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E Mail Readings

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Amaranth, how long did it take you to receive your email reading?

I just joined this forum and would like to share my own personal experience I really want to help people on this forum and share my own personal experience .I have talked to many many psychics and that include Kisha,Cookie,Raven,sincerity(I believe she is gifted but she is all about money).I have talked to so many on CF too and to be very honest not one of their prediction ever happened.The worst one was Julia..she gives same reading in a same sequence to everyone and after I read other posts regarding her style on this site ,I am even more convinced that is just so full of herself.AS my list of psychic goes on and on I do want to mention about this reader Joanne Salem as some here had a reading with her too.Please do not believe in one word this women tell you.I use to call her all the time and she will tell you want you basically want to here.
I like cookie and I think she is gifted however each time I placed a call with her I was left with more confusion than ever.I read with her few days ago and gave her the name of a person.She goes on telling me stuff that the person could have told me and I had no clue what she was talking about.I had to tell her that nothing like that ever tool place.Anyway after I mention her that there is another person involve too..her response was"If I tell you something than it is up to you to figure out who it could be".I was very frustrated in my call with her.
There are two good readers on keen that I really like one is barbara4846.she is very honest and an ethical reader.The first time I read with her and that was sometimes in july..she was right about everything but I am still waiting on her big predictions.Another good reader is Psychic Rick..very good in describing the person but his predictions for jan/feb so far did not happen.I would really encourage you all to read with barbara if you really want to know about your sm but only if you want to hear the truth.Today when I spoke to her she stated that readers don't realize that once lay their hands on a set of deck..they are actually playing with someones life..and that is how I look at it too.There are over thousand  Psychics on keen just like marching ants and do you honestly believe that they are all real.?
Now speaking of kisha her ongoing rant of  telling clients to not to call her from multiple accounts is another bull crap.Keen allows each caller to have up two three accounts.In other words you can have three different accounts under one phone number and each time you will get free minutes.I spoke with her first time back in september and found her gifted but again she blocked my account because I was having lot of static in the line( My reading was positive with her but she still blocked me for leaving her 4 stars).A real, ethical/honest psychics would never treat someone like that.
Anyway I think this is enough for now and I will definitely write more but if you need to know about a specific reader on keen do not hesitate to ask.In the past 2 years I spoke with enough and now I am only down to two or three on that site.
I wish everyone on this site all the best!!


--- Quote from: blessed on February 15, 2012, 03:51:01 AM ---I just joined this forum and would like to share my own personal experience I really want to help people on this forum and share my own personal experience .I have talked to many many psychics and that include Kisha,Cookie,Raven,sincerity(I believe she is gifted but she is all about money).I have talked to so many on CF too and to be very honest not one of their prediction ever happened.The worst one was Julia..she gives same reading in a same sequence to everyone and after I read other posts regarding her style on this site ,I am even more convinced that is just so full of herself.AS my list of psychic goes on and on I do want to mention about this reader Joanne Salem as some here had a reading with her too.Please do not believe in one word this women tell you.I use to call her all the time and she will tell you want you basically want to here.
I like cookie and I think she is gifted however each time I placed a call with her I was left with more confusion than ever.I read with her few days ago and gave her the name of a person.She goes on telling me stuff that the person could have told me and I had no clue what she was talking about.I had to tell her that nothing like that ever tool place.Anyway after I mention her that there is another person involve too..her response was"If I tell you something than it is up to you to figure out who it could be".I was very frustrated in my call with her.
There are two good readers on keen that I really like one is barbara4846.she is very honest and an ethical reader.The first time I read with her and that was sometimes in july..she was right about everything but I am still waiting on her big predictions.Another good reader is Psychic Rick..very good in describing the person but his predictions for jan/feb so far did not happen.I would really encourage you all to read with barbara if you really want to know about your sm but only if you want to hear the truth.Today when I spoke to her she stated that readers don't realize that once lay their hands on a set of deck..they are actually playing with someones life..and that is how I look at it too.There are over thousand  Psychics on keen just like marching ants and do you honestly believe that they are all real.?
Now speaking of kisha her ongoing rant of  telling clients to not to call her from multiple accounts is another bull crap.Keen allows each caller to have up two three accounts.In other words you can have three different accounts under one phone number and each time you will get free minutes.I spoke with her first time back in september and found her gifted but again she blocked my account because I was having lot of static in the line( My reading was positive with her but she still blocked me for leaving her 4 stars).A real, ethical/honest psychics would never treat someone like that.
Anyway I think this is enough for now and I will definitely write more but if you need to know about a specific reader on keen do not hesitate to ask.In the past 2 years I spoke with enough and now I am only down to two or three on that site.
I wish everyone on this site all the best!!

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That's what I felt when I read with Cookie too, I had to tell her that nothing like what she was saying took place.


--- Quote from: Tango on February 15, 2012, 03:41:46 AM ---Amaranth, how long did it take you to receive your email reading?

--- End quote ---

It took just a little over 24 hours.

Thanks! I am hoping to get my reading soon. After reading your post, I purchased an email reading with her as well.


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