Hi! Someone with a gift here that I refuse to use. So yall have heard of soul ties before right? Well when you connect with an empath or psychic, tarot reader, etc, many times we don't know what they are doing behind the scenes. From my experience, I went to a "psychic" one time that actually used negative energy and i swear cursed me after. This was a year ago. She told me all the same things these psychics have said, all the family psychics have said, she knew my job. Well bad stuff started happening as soon as a walked out the door. Also, I had this smell on me for like almost two weeks that wouldnt go away. I didnt have it when i went into her shop, but did when I left. I couldnt walk without limping, and then my eye got this really bad infection but the doctor said it wasnt pink eye. Anyway, same things here. You dont know what some of these psychics dable in. Sometimes the "peace and love, and light" is bull honkey and they are feeding negative energy as much as they come across not bring. However, this isnt always true. But think about it.
I know that when I have used my gift, i dont know how to control it well and i always feel negative stuff around me. Negative energy makes you fear and fear is not from good. If you fear, you want to fix it, so what do you do? Go for more readings. Its a perpetual cycle.
A lot of psychics dable in dark magic, spell casting, cursing, and other stuff.
Again, this is not every single one, but it could be a cause.
Back to the soul ties part, youre exchanging energy with the psychics whether you realize it or not. Who knows what they read before or what they heard that day, or did that day. Especially if you are an empath, you can feel something isnt right! I would sage!!
Remember this world is full of spiritual warfare and the spirit world knows trickery well