Author Topic: Letting Go- Moving ON TIPS and Tricks  (Read 2853 times)

Offline kdspirited

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Letting Go- Moving ON TIPS and Tricks
« on: May 04, 2020, 09:15:15 PM »
HI All
I am continuing my quest to psychic reading freedom and I know we have been on different journey's and have had various experiences. I want to encourage everyone who feels so inclined to share experiences/Tips/tricks or anything else to help those who want to move on. I am at that point where I want to let go of my POI and move on. What did you do to finally let go and leave the past behind. I have to come to the realization on my own however I am curious to know what you did on a day to day basis. I understand this might be a bit tricky when we are limited due to being in lockdown but any suggestions on resources, meditation, free therapy, books, experiences all are welcome

Offline aries1995

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Re: Letting Go- Moving ON TIPS and Tricks
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2020, 09:34:52 PM »
First thing I did was delete his number so I wouldn’t message him myself and stops you from checking if he’s online. Although I still get readings I haven’t messaged him at all

Offline russianred

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Re: Letting Go- Moving ON TIPS and Tricks
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2020, 04:16:40 AM »
I don't think I have many tips and tricks other than willpower related stuff -- like forcing oneself to stop checking social media, time last active, all that stuff that so many of us have done.  If you can't do it cold turkey, allow yourself one "check" per day and then wean yourself from that.

I mainly wanted to say congrats on your decision to move on.  You were yourself before POI entered your life and you will be after you allow POI to exit from it (although I always think that genuinely letting go can result in POI coming back).  But everyone I think deserves to live their lives without waiting on another person's decisions, unless that's what someone truly wants.

Offline Realrealwater

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Re: Letting Go- Moving ON TIPS and Tricks
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2020, 11:11:26 PM »
Have a plan.
I’ve been in therapy before and we have a traffic light system

Green for stable

Amber for slipping

Red for relapse.

So we have a plan for how to spot the agreed warning signs & how we combat them. So red coping techniques for being in the red for me would definitely to distract myself. To say “if I feel like this 10 mins or after this walk/bath/shower I can have a reading or text him or whatever lol
Just kind of being kind to yourself and allowing yourself to grieve. Connecting with you and your life again.
Learning about feminine energy is quite empowering - one thing that stood out to me was treating yourself like a toddler - so when you know you are tired, you sleep. When you know you’re grumpy you do something for you. When you know you are sad you act accordingly.
Also, surrendering and accepting is huge within feminine energy. As well as connecting to your body/feelings.
Also, remembering who you were before the relationship. What songs were you listening to? Tv shows? What countries did you travel to? Reconnecting with that woman will actually remind you of your best self or a better time in your life

Offline Ninacy

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Re: Letting Go- Moving ON TIPS and Tricks
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2020, 01:13:47 AM »
Agree totally with the tapping into that feminine energy and strength that we all have. This matter has bothered me for years and I have researched the subject both in a psychological and metaphysical sense and here is what I came up with--

--Asking psychics about this person will re-establish any cords you two had and if your relationship was toxic, the cord of toxicity from your ex will still be stuck in your aura and you'll end up asking more and more psychics about them because simply you feel crap and obsessed (but the other person is just simply draining the life out of you), it's not because they love you, not at least in a pure and unconditional sense.

So the first thing to do spiritually wise, after blocking them from social media and social distancing is to actually stop ask psychics about them. If you don't stop, you'll NEVER move on.

Next, you should work with yourself and find any lacks or wounds that need healing and have made you crave for this person when you shouldn't really. Work with yourself and hire a good therapist for identifying and treating these issues. This is often the case when you see that you are frequently attracted to certain types of men that are toxic and have nothing to give you.

However, a good reason why so many of us struggle or have struggled to move on is the subconscious belief that "our ex/poi is better than us". If you feel deep inside that the person is better than you in general, you are giving them all the power and you are left feeling like a peasant, who desperately seeks love and attention. For instance, some may compare their ex to them about superficial reasons e.g they are prettier than you, they make more money, people seem to like them more etc. Sure, they might be better at you in some aspects but if you search within yourself, you will find things about you that are better than him. Write them down and affirm "I'm better than this person at X thing" , "I'm better than this person in most aspects" and believe in yourself. Just because they are better than you in some things, it doesn't mean they are happy and it doesn't mean that you should be jealous. You are far better than them ....

Last but not least, sometimes people struggle to move on because they simply haven't found a good and strong enough replacement yet to replace their exes with. If you all meet creepy people that are not your types and there is zero connection from your part, of course, you will think about your ex compare your ex to them. But when you finally meet this special person and you are in love, thoughts about your ex will gradually vanish. I'm against dating people when you are still in love with your ex, but you should definitely give new folks and try after some time and see if you feel a growing connection to them. I had a friend personally who waited for her ex  for a year and was battling with depression and suicidal thoughs--nothing we told her seemed to perk up her spirits. She dated a few guys in the meantime but nothing happened, she didn't like them or felt they were compatible.  Once she felt better, she got a message from someone on Facebook, near her area who wanted to meet her. She told me she didn't like the guy at first but she gave him a chance anyways and dated him for a month or so before they proceeded to something more. Her feelings from him started to grow and she realized she would have a future with that guy. Well, after 4 years of being together with no fights and drama like her ex, they finally got married and she is really happy. And that guy, if you ask me, is much better than her toxic ex, inside and out. I'm really happy for her (and a tad jealous as I'm still single and waiting for someone like that)

Bottom line, If you believe in yourself that YOU ARE BETTER and that YOU DESERVE SOMEONE BETTER, you will eventually find the strength to move on and experience something better indeed. You just need to wake up and realize it.

Offline russianred

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Re: Letting Go- Moving ON TIPS and Tricks
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2020, 04:57:51 AM »
Very inspirational post, Ninacy.  I agree that self-work on your own self-worth and feeling as though you deserve someone who can give you what you want and make you a priority can be a big part of moving on.  Honestly, reclaiming some of sense of self-worth and getting angry -- "how DARE you have treated me like that and I DESERVE better" -- can help.

Offline KotaSwan

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Re: Letting Go- Moving ON TIPS and Tricks
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2020, 05:00:55 AM »
I agree with Ninacy hundred percent. Thank you Ninacy <3

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Letting Go- Moving ON TIPS and Tricks
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2020, 05:56:04 AM »
Wow thank you all so so much for sharing. This is exactly what I wanted hope this is helping others on here as well. I have been thinking about therapy lately and wanted to know how should I go about selecting a therapist? It is such an overwhelming task but are there specialties I should be looking for or are there sites which would cater specifically to our issues