Author Topic: Final Outcome Updates  (Read 8280 times)

Offline Dreamescape23 - P

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Final Outcome Updates
« on: April 30, 2020, 09:04:24 AM »
Sooooooo.  I finally got my final outcome from a situation I’ve been in.  I am going to list below who was wrong and who was right.  I can tell you one thing, no one I’m the end had the outcome correct, sadly.  However I’m happy I can be on the other side of the situation now.  I’ll list below “wrong” but then give some advisors some credit. 

Storefront Psychics

Shelley from The UK (right on details, a few of her markets cane through, but overall, she was wrong for the final outcome

Micah- Got a lot of small term things correct and details, I do think he has a gift, however, final outcome was dead wrong

Kisha- It’s funny she actually ended up being somewhat correct on the final outcome but had a lot of details that were wrong

Yona-  this was sad because I honestly thought she would have nailed the final outcome, but sadly, she was also wrong.  Got the situation correct, a few minor timing predictions, but wrong on the final outcome

Purple Ocean

Lynn- right on short term predictions and some timing predictions, wrong on the final outcome

Spiritual Elaine- right about the situation, wrong on outcome. 

Intuitive Perspective- this one is sad because I really did think she was correct but missed a ton of minor predictions as well as the overall outcome

Goddess Erika- Wrong about everything including short term predictions

Matt Warren- was definitely accurate and good and a few of his predictions did happen, wrong on final outcome


Miss Ann- accurate on present, but not one of her predictions came true.  I really liked her so this was no fun!

Lauren Divine- not even accurate on the situation and her predictions didn’t pan out

So honestly, no one in the end was correct including my own cards.  The good news is I can stop throwing away money on these “readers” I just wish I hadn’t wasted almost a year doing this.  Definitely sad and heartbroken as I’m approaching 40 and basically have to restart my life once again.  I hope no one else gets in the habit that I did.  I just hope that one day I’ll look back on this and laugh. 

I hope you can all learn from my mistakes, as I didn’t see the outcome happening this way at all. 

Hope everyone is well and please no DM’s asking questions that will further trigger the pain I’m having. 

Just want to give my own experience so none of you ever have to go through this.

Offline Dreamescape23 - P

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Re: Final Outcome Updates
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2020, 11:26:03 AM »
Yes it’s the absolute perfect time isn’t it?   My situation wasn’t an ex hoping for a reconciliation it was a little complicated and involved two mentally ill people so I think readers can’t pick up on that they read it as lack of compassion and immaturity.  Sometimes you don’t realize the mental illness is the immaturity not the actual immaturity.  Would be nice if readers knew how to read addictions and mentally instability.  It’s actually sad.  I almost want to get back into reading because I think after dealing with this garbage I’m full equipped to deal with mental illness and how to advise people

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Final Outcome Updates
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2020, 02:08:53 PM »
I would think some readers can pick up on it, but they aren't psychologists. If they mention someone is mentally ill and they haven't been diagnosed, it would cause issues. Besides, there are varying degrees of mental illness from borderline to full blown. I also don't think the caller would be receptive to hearing this kind of truth by a reader.

Offline jas

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Re: Final Outcome Updates
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2020, 02:22:38 PM »
I agree with HK - I didn't go into debt but for 10 years I didn't save a cent. Sounds like HK and I went down a similar path. Every available dollar went to my addiction, so I hope your post helps someone. 

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Re: Final Outcome Updates
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2020, 02:51:18 PM »
Thanks, Jas. I was never addicted though. I never had the thousands of dollars people have abused on psychics. I am in a much, much better position now due to researching more. Even after having money, I would pause to really think about getting that reading.

Once upon a time ago when I had called psychics about a SO, either nothing ever transpired or nothing was on point with what they said and I just figured out eons ago to never get a reading like that on said subject matter and I ended up just letting everything play out as it will. Also, looking back, had I taken any of those readers' suggestions of waiting or making the first move, I'd still be in a horrible relationship too long, which I could not see during that time because I was in it.

Not getting the SO back was a good thing in hindsight, so all the recommendations in the world and all the advice to stop calling psychics will not stop anyone from pining.


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Re: Final Outcome Updates
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2020, 03:42:28 PM »
I am sorry you went through this. It really hurts!!

How did you come to get your final outcome? did POI tell you or how do you know its final outcome at this moment?

Again sorry you are hurting.


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Re: Final Outcome Updates
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2020, 04:18:18 PM »
I totally get your disappointment in predictions not happening. I do want to say though as someone who has been working in the mental health/substance use field for many years. We are trained to ask certain questions in order to come up with a diagnoses. I understand your perspective of feeling like since they are a psychic they should know hey this person is mentally ill but that honestly is hard to diagnose. A lot of the times people throughout the diagnoses such as narcissistic personality or bipolar to describe someone who is just self absorbed or emotionally immature or to describe someone who is hot and cold when in actuality they dont even meet the criteria of the DSM-IV in order to be diagnosed.

Offline bee.23

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Re: Final Outcome Updates
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2020, 11:15:02 PM »
We are all here for you 🙏🏽
No questions asked. Thank you for all this information and sharing with the forum even admist the tragedy. I am wishing you the best in your healing and growth. Everything unfolds in divine timing and purpose, even if it poses as a challenge initially. Sending healing energies your way! Support, love, light and wellness!

Offline Flyingsoul

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Re: Final Outcome Updates
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2020, 11:54:44 PM »
You will know what's the end. You are the one who hold your destiny.
Always look for what make you settled, peace and content, regardless you are with someone else or alone. You have to find that inner peace.
All the best, life is still beautiful in many other ways :)

Offline Dreamescape23 - P

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Re: Final Outcome Updates
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2020, 01:00:27 AM »
Thank you for your sensitivity. Unfortunately I’ve had more than the three loves and I’m 40 almost so past my prime and too old now for children. 


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Re: Final Outcome Updates
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2020, 02:08:37 AM »
Oh im sorry I didnt see that part of your post, if I had I would not have asked. Wasnt my intention to trigger you.

I am sorry you went through this. It really hurts!!

How did you come to get your final outcome? did POI tell you or how do you know its final outcome at this moment?

Again sorry you are hurting.

By you asking these specific questions, you are making me more depressed.  I specifically asked for no questions which is why I listed in detail everyone that was wrong.  Please respect my wishes.  I didn’t even have to post this thread in the first place I’m just being helpful.

Offline Dreamescape23 - P

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Re: Final Outcome Updates
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2020, 03:23:53 AM »
Thank you.  I appreciate your sensitivity.  I know I’m going to be alone and I’m actually trying to accept it. I’m actually looking into doing a sperm donor to have a child by myself.  I hear what your saying but not being too old to find someone and I appreciate it, but I don’t want to ever ever find anyone.  I’ll be ok being a single mom.  Thanks for trying to understand my situation.  I’m not talking anymore on this thread.  Thank you!

Offline Fairydust123

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Re: Final Outcome Updates
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2020, 05:59:41 AM »
My reply here isnt for Dreamescape23 since he/she wants nothing further to do with this thread. This is for other users who may be going through something similar. I will start by sharing something Micah once told me: “Sometimes in life, the hardest circumstances come to the strongest souls.” I have had tremendous pain in my life from abuse as a child to bullying in high school and even college. You may grow and learn to heal. But those experiences never really leave you and for the rest of your life it causes you to view every experience through lenses different from those most others see through! Im in my late 30s. And in my whole life, I have never ever had anyone tell me they are in love with me. There has never been anyone who has loved and desired me the way I love and desire them. Im always chasing and being rejected. There has been one that I have loved the most and right now there has been no communication in almost 2 yrs. Several times this person has told me that it makes them sad that they cant be the person I need them to be. There is no greater pain than that. Several psychics have said reconnection will happen. Yona has said it may take another 18 months to 2 yrs. She couldnt have mixed up energies because this has been my one true love. And judging by her thread, her being totally wrong is definitely a real and true possibility! So at nearly 40, I come home each day to a lonely house with no shoulder to cry on, finding it difficult to trust others because of the pain of my past and the continued rejection, as if the universe is playing a cruel joke on me. For me the trick is to find a way to make it to tomorrow. Sometimes I try to make it hour by hour, sometimes minute to minute. Sometimes I feel ok and sometimes the sorrow gets overwhelming. But the trick is to keep it simple. Just find a way to make it to tomorrow. Find a way to believe that it cant always be bad. Find a way to believe that the universe will at some point cut you some slack. It is hard, but things do get better!! I recall just a few months ago I was almost out of money and feeling tremendous despair. In the nick of time on December 28, I won 5 of 6 lottery numbers. That gave me almost $6,000 and saved me for a few more months. (None of the psychics predicted me winning a pile of money, so take all readings with a grain of salt. Especially if they see only negatives, just know that they can be wrong!) Again, I felt like the universe was being mean to me because if I had gotten that last number I would have won 2.2 million dollars. But then I have to remind myself to be grateful. I had nothing, and I was granted this favor. Just the day before I won, I was in so much despair, the kind of sadness where no counseling, no nothing makes you feel better. But I didnt know a miracle awaited me the next day. Things stayed the same for so long, I couldnt have expected any positive change. But a blessing did come. The trick is to just find a way to make it to tomorrow. We never know which of the tomorrows has a blessing waiting for us. Just find a way to survive. Find a way to endure til tomorrow comes!! And also, learning to accept the cards ur dealt in this life and learning to be content and grateful, makes the journey at least a little bit more manageable. Just find a way to make it to tomorrow! This too shall pass 🤗

PROFFESOR, you and i haven't seen eye to eye on stuff on this forum, but that was beautifully said. I'm sorry you've also been through such a hard time growing up. I can really relate to your story.

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Re: Final Outcome Updates
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2020, 03:16:22 PM »
Thank you for your sensitivity. Unfortunately I’ve had more than the three loves and I’m 40 almost so past my prime and too old now for children.

I’m just reading this but I wanted to share something with you...

My My cousin(Male) was married to his long-term girlfriend of 10yrs and they ended up divorcing. he was 36 when the divorce was final. they had tried for kids but it never happened for them. about a year later he reconnected with an old friend from high school (she had been a senior when he was a freshman so they did not really know each other that well, it was more that they knew of each other). ANYWAY- this girl had been divorced from her one and only husband and one and only boyfriend for a few years, also no kids (she was 39). They began to date and it was such a beautiful and healthy relationship. They got married within half a year and about one year after that she got pregnant. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl towards the end of her 40th birthday (almost 41). Both are doing 100% fine. The reason I’m sharing this with you is because I feel like meeting the love of your life, having a good relationship, or even bring a child into the world can happen at the most unexpected times. You’re not old.. Without getting too personal, where I work I am often having to check peoples IDs and A lot of times I come across 46-year-old women with two-year-old kids. Have faith my love

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Final Outcome Updates
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2020, 03:29:58 PM »
Thank you for your sensitivity. Unfortunately I’ve had more than the three loves and I’m 40 almost so past my prime and too old now for children.

I’m just reading this but I wanted to share something with you...

My My cousin(Male) was married to his long-term girlfriend of 10yrs and they ended up divorcing. he was 36 when the divorce was final. they had tried for kids but it never happened for them. about a year later he reconnected with an old friend from high school (she had been a senior when he was a freshman so they did not really know each other that well, it was more that they knew of each other). ANYWAY- this girl had been divorced from her one and only husband and one and only boyfriend for a few years, also no kids (she was 39). They began to date and it was such a beautiful and healthy relationship. They got married within half a year and about one year after that she got pregnant. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl towards the end of her 40th birthday (almost 41). Both are doing 100% fine. The reason I’m sharing this with you is because I feel like meeting the love of your life, having a good relationship, or even bring a child into the world can happen at the most unexpected times. You’re not old.. Without getting too personal, where I work I am often having to check peoples IDs and A lot of times I come across 46-year-old women with two-year-old kids. Have faith my love

I had my last child at 42. No age related complications.  👍