Author Topic: Seha  (Read 34960 times)


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« on: February 13, 2011, 12:26:16 AM »
Anybody??  I searched the forum and found someone said she's among the great empaths... anyone read with her have more info?  She reminds me of my grandmother (looks-wise), I'm curiously drawn...

Offline aef2929 P

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Re: Seha
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2011, 05:23:07 PM »

I agree with CM Seha has been great for me he can definitely see what's going on and she I feel accurately describes feelings.  She was also only 1 of 2 that saw that my SM might marry this woman after just meeting her..he married her 8 weeks later.  She explained to me also why others did not see it.  She told me there was no marriage energy between them then explained to me the reasoning behind the marriage and it's complicated and I know she was correct which amazed me.  Her timelines for me however, are always off.  But she gets the picture of what's going to happen it's just when I'll say.


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Re: Seha
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2011, 06:13:05 PM »
I do want to speak with her.  Hopefully soonish... I can't wait!


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Re: Seha
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2011, 06:18:28 PM »
aef - dying to know who else saw her and the marriage..........

Offline cj

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Re: Seha
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2011, 05:39:18 AM »
I read with her today. She gave me some positive reults and said that the spirit angels and the universe has a way of putting the heat on things and that my suffering and pain will not be in vain. So we'll see. She said about 3-4 months...but we've all heard the stories before right lol. BUt I keep getting the same outcomes so maybe patience is key :)


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Re: Seha
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2011, 07:56:42 AM »
It sounds like she is very calming and positive and maybe healing, but I'd love to know from you, did you get any specific details that made you feel she knew your situation or you at all?  I feel like I keep talking to people who aren't giving me that "wow- how could they know THAT?!"  You know?

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Re: Seha
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2011, 08:12:12 PM »
I agree with you Kira I am going to review my notes and tell u who had a wow factor on me

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Seha
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2011, 08:20:31 PM »
KiraKira, I have gotten the wow factor from my readings with Jacqueline and Sofia of Hollywood Psychics or Psychic Source.  She is on both.

Offline aef2929 P

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Re: Seha
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2011, 07:28:31 AM »
aef - dying to know who else saw her and the marriage..........

PT -- the only other one who saw the marriage would happen was Ellen Hartwell.

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Re: Seha
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2011, 01:50:33 PM »
who the heck is that lol

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Re: Seha
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2011, 06:00:49 AM »
sigh..I hate that timelines are off

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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Re: Seha
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2011, 05:01:20 AM »
She is fantastic!!!!! Great empath. Picked up on the situation right away. I asked her to see if she saw any other women in the picture with my ex and before she said no (thankfully) she asked if I really wanted to know the information that came to her. Did not seem like she was sugarcoating anything - just felt like she was sharing all of the information she was receiving. One of the only readers I wish I had more time to speak with. If any of you have time on CP and dollars - this is where I would advise spending money. Picked up on a few key things like the others advisors who didn't need any information from me before proceeding. She gave me two timeline predictions - and I will share them with you if they come to pass - but they are almost identical to some of the other readers.

My money is now on Seha, Ricky (PS), Jacqueline, and Tatiana. I think there are a lot more great readers (Like Meryl and Abrielle) - but these are the people I have felt the most connected to, feel the least like they're just trying to say things to make me happy, and have been the most "psychic" to me. 

There is also a reader on PS called Stella, who literally says "I do not know" if she doesn't see the answer. She didn't remember me when she read me the second time, but she literally gave me the exact same reading. Barbara also has a reputation for being straight to the point and honest. I haven't seen her on very much - but I do remember getting the feeling she wasn't there to give false hope.

Hope this helps. Still blown away by Seha!

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Re: Seha
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2011, 10:28:22 AM »
Seha has been accurate for a few of us on here..but 2 pred she gave me came true and she does pick up on stuff without you saying anything...When me and my a-hole broke up she said "I keep getting you discouraged and down and so disheartened and him wanting to come back" She was right on...I love her, and she only sees from the light and  the best interest for you.

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Re: Seha
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2011, 02:26:25 PM »
I have read nothing but good things about Seha and one of my friends reads with her on occasion…so I decided to make my last reading with Seha…and I am glad I did.  I feel like I ended things on a positive note with both Nina and Seha.

Seha was quick and right to the point.  She picked up that not only love was weighing heavily on my mind, but Career and finances too.  She picked up that I was very stressed and asked if I wanted to talk about all or just focus on one area.

We focused on love relationship.  She said that picks up on a man in my life…there is some distance between us but we are not together but she sees a pause in communication (which is accurate)  She also picked up feelings of hurt and disappointment.  She then picked up on another guy.  She said please tell me that you are not calling about the first guy in regards to hurt and disappointment…and I said yes I am. (she had a worried tone in her voice when picking up on him)

She asked for his name and DOB and then went on the same way as everyone else.  He is not exactly ready…and when it comes to you the feelings and the love is still there…and when he looks at you and talks to you and spends time with you…he knows that you come with marriage and commitment etc.

She picked up on the breakup and how he didn’t mean the things that he said and he just wasn’t ready.  He was scared.  It was fear and insecurities.

She said that she sees him making contact really soon.  The distance and pause in everything was just so he can work through things…(than she had a relief sound in her voice)

Thankfully we continued with this person who has brought you hurt and disappointment because apparently he is also the new person that is coming in.  He has spent time working and transforming himself…and that person that I saw when we were together will no longer be around.  His head is in a better more positive place…and so is his heart.

She said that the distance the last few weeks is not due to a girl…its because of himself and some things around him….possibly work.

She said that he is going to reach our really soon (and he did that day) and it will be random and safe (and it was) and it will slowly pick up and be more consistent.

She picks up the same time frames as Nina, Kelli, Kinsey, and StarShadow.  More contact in April…seeing him in May and working through things in June and it becoming a committed relationship by end of June.

She said for me not to reach out…because I don’t have to.  The random emails are safe and he still needs to work through some things but its to let me know that he is there and by me responding it lets him know that things are still ok. He needs to work through it at his own pace.

I had some more time so I asked her if he is going to open up and talk to me about the breakup and everything…and she said yes.  It is not easy for him…but yes…he knows that he has to.

I also asked if he cheated on me when we were together and she asked me “Is that really important for you to know?”  I explained that I know it is irrelevant.  We broke up a year and a half ago and it wouldn’t change the outcome and it wouldn’t change how I felt at that time and how I feel now…I don’t trust him…and it doesn’t have anything to do with lying or cheating…it has to do with the way that the he hurt me…it has to do with the things he said and how he said them…but I was just curious…and she said NO…he didn’t…but she said that there were women during our breakup but it was just a couple and it was casual (extremely casual) and physical…there were not feelings and nothing on his part…he couldn’t stop thinking of me and he compared all of them to me…

She then reassured me that I have absolutely nothing to worry about and that I need to just stay positive and focus on myself because it will all come together when the time is right.

I felt really good about everything…I do believe in what she said…and I will stay positive in thinking of the outcome.

So far the random emails have come through….but the responses are too spaced and I was so sure I was going to hear from him last night…and I didn’t   :-\   I don’t understand that part.  But I have done more than my share…and al I can really do is just be patient and continue to focus on me.

I just really miss him and still deeply love him….there is no way that my “dream team” can be wrong (I would be devastated if they are)…there is too much consistency and the little things are happening.

I am very satisfied with Seha’s reading…and now…only time will tell.   8)


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Re: Seha
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2011, 02:29:46 PM »
I would say wait for him :)