Author Topic: What A Girl Wants  (Read 11937 times)

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What A Girl Wants
« on: February 15, 2012, 07:35:13 AM »
Hi ladies, I see this site as more than a psychic review service, but it's also doubling as a relationship support site.  So ladies, tell me, what does a girl really want?  This board is for the guys to ask all the ladies out there for some good, honest, womanly advice.  We can even create polls on here for people to vote. 

Not sure about a hair style guys?  Don't be afraid to post your pic here and see what the girls really think.  Do you need fashion advice?  Ask the ladies.

Sometimes it can help to be critiqued by the opposite sex.  We can come together here and help each other become more irresistible to our SMs or to gain the confidence to move on and meet someone else.

I don't mind starting this off.  Are there any Sagittarius ladies on here?  What in the he** are you ladies thinking?  :)   or better yet, does anyone here have a Venus in Aquarius?  If you do, at what age did you feel it was time to settle down?  What about the Sag ladies?  What age?  My Sag SM is 30 now and she still keeps coming and going.  How can I get her to stay finally?  I didn't wish her a happy V Day.  Was that the right thing to do?

Does my hair look better forward, to the side or back?  I think my forehead is getting too big to style my hair straight back.  And what hair length is attractive?  My hair gets curly when it's long, but I can dry it and make it straight/wavy too.  And what about highlights?  Are highlights too feminine?  Remember, I'm looking for ways to win a Sag woman. 

If you all like this idea, I can create a board for each sign/sex.  Then it will be easier to read about your particular sign.  What do you all think?

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: What A Girl Wants
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2012, 12:55:38 PM »
I think this is a great idea. But I also think that everyone is different as far as the appearance thing goes. Some women like long hair on a man, some short, I sort of like the bald thing goin on, lol. Of course that depends on the man and how he looks without any hair at all.
But I think that even though most women like a little bad boy in a man, we really fall in love with the nice things that a man can do, like being a gentleman, thinking of romantic things and always doing small things throughout the day that show that he really cares. Its not all about sex or appearance. As long as a man is clean and neat and puts my feelings up there with his then Im charmed.
This may be easier as we focus on one thing in particular as we tell what we like about the opposite sex. Cant wait to see other comments so we can compare what we like. It may be very enlightening.

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: What A Girl Wants
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2012, 02:44:18 PM »
I think it's a great idea! There are soooo many variables though! I really am drawn to men with long hair (and I like the wavy aspect as well  :)  ) but the guy I am dating gets his shaved to almost nothing every 2 weeks and I think he looks great. He's not going bald, it's just the way he likes it - low maintenance. Maybe it's the scruffy beard as I am drawn to that too LOL. I keep my hair long with bangs and just comb it out after the shower and really don't want to try another hairstyle as my hair always lies flat even when layered and then I have to dry it and gel it - ugh. Not my lifestyle!

There are however some people, women included, who just look awful with a certain haircut but wonderful with another. I guess I am getting to the age where I really don't pay all that much attention, it's more how the person interacts with me and how they act in general.  :)

Offline wishfulthinker

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Re: What A Girl Wants
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2012, 02:47:46 PM »
I think this is a great idea. But I also think that everyone is different as far as the appearance thing goes. Some women like long hair on a man, some short, I sort of like the bald thing goin on, lol. Of course that depends on the man and how he looks without any hair at all.
But I think that even though most women like a little bad boy in a man, we really fall in love with the nice things that a man can do, like being a gentleman, thinking of romantic things and always doing small things throughout the day that show that he really cares. Its not all about sex or appearance. As long as a man is clean and neat and puts my feelings up there with his then Im charmed.
This may be easier as we focus on one thing in particular as we tell what we like about the opposite sex. Cant wait to see other comments so we can compare what we like. It may be very enlightening.
I agree with you 4ever - nicely said.  :)  I also think that we have such a chemical response to the one with want that you can't manufacture this.  To be honest, it wouldn't matter to me what his hairstyle is or what kind of cologne he is wearing.  Isn't it crazy how you suddenly love whatever your person of interest looks like, smells like, the sound of their voice.
Also, the older I become the more important just good old fashioned "niceness" counts. 


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Re: What A Girl Wants
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2012, 06:37:04 PM »

I am not much into astrology, but some questions you asked: yes, I think you did the right thing by NOT contacting her on Vday. I would go so far as to suggest next time she calls - let it go to voice mail - let her 'wonder' why you are not at her beck and call. Not sure how you can get her to stay other than to issue an ultimatum - but its a big gamble for obvious reasons. By reading your posts, I know you are very much in love with this woman. But ask yourself - do you really want to hold yourself back from really living life, and possibly meeting someone else who you may fall in love with, someone who will be there for you when you need them to be?? Or do you want to spend your best years waiting for someone who never seems to be there for you?? I hope I am not being offensive, not my intention.

 I don't know what you look like, or your age, so I cannot comment on the hair, but personally, I don't like a man who is 'high maintenance', so probably nix the highlights. If you have grays and don't like them, just use hair dye for your natural color. I personally like a clean face - no facial hair, good personal hygiene, short hair, but not like a buzz cut. Wavy hair=def. good. Not past the collar, though. All just my personal preferences. Diff. women like diff. things.

Sense of humor - a DEFINITE MUST.

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: What A Girl Wants
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2012, 09:49:46 PM »
Add "no drama" to the list  :)


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Re: What A Girl Wants
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2012, 10:00:34 PM »
Add "no drama" to the list  :)

good one, Sun- NO DRAMA!
And - what I really love: A man who defends a woman's honor - sticks up for her.

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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Re: What A Girl Wants
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2012, 10:54:20 PM »
Hi all...

I'm a Sag, with a Venus in Scorpio though (which may not be as helpful as we tend to have a lot of fire in our blood in relation to love) however, healer - your question about settling down was interesting. I'm 28 - and I've been wanting to "settle down" with my person in question for the last 5 years. I think there are too many different external factors to go completely off astrological. I don't even know if you can even make that determination without looking at the synastry between your chart and hers. For example, my rising sign is in Capricorn - so I care a lot about having things together financially and in my career and value the same thing in my partner.

I think the things I look for the most in significant other is 1. chemistry/connection 2. intelligence 3. sense of humor

Physically, I've been attracted to all different types, and it really just boils down to energy that is shared between me and the other person.

Wow - really not helpful at all. Haha....

Offline BP1990

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Re: What A Girl Wants
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2012, 03:59:03 AM »
PrettyLittleLiz I am a Scorpio sun, Scorpio moon and Capricorn rising :)

For me the thing I look for in a partner is: 1. Deep connection. 2. Humor. 3. Commitment

I don't have a type but I tend to be attracted to guys who have muscles. It's weird because I am not picky at all but I've noticed that I'm more attracted to the athletic type. Not too stocky though.

I actually like a guy who is sensitive/emotional. Basically a guy who doesn't have a problem expressing his feelings and is affectionate. I tend to find a lot of Cancer men to fit that.

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: What A Girl Wants
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2020, 09:16:08 PM »
Xxxx 8)
« Last Edit: December 26, 2020, 11:00:55 PM by tellmewhy »