Author Topic: Be Aware  (Read 1900 times)

Offline aries1995

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Be Aware
« on: June 02, 2020, 05:09:17 PM »
So I’m sure other people have experienced this too but this really didn’t sit well with me. A ‘psychic’ contacted me on my personalInstagram page and told me they have a strong connection with me I must dm them now! I looked at the page and the posts were thank you’s from clients and random astrology facts.  My first thought was how do they know I believe in stuff like this as no one other than people on this site and the psychics I speak with (obviously) know I get readings. My second was the fact I talk to so many psychics what if one found my personal page (my real name is not common so I wouldn’t be that difficult to find) and lastly is this is just a scammer trying to make money on insta?

I’m still not sure which I think is true but it scared me so I just wanted to vent and let everyone know we need to be aware who we give our names to. I know loads of psychics would NEVER abuse the client relationship and do this but there are some that might. If it’s just a scam then it’s equally as bad as the page didn’t look reputable and some people may just pay for a reading

Anyways sorry if this has already been mentioned and I’m just very naive 🙈 keep safe everyone :) 

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Be Aware
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2020, 02:38:37 AM »
do you follow any psychics on instagram? or did you comment on any psychics page. There are trolls everywhere thy could have seen you post on someones site and messaged you

Offline aries1995

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Re: Be Aware
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2020, 09:06:23 AM »
I didn't recognise the name or the pictures of the 'psychic' :/ but yes they might have been trying to get clients off the sites!

No I don't even look at psychic pages on insta, I like to keep the fact I believe in psychics thing very private 🙈

Offline marybell

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Re: Be Aware
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2020, 01:40:58 PM »
A friend of mine spent thousands on a psychic who contacted her via facebook with a "life changing message" . She did not know this psychic and thought it was a "sign"  that she was  found by her.  Ultimately ,there was no message, only repeated hook ins (information attainable via social media )  and promises of "THE" important message to come. 

Offline aries1995

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Re: Be Aware
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2020, 03:07:33 PM »
I have to admit, I did for a second think is this a sign? 😳 but that’s went out of my head quickly!

Yeah most probably a scammer :/ blocked now :) I might have to change my email address because I do use the same one

Offline Jenjen

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Re: Be Aware
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2020, 04:26:47 PM »
I didn't recognise the name or the pictures of the 'psychic' :/ but yes they might have been trying to get clients off the sites!

No I don't even look at psychic pages on insta, I like to keep the fact I believe in psychics thing very private 🙈

Privacy issues are not to be understated...I like yourself try to keep things private. I have been very naive very naive but through this forum I have wised up. Thx for the share! Your voice is important!

