And you will come out the other side of this stronger. I wish I had only been “waiting 5 months”. I’ve been waiting 1 year and 5 months. So if anyone understands your pain it’s me, and I still have not overcome the love and nostalgia. It’s a natural human emotion that we face. I’m giving myself to the end of the year and if things don’t change in my situation I’ll let go of this too. It’s embarrassing to me I haven’t been able to disconnect after so much time, but I truly felt he was and is my soulmate. I got over my other ex in 2-3 months, so the fact I still feel this deeply after so long was entirely unexpected. The only thing that brings me peace is to know my ex can’t fully let go of me either, because he’s stated it, and contacted me multiple times throughout the year and 5 months. So you never know the reality of what someone feels (in your case your ex). The stories from people on here are kind of my saving grace, cause it reminds me I’m not the only one pining after an ex for years, and people worldwide experience these same feelings. Everyone moves and heals at their own pace. Say whatever you feel like you need to say your final piece to this guy in order to come to terms with this all, I suggest doing so. The fact he hasn’t blocked you or removed you on that online stuff is proof enough he doesn’t hate you or want you gone. Always do whatever brings you the most peace and emotional wellness. I am sorry you are experiencing the debilitating grief that the majority of us do as well, which is why this forum is great for stories like yours, and all of us coming together to support each other through our process.
Please be safe where you live ❤️