Author Topic: Therapy is the answer. I ended my psychic addiction!  (Read 3989 times)

Offline twinflame93

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Therapy is the answer. I ended my psychic addiction!
« on: July 17, 2020, 12:55:16 PM »
Hi Everyone,

I thought I would share a personal story of mine that would help anyone who is fed up of constantly calling psychics and feeling confused, losing money and feeling like they are losing their sense of self worth or self power.

I put a similar post on one of the comments page but I wanted as many people to read this as possible because PSYCHICS ARE NOT WORTH YOUR TIME OR MONEY! What happened to embracing ourselves, trusting in the universe and using our own intuition? We all make mistakes, no one is perfect.

I went from calling psychics on a binge for 2.5 years, I then stopped and had a break for several months and then when my POI came back into my life doing the same hot/cold shit I went on a psychic binge again!

My absolute breaking point was when I ended up completely drunk one night and sent my POI several psycho/crazy texts about why he was not stepping up. He did not reply so I called a psychic on keen and spent $250. She suggested me to see a therapist as I had called her a number of times in the past. I thought about it and decided to give it a go.

I ended up finding my therapist on here: (link not affiliated). Honestly it has been life changing! Often when we talk to psychics it's mostly because we just want someone to talk to, and we want to hear the "fantasy talk" as it is an escasm for reality. When the reality is when I woke up the next day I felt awful for wasting all that money. The only time I felt good was the time I was talking to the psychic.

Let me tell you...OVER THE PAST 3 YEARS NONE OF THE "BIG PREDICTIONS" OF WHAT THE PSYCHICS TOLD ME EVER CAME TO FRUTITION. When I confronted them I was either blocked or they told me it was my fault for putting 'negative energy into the universe' or they told me to 'trust in timing'.

Let me also tell you...nothing is ever set in stone. Situations change, the economy changes, our free will choices change... Change is important and change happens all the time. Psychics won't tell you this as they want you to keep parting money with them.
Yes small predictions happened many times for me e.g "when will he contact?" but do you realise you are passing that control over to the person you are calling and also your POI? Get your power back!!

The more we try to find satisfaction in other people when we are feeling so low e.g. a psychic to give the fantasy talk or a POI we will never be happy. We are actually scared of "uncertainty" so we call psychics to give us that feeling of "certainty".

I have had 4 sessions of therapy and they really help you go within and ask yourself what you really want and what you really need to do. Therapy helps us to take control of our lives and not live in a fantasy world like where psychics tell you that your world will smell of roses.

My therapist told me "if you ever feel that need to call a psychic, get some oracle cards. Shuffle the cards and pull out 1-3 cards. Do not use any tarot cards or other cards that have negative cards in them. That will get you to want to call a psychic. Oracle/angel cards are great as they are more advice cards for what you need to do. After you finish your reading pay yourself into your savings account. So you are doing your own personal reading"

It's like you are getting your own power back for trusting your own intuition rather than paying someone else or trying to get external validation into a psychic. I've been doing this technique and it has helped me loads. I speak with my therapist every Monday morning to set myself for the week. And if I feel anxious feeling I need to speak with her or a psychic, I write down my questions for her for my next session and then in the meanwhile I take out my oracle angel cards. Angel cards are a remarkable investment! It will also make you feel good! The best psychics in my opinion are ourselves. Nothing is better than believing and trusting our own intuition. We are human and are supposed to make mistakes. When we make mistakes it might be to lead us onto greater things. We have to keep saying to ourselves "I am willing to accept the uncertainty".

I now feel I have so much more savings, I am getting my own power back, my self love is growing and I feel good. Get a therapist, they really help you with all walks of life. I have only had 4 sessions with her and been in therapy for one month (not calling psychics for a month) but that is a lot for me as I was addicted to calling psycics almost every day! :(

I also suggest reading a few books on self love and self power:

None of these links are affiliated:

Women don't owe you pretty -

How to get over a boy -

What a time to be alone -

