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E Mail Readings

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Okay- I hope it goes well for you! My reading was detailed and very pleasantly worded.  Even tho she gave the same favorable outcome as all the other psychics, she told me that I needed to know that tho we would still reconcile and get back together, we would never be as close as before, which I thought was very honest and realistic.  Everyone else has said we would 'be stronger and closer than ever', which I never really believed, coz even tho I can be forgiving, once trust is broken, it is always cracked.  So I felt AstroSarah was very genuine and honest by not being afraid to state the bad as well as the good- especially since deep down I knew our relationship would be changed forever, even if reconciled.

Anyway- hope you enjoy!  I'm already planning to buy another reading.

Thanks Amaranth! I'm looking for a realistic reading as well. Almost everyone predicted that Dec/Jan there would be communication, or at least by February. Nothing so far and nothing I'm really hoping to just have Sarah's reading as my last one that I can keep for reference and look at whenever I have the urge to call.


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