I think I stumbled on the wrong forum. I'm wondering if this is a good forum for me. What drew me here was the Keen.com discussion as I'm a reader on Keen, been so since 2001. Other things happened in life, I quit, than rejoined a couple of years ago. I don't see any other readers here.
It's always interesting to see Keen.com feedback since it's seen 'from the outside', it is helpful. As I can only 'see it from the inside' so to speak. As a reader, I'm not here to advertise. I can participate with Keen.com discussions and just basically help with basics on manifesting what is wanted ~ the same thing I do in a reading. I'm a spiritual advisor/empath/intuitive person that helps people manifest what they want. In other words, empower them, not give fortune telling.
As a empath aware of the infinite possibilities of realites, and know that we create our own future moment by moment, I don't give predictions ~ they can be changed by the person calling the minute the phone is hung up anyway. So predictions are a bit presumptious that way,
Anyhow, if it's against the rules for a reader to be here, just let me know and I'll go, no negative feelings at all.