Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent
Are couples who share a lot on social media really THAT happy?
Well, technically, millennial couples under 35 who are more social media savvy tend to post more than people who are older and were happily together for more than 5 years, especially if they are no kids involved. But I'd say on average, most happy and long-term couples between ages 25-40 will post a couple of times per month or so, maybe a bit more maybe less but nothing too rare or too frequent.
Of course, age doesn't apply to all cases but this a general tendency I've noticed.
I do believe I see differences in relationship posts across generations. I'm a youngish millennial, and I do think it's common to see couple posts amongst my friends, since for the most part people post about the the things and people that matter most to them. With social media stories in particular, it's common to post really quick blurbs about random things about activities and naturally people spend a good amount of time with their significant others, so they are usually tagged or included as well. Every one is different though and some prefer to use one platform over another--I haven't posted anything on my fb in 5 years, but I'm active on ig everyday. I think the culture of social media is strange in that, at least in my circle, its super common to see relationship posts. I also feel like it's a common consensus amongst my friends that not posting at least something about partners is akin to hiding them from our friends, family, and others, which may be taken by them to mean we aren't serious about them or where we are headed together. If I love someone I definitely wouldn't hide them from the world ❤. But there are so many other factors to this, mainly being how active someone is on social media in the first place.
This thread is based mainly on assumption.
Unless you actually (know know) the couple/s in question - its just speculation.
Who knows if they are happy or not - if they are annoying or anyone annoying with overposting (including peoples kids) - I will hide, delete or block'em lol
--- Quote from: Ninacy on May 19, 2020, 06:19:58 PM ---
It's the ones who post very rarely (if nothing at all) or the ones who post random things about their relationship too frequently who are fishy and fake indeed. Both opposite things are a sign that something's off with their relationship.
--- End quote ---
In a very general sense, I agree with this statement, but I also agree with @ the3awakened1 that if you rarely post about your significant other doesn't necessarily mean something is off....I think its relative to how much you decide to post or share about your life in general on SM.
Personally, I don't post much on IG in general...only every couple months if there's a significant event, vacation, or doing something fun....and so I wouldn't have many pictures of my bf on there just bc I don't post often. I am also the type of person to share my feelings about someone with them in person rather than make a long gushing post for everyone to see. But if I were posting everyday or often, but never had any posts about my bf...yes I could see how people would question that status of our relationship.
I think its easier with IG stories to tend to overshare since its made to share random, insignificant moments in short clips...but at the same time...I feel like if you are more of a private person or don't feel the need to overshare your wouldn't necessarily use that IG feature that much anyway.
I guess im trying to say I agree if you overshare it doesn't necessarily mean you are insecure or have a bad relationship...but I think in a very general sense, more likely than not, if you are insecure or feel the need to show off a relationship...that you would more likely post more about your significant other than someone who didn't feel that way.
For me I have witnessed a huge mixed bag.
When I was in a long term relationship, I posted pictures of us and when I was drunk I would every once in a while gush about him, but not that often. And this was a happy, healthy relationship.
I know people who are unhappy in their relationships, so they don't post a word or a photo of them or their partner at all.
I also know people in unhappy relationships who post lovey dovey gushy stuff about their partner (usually around holidays or their birthdays) while simultaneously reaching out romantically to other people behind their partner's backs.
I also have a family member that is very happy and always posted photos of her and her husband, and would NOT STOP POSTING WEDDING pictures for like, a year after her wedding. My best friend was like, "Dude, I had to unfollow her." He is and also was in a happy relationship, so it wasn't because he was bitter.
So I think it's really hard to say. There is a broad reasoning for social media and human behavior.
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