Author Topic: Psychic Kathrine  (Read 7362 times)

Offline Jewel101

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Psychic Kathrine
« on: September 11, 2017, 08:53:55 PM »
Anyone read with her?

Offline Apalm831

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Re: Psychic Kathrine
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2017, 09:37:13 PM »
Honest Psychic Katherine?

Oh man..... hold me back guys....

She tells, or told, half a dozen people on the forum the exact same thing. Verbatim.

Offline candy1

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Re: Psychic Kathrine
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2017, 10:01:32 PM »
More like a dozen or so of us hahaha - check this thread....,2294.msg37769.html#msg37769

She and another Kathryn/Katherine may also be the same person.  I read with both and both chats were almost identical too.... One goes as "Honest Psychic Katherine"  and the other now goes as (changed her name) "Chat Guru - Psychic Kathryn". 

So, just buyer beware, some people claim she was VERY connected.  One of them (can't remember which) made a fairly basic comment to me that could 'suggest' she was connected - but could have been a good guess.  I was quick to feed it though so that didn't help.  (I was still learning).


Offline Jewel101

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Re: Psychic Kathrine
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2017, 10:04:00 PM »
Wow thanks!

Offline candy1

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Re: Psychic Kathrine
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2017, 10:10:53 PM »
Wow thanks!
@jewel that thread was actually the reason I joined this forum!  I was lurking for MONTHS, I am quite private so didn't want to join, but I had read with one of the Katherine's based on a thread - then read with her again - second time was just like the first and I was like whoa? what??  decided not to read with her again... Then read with the other Kathryn (not sure which one is which now) based on the start of that thread.. within 2 minutes I was like "I have had this reading before"?  And I think it was with a Katherine (photographic memory)... Went back through my chats - sure enough two "different" people.. exact (almost word for word) same reading.  I signed up for the forum just to inform people.  I get that many readers have multiple postings.  I get that not every reader works for every person.  Timing is lucid etc.  BUT - the biggest thing I look for in a reader is them being ethical.  Letting us know if they are not connected.  Not lying to us etc.  I feel she is not ethical.  If she is hiding behind two aliases or whatever, doesn't seem right to me and giving so many people the same reading...  Not ethical (and she is pricy to boot)....

Offline johnsc75

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Re: Psychic Kathrine
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2017, 10:30:41 PM »
scammer she is soul mate finder it is her caught her and she blocked me before i could leave the review sent keen an email got my money back but didnt get her banned as i had hoped.

Offline Jewel101

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Re: Psychic Kathrine
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2017, 10:34:23 PM »
I wonder if Simply Kathryn is the same she sounds more upbeat and fast to me. While Psychic Kathrine sounds slower and older. It saddens me to see the slim chance in readers you find. I think i need a break from readings. My main question is usually contact predictions.

Offline Joy

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Re: Psychic Kathrine
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2020, 03:29:22 PM »
I read with her two weeks ago. So far, the things she said have been correct. I will see if the rest of what she told me will end up being correct, too.
BTW, this is not Honest Psychic Katherine or other Katherine. This lady definitely sounds older. It says she does tarot and runes, although I did not hear any shuffling or any other noises. She told me a bunch of things in under 10 minutes. It was more of an outcome reading, but I was able to validate some of the things she said during the week after the reading.

Honest Psychic Katherine... I read with her once a year ago. I asked about work and while I was at that, I asked about a guy I did not like romantically. I was getting the impression that he may see me as something more and he was related to my work, so I didn't want to cut him off in a bad way if he decided to make a move. The honest psychic was most honestly wrong about the work. From the distance of time, I can say she was flat wrong about that. As for the guy, I just asked her how he sees me without giving any additional information except the guy's name and that he was a colleague. She told me it was not going to work between the two of us. I was just about to say that it makes me happy to hear and she started saying how she can see we have a great connection and he flirts with me and he is hot and cold and that confuses me, but this was because he was not ready. He was focusing on work now and he thought I was a distraction and it bothered him we were colleagues. She said he won't even try. He liked casual things for now and having fun with friends (that guy was an introvert, btw). I think she was about to say more, but I just hang up at that point. Kind of rude of me, but what she was saying sounded like a complete bull... Later, I saw that she had sent me an email saying the connection was cut off (made me feel bad I did not say I was hanging up) and gave me another round of pounding on how she could see how I liked him and this was because of the connection we had, but he just wasn't ready and I was going to meet someone new and she was there for me to call back to hear about this new guy. I did not. And judging by the work prediction outcome, good thing I did not. I also felt like I paid to hear nonsense about a guy I don't even like. I just wanted to know what to expect because he was at my place of work.

