Author Topic: The 10 Laws of Readings  (Read 10167 times)

Offline Sparkle002

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The 10 Laws of Readings
« on: April 28, 2020, 04:52:35 AM »
Hi Peeps,

I thought about why I typically get accurate readings and outcomes from a lot of my readers and thought about some "Laws" I take when I approach they go!

10 LAWS OF PSYCHIC READINGS (to improve accuracy)

LAW 1. Predictions are sometimes not exactly as they say
Since readers are always trying to interpret things in their own words (key here)- predictions will not be straight often have to either think outside of the box with things or terms they say or the way they say it. Sometimes, it will just dawn on you what they mean. Every reader has a way they talk, (i.e. "-isms"), and a way they communicate. Once you find your trusted reader and learn how they communicate it can become easier for you. This is not at all suggesting making things fit - nooo. But this is understanding what they mean when they try to decipher information to you.

Ive had psychic impressions myself (Ive added in threads on this forum) for example - one time when I kept getting a vision of a "kitchen, with cream cabinets, hardwood floors, and an island in the middle of the kitchen". It seemed like a new place, like a new house or something. The hardwood floors were light and there was a shadow of a man on the phone talking and laughing to the right of the island" He looked dark like a shadow like a silhouette. Intuitively I knew that this was not the guy I was currently dating - and wrote it in my journal.

Almost 3 months later after I saw that vision - I realized it happened. I was in a very nice hotel room that had a kitchen, with hardwood floors, brand new with creme cabinets - and I was on a TRIP with a GUY who was on the phone to the right of the island and he was laughing. This guy turned out NOT to be the guy I was dating at the time I saw the vision. So not only was I right that the guy was a new energy, I was able to accurately describe the surroundings

Guess what? I didnt pick up the trip. I didnt pick up that I was at a hotel vs a house. You get what im saying.

LAW 2. SIMILAR PREDICTIONS FROM MULTIPLE READERS - there could be SOME form of truth that some FORM of the prediction would happen.
I call these "Themes".
So what I end up doing is letting myself be aware that some form of that prediction will happen - just not in the exact way that they see it or interpret it. Now, I can hear alot of folks going against this one - I still mark it as a hit because the overarching theme may have happened but not in the way I thought or sometimes in the way I was told. Happens alot. For example, I was predicted my current POI. Matched physical description to a t, his job, his height, hair, kids, car, connection, attraction, his wittyness EVERYTHING. All saw him wanting a committed relationship with me. BUT he is married so yeah what a HUGE miss lol. Now could i say they were wrong? Well they got everything else right - and he does have an interest, he did want to pursue - but there is a friendship here (which was predicted as well) - so yea a relationship not in the way i thought smh but some folks would say they were wrong lol (like who and why in the hell did they do this to me good grief...anyway lol Im good). They were wrong based on the nature of the relationship - but everything happened in the timeframe predicted.

LAW 3. No one rarely ever sees an ultimate outcome - or at least HOW the outcome goes down. -
So Ive only had a few readers that were able to predict outcomes for me regarding relationships - but I believe there are only 1 or 2 that have predicted details as to how the outcome went down. When we think about it - what is an outcome? Things are always changing - is there really an end? So when I see shocking revelations and endings - almost NO ONE ever sees it EVER. Even when a guy stood me up last year when I traveled 5hrs to see him and he didnt even appear - NO ONE SAW THAT messed up ending. However, a few did see that we would not be together by the end of summer, and I knew WHY THAT DAY lol

LAW 4. Readers only see a SNAPSHOT in time - yes what they see is only a glimpse of something at some point in time.
This is partly why I can understand predestiny. But also how things can appear as free will - as readers are not going to pick up every single movement and thought while you are living your life - they tune in into some point in time.

LAW 5. To get an accurate picture - Read with at least 3 consistent good readers who work for you - never rely on just one. (this may be costly but hey thats the game you play lol)

LAW 6. Choose readers whose reading style works best for you - Some readers are better at specific questions, while some are better at General predictions. When I say better, I mean accuracy. some readers are all over the place and wont make sense until something happens, while they may be right, it just made you more confused. I like readers who tell a story like a book - this would be like Kisha and Matilda. Some readers are cryptic - like Yona - she uses certain terms or isms that you have to interpret to understand the gist of the prediction

LAW 7. Choose readers who have better accuracy at what they do - Empath, Remote Viewer, Good at Picking up the present, Clairvoyant (future predictions)

LAW 8. Space out readings and read with them for at least 10 mins - I find they are more accurate with a 2-3 month gap from readers (I dont follow this all the time - lol, but I will space out the time from the same reader rather than diff ones). I also found that certain readers are better when you are on the phone longer with them - some are slow to pick up but details come spewing out later (yes it can be more expensive, but this is what i found as far as better accuracy)

LAW 9. Go in with a clear mind and KEEP EXPECTATIONS LOW AS HELL - try not to be anxious, depressed or whatever


This is a HUGE ONE! I used to get caught up in the fantasy of the readings and would pay attention to what is happening in the real world.
For example, when a reader predicts something for you - YOU determine if it makes sense or not. If you have been out of contact with a guy and a reader all of a sudden sees you in a relationship - run! That makes no sense. Either they are fairytale or they are seeing probably someone new entirely.

I always look at what is predicted vs what is happening in real life - sometimes real life IS YOUR ANSWER.


LAW 12 - Do not give them too much information!!! Let them pick up things on their own to confirm they are connecting to you

« Last Edit: April 28, 2020, 05:15:31 AM by Sparkle002 »

Offline Fairydust123

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Re: The 10 Laws of Readings
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2020, 05:02:43 AM »
Thank you for sharing ♡♡


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Re: The 10 Laws of Readings
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2020, 05:07:11 AM »
totally agreed with them!

especially first one; we dont want to give too much details but at the same time we expected the readers to match whatever they saw to our issues; it's just hard.

and i will add one more: ASK SPECIFIC QUESTIONS, have a specific person & issues; that will be the easiest for the readers to tape in.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: The 10 Laws of Readings
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2020, 05:13:13 AM »
totally agreed with them!

especially first one; we dont want to give too much details but at the same time we expected the readers to match whatever they saw to our issues; it's just hard.

and i will add one more: ASK SPECIFIC QUESTIONS, have a specific person & issues; that will be the easiest for the readers to tape in.

I know right! lol

As for specific questions - yep this refers to LAW 6 - However -  I think it depends on the reader. I find if I ask specific questions for readers who are better at genernal reads (Like Yona or Kisha) their accuracy falls flat - but their Generals are more accurate.

But yes that is another LAW - do not give to much detail to them! Let them pick up stuff on their own AND just because they get the PRESENT right, doesn't mean predictions will be right! Im gonna add these lol


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Re: The 10 Laws of Readings
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2020, 07:05:10 AM »
for my own experience, tarot readers, the questions i make them as specific as i can; then the outcome always very satisfactory
for others not using tools but just senses or energy; they are better at general direction goes.

and so yes, i always have 3 readers to countercheck with one issue; then if all of them see same outcome; like 90% it's accurate.

totally agreed with them!

especially first one; we dont want to give too much details but at the same time we expected the readers to match whatever they saw to our issues; it's just hard.

and i will add one more: ASK SPECIFIC QUESTIONS, have a specific person & issues; that will be the easiest for the readers to tape in.

I know right! lol

As for specific questions - yep this refers to LAW 6 - However -  I think it depends on the reader. I find if I ask specific questions for readers who are better at genernal reads (Like Yona or Kisha) their accuracy falls flat - but their Generals are more accurate.

But yes that is another LAW - do not give to much detail to them! Let them pick up stuff on their own AND just because they get the PRESENT right, doesn't mean predictions will be right! Im gonna add these lol

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: The 10 Laws of Readings
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2020, 06:01:29 PM »
I'm gonna be a total Virgo here and say that's 12 laws hahaha but agree with all your points!

Ya I updated it after someone made 2  additional recommendations - I didn’t want to change the title and confuse the thread since some have already replied to it lol

Thanks Virgo gal - I’m a Gemini lol ;)

Offline PurpleRain

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Re: The 10 Laws of Readings
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2020, 10:08:16 PM »
This is great! I wish we could pin this.

Law 12 should be named after Leanne...
Also, even the good psychics can become biased or change things when given too much information.

Law 1 should be named after Yona.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2020, 10:50:28 PM by PurpleRain »

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: The 10 Laws of Readings
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2020, 10:28:19 PM »
Thanks for pointing this out as I agree 100%!

for my own experience, tarot readers, the questions i make them as specific as i can; then the outcome always very satisfactory
for others not using tools but just senses or energy; they are better at general direction goes.

and so yes, i always have 3 readers to countercheck with one issue; then if all of them see same outcome; like 90% it's accurate.

totally agreed with them!

especially first one; we dont want to give too much details but at the same time we expected the readers to match whatever they saw to our issues; it's just hard.

and i will add one more: ASK SPECIFIC QUESTIONS, have a specific person & issues; that will be the easiest for the readers to tape in.

I know right! lol

As for specific questions - yep this refers to LAW 6 - However -  I think it depends on the reader. I find if I ask specific questions for readers who are better at genernal reads (Like Yona or Kisha) their accuracy falls flat - but their Generals are more accurate.

But yes that is another LAW - do not give to much detail to them! Let them pick up stuff on their own AND just because they get the PRESENT right, doesn't mean predictions will be right! Im gonna add these lol

Offline HornetKick

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Re: The 10 Laws of Readings
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2020, 02:20:44 AM »
Time for the nutty professor to chime in! First off, I will state immediately that these 12 guideposts are 100% accurate in my opinion and I feel that anyone who have had readings for sone time will more than likely come to similar conclusions. However, I have to admit I have a nagging issue with Law 10: stay in reality. This is absolute truth. Perhaps the most important lesson ive learned since doing readings is what was told to me by Kisha when she stated that you have to live your life based on what is presented before you. However I slightly disagree with the example stating that:  “If you have been out of contact with a guy and a reader all of a sudden sees you in a relationship - run! That makes no sense. Either they are fairytale or they are seeing probably someone new entirely.” I know my opinion here isnt popular and I am prepared and ready to be disagreed with. In my situation, I have had no contact with poi in almost 2 years. I actually found that it was easier for fake psychics to play off that and easily claim to predict that its over. After all, common sensically ( i know its not a word) you would imagine things would be done if there is a whole 2 yrs without any contact, plus we live in different countries. So why would Micah, Divine Empath, Carla, and Yona be so adamant that there will be a reuniting?Why would they insist that time would bring us back together? Of course they could all be wrong, but the point im making is that there are some reputable psychics in the list I just mentioned, some of which arent known to be fairy talers. So, I agree with everything in this post except the fact that I dont think that if there is no communication with a poi in a very long time, it follows that we should ‘run’ if a psychic predicts a reunion.

Your post makes a lot of sense, just because a lot of posters have given others advice that it stands to reason if you haven't been in contact (many readers ask this question of how long has it been), that you won't hear from the SO at all. I know for a fact this isn't always the truth. It just depends on the scenario. Everything isn't just black/white.

Offline Calleronhiatus

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Re: The 10 Laws of Readings
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2020, 02:28:39 AM »
Hi Peeps,

I thought about why I typically get accurate readings and outcomes from a lot of my readers and thought about some "Laws" I take when I approach they go!

10 LAWS OF PSYCHIC READINGS (to improve accuracy)

LAW 1. Predictions are sometimes not exactly as they say
Since readers are always trying to interpret things in their own words (key here)- predictions will not be straight often have to either think outside of the box with things or terms they say or the way they say it. Sometimes, it will just dawn on you what they mean. Every reader has a way they talk, (i.e. "-isms"), and a way they communicate. Once you find your trusted reader and learn how they communicate it can become easier for you. This is not at all suggesting making things fit - nooo. But this is understanding what they mean when they try to decipher information to you.

Ive had psychic impressions myself (Ive added in threads on this forum) for example - one time when I kept getting a vision of a "kitchen, with cream cabinets, hardwood floors, and an island in the middle of the kitchen". It seemed like a new place, like a new house or something. The hardwood floors were light and there was a shadow of a man on the phone talking and laughing to the right of the island" He looked dark like a shadow like a silhouette. Intuitively I knew that this was not the guy I was currently dating - and wrote it in my journal.

Almost 3 months later after I saw that vision - I realized it happened. I was in a very nice hotel room that had a kitchen, with hardwood floors, brand new with creme cabinets - and I was on a TRIP with a GUY who was on the phone to the right of the island and he was laughing. This guy turned out NOT to be the guy I was dating at the time I saw the vision. So not only was I right that the guy was a new energy, I was able to accurately describe the surroundings

Guess what? I didnt pick up the trip. I didnt pick up that I was at a hotel vs a house. You get what im saying.

LAW 2. SIMILAR PREDICTIONS FROM MULTIPLE READERS - there could be SOME form of truth that some FORM of the prediction would happen.
I call these "Themes".
So what I end up doing is letting myself be aware that some form of that prediction will happen - just not in the exact way that they see it or interpret it. Now, I can hear alot of folks going against this one - I still mark it as a hit because the overarching theme may have happened but not in the way I thought or sometimes in the way I was told. Happens alot. For example, I was predicted my current POI. Matched physical description to a t, his job, his height, hair, kids, car, connection, attraction, his wittyness EVERYTHING. All saw him wanting a committed relationship with me. BUT he is married so yeah what a HUGE miss lol. Now could i say they were wrong? Well they got everything else right - and he does have an interest, he did want to pursue - but there is a friendship here (which was predicted as well) - so yea a relationship not in the way i thought smh but some folks would say they were wrong lol (like who and why in the hell did they do this to me good grief...anyway lol Im good). They were wrong based on the nature of the relationship - but everything happened in the timeframe predicted.

LAW 3. No one rarely ever sees an ultimate outcome - or at least HOW the outcome goes down. -
So Ive only had a few readers that were able to predict outcomes for me regarding relationships - but I believe there are only 1 or 2 that have predicted details as to how the outcome went down. When we think about it - what is an outcome? Things are always changing - is there really an end? So when I see shocking revelations and endings - almost NO ONE ever sees it EVER. Even when a guy stood me up last year when I traveled 5hrs to see him and he didnt even appear - NO ONE SAW THAT messed up ending. However, a few did see that we would not be together by the end of summer, and I knew WHY THAT DAY lol

LAW 4. Readers only see a SNAPSHOT in time - yes what they see is only a glimpse of something at some point in time.
This is partly why I can understand predestiny. But also how things can appear as free will - as readers are not going to pick up every single movement and thought while you are living your life - they tune in into some point in time.

LAW 5. To get an accurate picture - Read with at least 3 consistent good readers who work for you - never rely on just one. (this may be costly but hey thats the game you play lol)

LAW 6. Choose readers whose reading style works best for you - Some readers are better at specific questions, while some are better at General predictions. When I say better, I mean accuracy. some readers are all over the place and wont make sense until something happens, while they may be right, it just made you more confused. I like readers who tell a story like a book - this would be like Kisha and Matilda. Some readers are cryptic - like Yona - she uses certain terms or isms that you have to interpret to understand the gist of the prediction

LAW 7. Choose readers who have better accuracy at what they do - Empath, Remote Viewer, Good at Picking up the present, Clairvoyant (future predictions)

LAW 8. Space out readings and read with them for at least 10 mins - I find they are more accurate with a 2-3 month gap from readers (I dont follow this all the time - lol, but I will space out the time from the same reader rather than diff ones). I also found that certain readers are better when you are on the phone longer with them - some are slow to pick up but details come spewing out later (yes it can be more expensive, but this is what i found as far as better accuracy)

LAW 9. Go in with a clear mind and KEEP EXPECTATIONS LOW AS HELL - try not to be anxious, depressed or whatever


This is a HUGE ONE! I used to get caught up in the fantasy of the readings and would pay attention to what is happening in the real world.
For example, when a reader predicts something for you - YOU determine if it makes sense or not. If you have been out of contact with a guy and a reader all of a sudden sees you in a relationship - run! That makes no sense. Either they are fairytale or they are seeing probably someone new entirely.

I always look at what is predicted vs what is happening in real life - sometimes real life IS YOUR ANSWER.


LAW 12 - Do not give them too much information!!! Let them pick up things on their own to confirm they are connecting to you

#8 is one I had to learn the hard way. I used to be the person that got 3 and 5 minute readings on Keen. I used to get mad I didn’t get enough details and then realized it was my own fault for the length of my readings. This just took me back to my early days of readings. lol. Good points.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: The 10 Laws of Readings
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2020, 02:39:40 AM »
Time for the nutty professor to chime in! First off, I will state immediately that these 12 guideposts are 100% accurate in my opinion and I feel that anyone who have had readings for sone time will more than likely come to similar conclusions. However, I have to admit I have a nagging issue with Law 10: stay in reality. This is absolute truth. Perhaps the most important lesson ive learned since doing readings is what was told to me by Kisha when she stated that you have to live your life based on what is presented before you. However I slightly disagree with the example stating that:  “If you have been out of contact with a guy and a reader all of a sudden sees you in a relationship - run! That makes no sense. Either they are fairytale or they are seeing probably someone new entirely.” I know my opinion here isnt popular and I am prepared and ready to be disagreed with. In my situation, I have had no contact with poi in almost 2 years. I actually found that it was easier for fake psychics to play off that and easily claim to predict that its over. After all, common sensically ( i know its not a word) you would imagine things would be done if there is a whole 2 yrs without any contact, plus we live in different countries. So why would Micah, Divine Empath, Carla, and Yona be so adamant that there will be a reuniting?Why would they insist that time would bring us back together? Of course they could all be wrong, but the point im making is that there are some reputable psychics in the list I just mentioned, some of which arent known to be fairy talers. So, I agree with everything in this post except the fact that I dont think that if there is no communication with a poi in a very long time, it follows that we should ‘run’ if a psychic predicts a reunion.

Your post makes a lot of sense, just because a lot of posters have given others advice that it stands to reason if you haven't been in contact (many readers ask this question of how long has it been), that you won't hear from the SO at all. I know for a fact this isn't always the truth. It just depends on the scenario. Everything isn't just black/white.

Totally understand. Yep All scenarios wont fit - I think Im just trying to warn off the fairy tale readers we have all experienced at some point in our psychic reading journies lol...there are definitely exceptions. BUT judging by most people who have experienced "out of contact situations"- we are aware that the odds are low (including myself) - however anything can happen

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: The 10 Laws of Readings
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2020, 03:17:12 AM »
Yes, I absolutely agree that the odds are low. Thats exactly why I have been striving to work on myself, love myself enough, and value myself enough to just let go and let life happen. Im striving to get to a place where I am content and not in need of anyone to make me happy. If poi does return, what joy! But if not, just keep it moving and be open to any other possibilities the universe sees fit to bring my way! But yea, an excellent post here.

Good for you!!

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Re: The 10 Laws of Readings
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2020, 03:37:33 AM »

I agree with all of these, but I also want to state the obvious.  If you are looking for answers as to why someone has not contacted you for 6 months ask yourself why you would want to hear from someone that has not contacted you for 6 months  Also if you have been told you will hear from a psychic for those last 6 months what has kept you holding on?  the psychic of the connection you have with the person? and if the connection was so damn good why have they not been in touch.

Don't hold on to hope because a psychic said they are coming back, because the more you hold on the more you ring and the more you spend and the lower you will feel.

Find a good reader or 2 and stick with them but allow them to link with you and tell you what is coming in, it may not be definite or detailed descriptions but you have to keep an open mind and understand that you are the one in charge of your future, not some dead kick guy who has not called you for 6 months or given you an answer as to why he hasn't called you

Stay safe everyone

Offline PJpilar

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Re: The 10 Laws of Readings
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2022, 05:58:31 PM »
Good list