Author Topic: Has your POI Come back while you were actively waiting?  (Read 31155 times)

Offline maggs30

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Re: Has your POI Come back while you were actively waiting?
« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2020, 08:26:26 AM »
I agree with theawakened1 and I also have a question to whomever wants to answer from this thread ...

What would you do in the event you were “waiting” and a new person found interest in you and shows better qualities than the poi you are waiting on ? Do you dismiss the opportunity because you are focused on who u believe you are in love with or do you take a leap of faith and explore someone new? What if the new opportunity was a better kind of man/woman for you ?

This right here is what scared me. New guy and I are about 2 months in. Do I love the ex? Absolutely. What the hell would I do if the ex came back. Do I forgive him for all the shit he put me through? New guy treats me so much better. He was at my house yesterday and got all caught up in his feels telling me if I ever planned on dumping him to do it now. I'm like wtf are you talking about. I swear he told me all of his issues to be sure I wasn't go to run from anything. It feels good to have someone care enough to literally freak themselves out thinking you are going to leave them. Well that sounds bad but you know what I mean lol.

Offline aries1995

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Re: Has your POI Come back while you were actively waiting?
« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2020, 09:29:44 PM »
With an ex I was actively waiting and got contact but I was living my own life. I wasn't getting readings and I didn't stop myself talking to other guys. He used to come and go a lot so I learned its best to keep busy. So even if he didn't contact me I was in a good place. Whereas with my ex now I've put my life on hold waiting for him and nothing.

I agree with the above that if someone is destined for you they come back and that maybe they can sense you're no longer enquiring so they contact you.

Can I ask how long you have been waiting?
I dunno I feel stuck cos I’ve been living my life then I’ll have these shifts where for a week or a month I will feel as if it happened yesterday& just be all types of messed up. It’s getting exhausting & I’m so tired. I want to get off this ride. I’ve never felt so powerless in my life.

I think between 6-8 months for that particular ex. 4 months for my POI. Don’t worry that’s what I’m going through with my POI at the moment. I’ll be fine for weeks then suddenly he’s all I think about. But I have to say each time I suddenly think about him the duration is shorter and shorter. Hope you’re doing ok! :)

Offline Seeker23

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Re: Has your POI Come back while you were actively waiting?
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2020, 09:16:35 PM »
Nope. Plenty predicted he would be back, etc. But nothing happen.

I am furthest thing from that man’s mind.

Offline Psyche1111

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Re: Has your POI Come back while you were actively waiting?
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2020, 10:27:46 PM »
I see a lot of stories about letting go and them coming back but of course we are on a psychic review site and most of us have pending predictions and are still invested in seeing a certain outcome.
So I wanted to know of those who weren't just happy and almost over their poi when they reached out. ...I guess, I’m asking those who heard from their POI whilst actively waiting (even if you had given up the readings etc)
I’m interested cos it’s making me feel like I’m blocking something for still holding on however I’ve seen many a story on here of those who still were in love and holding out and their predictions come into fruition.
Especially those who had not been in contact for a long enough to doubt ...

I personally don't believe that waiting for something will actually block it from happening. I had an ex contact me out of the blue after  a year and half of waiting for him, but the second ex who I spend a small fortune on psychic readings about, never came back and it's been 5 years in total ever since we broke up. I gave up asking about him in around three years after so many failed contact predictions. It's been two years that I gave up waiting for him and still, nada, no contact whatsoever, and chances are he is in his second or third relationship after me and will never contact me again-I mean if he hasn't contacted me for 5 fricking years, how is he going to contact me now?

Bottom line, if someone is destined to come back to your life, they will, sooner or later, waiting or non-waiting. If your POI is an empath and sensitive to energies, they might sense that you are waiting for them and back off--which is why some members report getting phone calls from their exes only after they gave up asking and caring about them.

However, from my experience, especially when it comes to males and young people especially, most are spiritual insensitive and can't feel any deeper spiritual bonds like we do, they either like you or not, plain and simple. If they are wishy-washy and unsure, they will just keep you as an option, booty call, whatever, in case things turn sour with the other person. And if they do come back, like so many psychics predicted, in most cases, it's not for a good reason with a fairytale ending. It happens but it's not the norm.

So don't beat yourself for waiting, if that person is destined to come back they will, no matter what you do or feel.

I completely agree that it won't mess things up if it's what is meant to be. Also, yes your age and phase of your life can make a difference in this. I find now that I am a little older, relationships are more about seeing the big picture and recognizing when someone wants to go on the same path as you in life. I know there's a debate about soulmates and destiny but now I realize I couldn't have met "my person" before now because I had too much I wanted to do. I wanted to travel and live in different counties and have an exciting career.
The whole letting go I think does have some merit to it though. Sometimes we try too hard and that can create negative energy. I've heard it time and time again that as soon as they stopped thinking about their person for 5 minutes, they hear from them. My mom was into my dad and chased him for two years. She finally stopped thinking about him and then they buy a chance ran into each other and they have been married now almost 40 years. What I do see that doesn't work is when someone dates other people or plays games just to get the person. If you generally want to date someone else because you want to go out and meet new people that is fine. If you miss a text message for a few hours because you were busy doing your own thing that is fine too. Just don't do it because you want to play a game and hope that works. It's a lot about the energy we put out there. I also agree with Ninacy that if someone is met to come back into our lives they will. You have to have faith, trust, and not worry.     

Offline massine

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Re: Has your POI Come back while you were actively waiting?
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2020, 11:58:27 PM »
Okay so I have 5 exes.
Ex 1. We were both 14, enough said.
Ex Number 2 - 2011-2016 (4 and a half year on/off relationship)
Ex Number 3 2013 (2 months lol)
Ex Number 4 - 2016 - 2018
Ex Number 5 - 2018-2020.

Exes 2, 3 and 4 have come back asking for second chances in 2019-2020, I said no to them. Ex Number 5 is still my POI.
Exes come and go but honestly it's so funny looking back especially at 4 because we had a real chance of getting married and building a life until he messed up, and now I really can't imagine him in my life, romantically. Its weird looking at him now as I have no love or attraction for him but he is a friend.

Regardless, if 5 comes back I'll be delighted. If he doesn't, life goes on and I'll find someone else. In the meantime I'm casually dating and enjoying life. Don't wait around for them, this doesn't mean you have to give up, it just means YOU AREN'T PUTTING YOUR LIFE ON HOLD FOR SOMEONE WHO MAY NEVER BE BACK!

Offline Realrealwater

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Re: Has your POI Come back while you were actively waiting?
« Reply #20 on: June 30, 2020, 12:38:23 AM »
I never wanted any of mine back for more than a couple weeks except this one.
So I think thats where this concept comes from.
I always thought he’d be back but more so “by now”
I’ve gotten to a point now where I just want to be good either way. We have spoken since I wrote this &he was very sweet, I still love him to death & I still want him in my life.
There will be a point in time where I will probably reach out& be more direct if he doesn’t.
However, I believe in accepting a man’s “no”.

It’s complicated but I need to look after myself & get back into me. The goddess I know I am.
It’s been hard but I am so determined atm ...I hope it lasts :/

Offline massine

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Re: Has your POI Come back while you were actively waiting?
« Reply #21 on: June 30, 2020, 01:42:08 AM »
The one thing I cannot stress enough; LET YOURSELF HURT. GRIEVE. BE ANGRY. FEEL YOUR FEELINGS. it's been nearly 7 months since my most recent breakup. We lived together, he asked me to marry him and we were supposed to pick a ring out together. We had a silly argument and that was it. Gone. Thrown away. I fought, I took responsibility, I begged him to come back because he is my soulmate, I'll never have a love like him and neither of us understand his actions. I do believe he'll be back, but I went from not eating, crying all day, not able to leave my bed and so devastated to confident, happier, more outgoing, flirty and I really made a point to put myself first, go to counselling, get help, and better myself by eating better, working out, working on my mentality and just focusing on me.

The unfortunate side of all of this is, as someone previously mentioned, it's much much easier said than done and it's taken me years of help, of acting okay and trying AND FAILING until I finally feel happy on my own. I'm finally happy with myself.

I can sit back and resist but life goes on regardless. I'll never have another love like my POI but if it's meant to be, he'll be back and if not, I'll make sure I find someone who can be what I need and who needs me too.

Offline Realrealwater

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Re: Has your POI Come back while you were actively waiting?
« Reply #22 on: June 30, 2020, 02:36:19 AM »
The one thing I cannot stress enough; LET YOURSELF HURT. GRIEVE. BE ANGRY. FEEL YOUR FEELINGS. it's been nearly 7 months since my most recent breakup. We lived together, he asked me to marry him and we were supposed to pick a ring out together. We had a silly argument and that was it. Gone. Thrown away. I fought, I took responsibility, I begged him to come back because he is my soulmate, I'll never have a love like him and neither of us understand his actions. I do believe he'll be back, but I went from not eating, crying all day, not able to leave my bed and so devastated to confident, happier, more outgoing, flirty and I really made a point to put myself first, go to counselling, get help, and better myself by eating better, working out, working on my mentality and just focusing on me.

The unfortunate side of all of this is, as someone previously mentioned, it's much much easier said than done and it's taken me years of help, of acting okay and trying AND FAILING until I finally feel happy on my own. I'm finally happy with myself.

I can sit back and resist but life goes on regardless. I'll never have another love like my POI but if it's meant to be, he'll be back and if not, I'll make sure I find someone who can be what I need and who needs me too.

I haven’t left this phase.....
 I still feel like shit every time I wake up& reality sinks in... I get out of bed but I’ve not felt happy about doing so once this year.
It’s deep seated & I’m sick of it 🙄

Offline Hopeful2020

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Re: Has your POI Come back while you were actively waiting?
« Reply #23 on: June 30, 2020, 02:48:13 AM »
The one thing I cannot stress enough; LET YOURSELF HURT. GRIEVE. BE ANGRY. FEEL YOUR FEELINGS. it's been nearly 7 months since my most recent breakup. We lived together, he asked me to marry him and we were supposed to pick a ring out together. We had a silly argument and that was it. Gone. Thrown away. I fought, I took responsibility, I begged him to come back because he is my soulmate, I'll never have a love like him and neither of us understand his actions. I do believe he'll be back, but I went from not eating, crying all day, not able to leave my bed and so devastated to confident, happier, more outgoing, flirty and I really made a point to put myself first, go to counselling, get help, and better myself by eating better, working out, working on my mentality and just focusing on me.

The unfortunate side of all of this is, as someone previously mentioned, it's much much easier said than done and it's taken me years of help, of acting okay and trying AND FAILING until I finally feel happy on my own. I'm finally happy with myself.

I can sit back and resist but life goes on regardless. I'll never have another love like my POI but if it's meant to be, he'll be back and if not, I'll make sure I find someone who can be what I need and who needs me too.

I haven’t left this phase.....
 I still feel like shit every time I wake up& reality sinks in... I get out of bed but I’ve not felt happy about doing so once this year.
It’s deep seated & I’m sick of it 🙄


I am just now (literally within the last 2 weeks) starting to break out of that cycle. My ex/poi walked out on me & our kids 1 year ago this month, after 6 years. 4 months after he finally proposed. I spent every day of the last year with him being the 1st thing I think about when I woke up, to the last thing before I fell asleep, and all day in between. That may have been "obsessive" but there was so much pain.. and it's still there. But at the same time, in the last year, through the depression, I also lost 30 lbs (I was already underweight and got to 90 lbs), I lost motivation, my kids begged me to smile, or laugh and it hurt them to see me the way I was. It was horrible. About 2 months ago I actively started trying to put on weight, tried to "fake it til I make it" on being happy for them. And in the last 2 weeks its finally starting to get better. I can go hours without thinking of him instead of minutes. I can go to bed without being heartbroken. I can't give you advice on how to get out of it.. because I don't know. But I can at least offer you the fact that you are not alone. I know it's not much, but that is all I have. Its hard.. and it's bullshit. ❤
« Last Edit: June 30, 2020, 03:04:34 AM by Hopeful2020 »


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Re: Has your POI Come back while you were actively waiting?
« Reply #24 on: June 30, 2020, 03:20:26 AM »
The one thing I cannot stress enough; LET YOURSELF HURT. GRIEVE. BE ANGRY. FEEL YOUR FEELINGS. it's been nearly 7 months since my most recent breakup. We lived together, he asked me to marry him and we were supposed to pick a ring out together. We had a silly argument and that was it. Gone. Thrown away. I fought, I took responsibility, I begged him to come back because he is my soulmate, I'll never have a love like him and neither of us understand his actions. I do believe he'll be back, but I went from not eating, crying all day, not able to leave my bed and so devastated to confident, happier, more outgoing, flirty and I really made a point to put myself first, go to counselling, get help, and better myself by eating better, working out, working on my mentality and just focusing on me.

The unfortunate side of all of this is, as someone previously mentioned, it's much much easier said than done and it's taken me years of help, of acting okay and trying AND FAILING until I finally feel happy on my own. I'm finally happy with myself.

I can sit back and resist but life goes on regardless. I'll never have another love like my POI but if it's meant to be, he'll be back and if not, I'll make sure I find someone who can be what I need and who needs me too.

I haven’t left this phase.....
 I still feel like shit every time I wake up& reality sinks in... I get out of bed but I’ve not felt happy about doing so once this year.
It’s deep seated & I’m sick of it 🙄


I am just now (literally within the last 2 weeks) starting to break out of that cycle. My ex/poi walked out on me & our kids 1 year ago this month, after 6 years. 4 months after he finally proposed. I spent every day of the last year with him being the 1st thing I think about when I woke up, to the last thing before I fell asleep, and all day in between. That may have been "obsessive" but there was so much pain.. and it's still there. But at the same time, in the last year, through the depression, I also lost 30 lbs (I was already underweight and got to 90 lbs), I lost motivation, my kids begged me to smile, or laugh and it hurt them to see me the way I was. It was horrible. About 2 months ago I actively started trying to put on weight, tried to "fake it til I make it" on being happy for them. And in the last 2 weeks its finally starting to get better. I can go hours without thinking of him instead of minutes. I can go to bed without being heartbroken. I can't give you advice on how to get out of it.. because I don't know. But I can at least offer you the fact that you are not alone. I know it's not much, but that is all I have. Its hard.. and it's bullshit. ❤

oh i am so sorry to hear your story and i hope you feel better and better daily
did you go to gym or some sorts of exercise? or doing some arts?
my experience (i dealed with clients in social welfare centers before) told me emotional attachment to another individual could be very disastrous because another individual will always very unpredictable.
i hope you can find something inside YOU youself to help you feel grounded then your inner peace will be permanent.

Offline Mayra92

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Re: Has your POI Come back while you were actively waiting?
« Reply #25 on: March 19, 2024, 09:15:35 PM »
up for this topic to tell you that my POI got in touch with me while I was actively waiting (since months) and I lost hope at some point. I still checked my phone all the time and was quite desperate that he would never do it.

And one day, saw a message from him on my phone. That was a few days ago. I did a lot of readings while waiting for him and the readers told me differents things : he will get in touch or he will NOT get in touch, you need to do the first step. I got quite confused and did not know what to do. I knew deep down inside that we would talk again, but I thought it would be only when I would feel better and "over" him if that makes sense. I am just happy that I did not listen to the negative readers during this difficult time.

Offline kika

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Re: Has your POI Come back while you were actively waiting?
« Reply #26 on: March 20, 2024, 12:18:27 AM »
So I called this psychic and he predicted the exact day my ex would contact me. did not believe and that day he texted me. I did not how to respond. I mean he asked me to do something for him that needs to be done. My emotions were all over the place. I just totally ignored it. I was like that psychic was really good. Does anyone use mysticsense? Love readings by Sabrina is freaking me out and Lady Scorpious freaked me out too!!! Lots of readers on this platform of course ones we know already lol.

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Re: Has your POI Come back while you were actively waiting?
« Reply #27 on: March 21, 2024, 10:15:30 PM »
Kika, I think you replied in the wrong post :)

Offline thegreatestshow

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Re: Has your POI Come back while you were actively waiting?
« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2024, 06:40:44 AM »
Yes, and I wasn't actually even asking readers about him coming back at some point, and yet one of my readers saw him in my energy. But it didn't work out anyway, it just seems like whatever has left is meant to leave at the end of the day.