Yesss! I just wrote in another thread about that. I cannot say nothing ever happened. On the contrary, I have had predictions that happened with astounding accuracy, but were either far out, like 2+ years out or involved another guy. In fact, in all 3 readings I've had with Walter, he made very correct predictions, but in each case it was not my POI. The last one was not even someone I liked and he had a girlfriend and there was nothing romantic between us whatsoever. The situation was tragic, I had a very indirect relation to this person. Walter interpreted it as something about my POI and in a romantic way. Things happened, all right, but so far from anything romantic or from the guy I asked about.
BTW, some of these guys I was given predictions about when I asked about my POI, God, I don't even remotely like them. There was even one that was all I profoundly dislike in a person.
I have to say that even readers who have best feedback and I can say hands down they are good, have mixed energies and timeframes for me. I just realized the other day Mattie mixed 3 people while responding about my POI. I realized it because of specific things that were said. Back in the day, when Poema was cheaper, I had longer reading with her and she went all around the place with my POI. I only later realized some of the things were about other guys. She, too, had given me readings that were supposed to be about my POI, but they were other people, not necessarily romantic interests. It was after one such realization that I thought, "Gee, I wouldn't have minded paying the price for this reading for the question I had about my POI, but I actually spent it on this person I don't even remotely like."