Author Topic: Deborah Clare (YouTube)  (Read 4525 times)

Offline Searching4thelight

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Deborah Clare (YouTube)
« on: November 14, 2019, 07:48:43 PM »
  I was curious if anyone on here had gotten a personal reading with Deborah Clare. I really like her because she isn’t always positive 100%, which is life so I feel like it’s more accurate. I got two personalized readings from her. The first one was pretty on the money. In the second one she predicted something that has yet to come to pass. I know time is “fluid” as they say but I was curious if anyone else had read with her personally and how accurate she was about things going on or to come to pass.

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Deborah Clare (YouTube)
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2019, 01:16:26 AM »
I've watched her videos.  How much and long is her reading?

Offline Searching4thelight

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Re: Deborah Clare (YouTube)
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2019, 01:51:12 AM »
It depends on which reading you book. She has a couple different categories. The basic one is her love reading which is similar to the general ones that she posts online. It’s 25 min for $57 USD.

Offline kandyna

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Re: Deborah Clare (YouTube)
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2019, 04:40:05 AM »
Never got a personal ready but her reading do resonate shes my 5 on my top 5 horoscope youtube readers

Offline Joy

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Re: Deborah Clare (YouTube)
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2020, 01:20:39 PM »
I had two readings with her, almost a year apart. The first one had some major hits. There were a couple of the things she said in the first reading that I didn't even think possible at the time, but I have to say that she was right. Of course, there were also some things that did not happen. I never met 2 people she said I would and the one ex she said would try to come my way never did (and thank God because I didn't want him back), except in a tiny Facebook message, which was not like an attempt to come back but more like needing a favor.

I booked a second reading at the very beginning of this year. It was not 100% positive, no. In fact, from where I am standing now, I am not liking the outcome, but this is because I want certain thing to happen in a certain way :) So far, the second reading has been right about a couple of things and again, I did not meet the two people I was supposed to meet in the first part of the year. I did not relocate or have gap between two jobs. I did not get depressed about it, because the job change had things moving so fast, it was more of an adrenaline hike than a depression during that period. After that, I did not go hermit and on my own because I went depressed/jobless/rejected, but because the covid-19 quarantine started and I have to work from home, alone, and very much like a hermit. I mean, she was totally right about that one, but the reasons and the setting are somewhat different.

I will wait and see what happens later, but I agree that some things she has told me so far (between the 2 readings) have come to pass to my surprise. I hope some of the things she told me in the second reading don't happen as she saw them :) (I wish, I wish... Universe, make it happen :) )

