Today I had a ramdon encounter with the one I want. 1.5 months had passed since I saw her. We had a pleasant and warm exchange. Some psychics had suggested bumping into each other. She had the opportunity to avoid me as she saw my car in the parking lot but she didn't so I take that as a positive. Tho it could also mean that she's so over me that she couldn't care less.

A couple of hours later I decided to call PS. I actually made a round of four calls (you may guess at the effect this lady has on me). None of the four was able to pick up the fact that we saw each other and talked just a couple of hour prior to the calls. None of them was able to tell that she was about to board a plane "as we speak" or that she was on her way to another state. No one was able to see that was traveling for health reason (I know they aren't allowed to talk about medical issues).
My question to the psychics was 'I'd like to know about xxxx in the present'.
So, friends, was I expecting too much? Did I ask the wrong question(s)?
They all said 'you haven't communicated in a while, right?' -
I thought the current situation was where true psychics are good.
Thank you.