I would suggest not to get so despondent about failed predictions. Psychics are reading energies and if the subject makes a different choice, it is hard to pin down. As for time lines, in the spirit realm there is no time as on earth plane. For example, a local highly regarded psychic told me I would purchase a new car, and if I had let things take natural course that is exactly what would have happened, but I was adamant in maintaining the one that I had. The same psychic said in a reading (2003) that I would relocate and also death of an elderly lady who had been sick for a while and had trouble with her knees, which made no sense to me at that time. I have already talked about impending move and my aunt died earlier this year, she fit the description which I only realized after her passing. I should explain that this aunt had a soul connection with me, in spite of the fact that we had been separated for decades. She made other predictions which go against my grain, will see what happens in the future.
In the meantime I met a guy who fit with many things superficially what she had told me to expect in my future mate, but it was more like a friend connection. Apparently, universe sometimes tricks you. By the way I had seen this guy in my dreams before he wandered in here a year or so later. I did not immediately recall that, into ten days or so later it hit me. It was a vivid experience because he was so chaotic.
About your sm I have to say you may have convinced yourself that you are miserable over his indifference or lack of concern, honestly if that was true you would have got over that long time back. If you are still pining for this guy, the issue may be something within yourself. I know it sounds cliche, but where ever this an unrequited love, it is a lesson for us on this life path. Ignoring it or obsessing over it rarely achieves anything. And otherwise successful women who are never single and always in a relationship with someone also have a deep insecurity. This is a opportunity to evolve and grow and become stronger. And if you obsess over someone the chances are you really do not know that person well enough. And once you do, one thing definitely happens either he is drawn closer or you walk away never to look back.
The psychic readings are excellent to find out about drug use or any other addictions in other person, may be should stick to that kind of life saving stuff than go for something like "is he the one?" stuff. I think in your case Ciarra would be a very good reader for you. She is an excellent tarot psychic and can look into the deeper layers of your relationship and give advise. I think tarot predictions are not very long term usually six months or so generally. The tarot is divination tool as well but its primary purpose is to reveal the stages of our growth pattern and self-empowerment. If you can harness the forces of universe in your life path, you can make your own future. If you don't care much for suspense, I have heard from women who wrote a list of qualities that they want in their future mate and they met the guy of their dreams down to the T.