reached a concensus here who are the better ones, so if we test we should target them. but you know what i am feeling now? i am so useless, i don't even want to dash the hope that there is a chance their big prediction may come true. i think i am still at denial stage of my situation. hope is always a nice feeling. of course one day the truth will come out, but the impact may not be as great as now i think.

on the positive side, i did experience the predictions coming true. small ones for now.

i think if i like the psychic i won't ask the test question, if i think she is going too far i will ask. 

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Seha
« Reply #57 on: August 06, 2011, 04:50:10 AM »
Dear lightme, I totally understand what youre saying. Hope is a great thing. And there is nothing wrong with having hope. As long as it makes you feel better, then you go with it. I have chosen to go with reality and not expect something to happen just because the psychics said it would. It may very well happen the way they tell me that it will, but I have also found that I was not living my life. I was waiting around for those predictions to come true. Thats not good. So now I am putting it behind me in a way. I am not focusing on those predictions anymore. I am living my life and doing whats best for me. If it is the way Nina and many others have told me, then it wont matter that Im not focusing on him everyday. Destiny will find me when its time. And it will find you too. Go live your life and enjoy what comes your way. You cant be happy with anyone until youre happy with yourself.
Im here for you, my new friend, anytime you need me.

Offline lightme

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Re: Seha
« Reply #58 on: August 06, 2011, 05:43:30 AM »

i want to kick the habit of calling the psychics very soon. i only have two more months to wait, if nothing happens i won't ever call again. unless years later the big picture happens.

personally i think it is quite unlikely they share the notes. firstly, usually they respond very fast, it is unlikely they look for the notes before they speak. from experience, each of them tell me different things. and there are many common names, it will be hard for them to keep track. but i am still so new, so maybe they haven't circulated out my data, lol.

not that i doubt your words, what you described was aweful.

i aim to move in the same direction as you too. do what is best for myself. it doesn't conflict with what the predictions anyway for my situation because i won't be dating. if we grow strong and not crumble we are in a good position when they come back.

you can pm me too if you need a listening ear :)

Offline rainy16

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Re: Seha
« Reply #59 on: August 06, 2011, 12:52:16 PM »
Dear lightme, I totally understand what youre saying. Hope is a great thing. And there is nothing wrong with having hope. As long as it makes you feel better, then you go with it. I have chosen to go with reality and not expect something to happen just because the psychics said it would. It may very well happen the way they tell me that it will, but I have also found that I was not living my life. I was waiting around for those predictions to come true. Thats not good. So now I am putting it behind me in a way. I am not focusing on those predictions anymore. I am living my life and doing whats best for me. If it is the way Nina and many others have told me, then it wont matter that Im not focusing on him everyday. Destiny will find me when its time. And it will find you too. Go live your life and enjoy what comes your way. You cant be happy with anyone until youre happy with yourself.
Im here for you, my new friend, anytime you need me.

Totally agree 4ever and love the attitude. I plan on doing the same. :)