Author Topic: BIG UPDATE  (Read 12820 times)

Offline bee.23

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« on: April 17, 2020, 01:23:23 AM »
So..... over the last few months a multitude of readers have been horrifically wrong for my POI scenario. If any of you all have been following my story, there’s no need to re-state it, but I will say my POI and I stopped speaking end of January. I, like many, went through a week binging phase and must’ve contacted an ungodly amount of psychics. When I tapped out of my emotions and realized reality, and the fact I’m a boss bitch and don’t need a man lol, I stopped. Haven’t had more than 1-2 readings in the past almost 3 months. When POI and I stopped speaking end of January, multiple readers predicted contact, things being better, reconciliation etc. a lot of them said a few days, some said a few weeks, and others swore by the end of February, then the end of march. Well all those dates passed. And I really started to truly believe I would never hear from POI again (which wasn’t necessarily a problem as I’ve been at peace without it). Then finally after a long almost 3 months.... he contacted me this morning. Not that it means anything, cause the contact attempt was lame, but contact nonetheless.. after a long silence. The only readers to get it right on this CONTACT prediction, were

1. LeeLoo Esotericorner (said either March or April, but she wasn’t sure, she said the feelings feel more towards march, but contact seems Aires timeframe, then she said somewhere between April 14-19th for contact) well boom, today is APRIL 16TH (I really didn’t want her to be right cause her prediction for me with POI was negative “always be ex energy” and also didn’t make sense cause she said his mother and I would reconcile next year but I know that won’t happen if poi and I aren’t together) (also said I would get pregnant 2021 and I know I wouldn’t allow that to happen if it wasn’t with poi) (have seen mixed reviews and don’t know what to think)
2. Marie Anna (said contact before May)
3. Shaman Kira (said contact March-May)
4. Sonya Starr angel (said 2nd quarter of the year)
5. Hillary80’s (couldn’t decipher when but said at some point this year)
6. (Don’t laugh) but 2 of those “pick a card general reading” YouTube readers who I swear by, predicted this as well
7. Oh psychic yazmin wasn’t entirely wrong either, she said the latest for contact would be April (but implied it would most likely be much sooner, which didn’t happen)

Their readings are literally insanely accurate, and they give a lot of accurate detail, it blows my mind each time, and is 100% free

(All of these people mentioned, their full predictions are still pending, as they all had very very different predictions, each one of them... but they at least got the contact prediction right, while maybe 30-40 other people got contact predictions completely off)

If you guys would like to know who got it wrong, you can ask and I’ll list them best from memory, but it was..... a lot

Also the strangest thing was last night I was dreaming about my ex, and it wasn’t a bad dream. I feel like this means something in relation to him contacting, and energy really is real

On top of this, I’m a reader myself, and have to give a huge shoutout to my own cards, for also predicting a similar timeframe in it being not till early/mid April that he would contact me.
I will keep you all updated on what unfolds with this, or if nothing unfolds at all 🤔🤔🤔
« Last Edit: April 17, 2020, 02:12:44 AM by bee.23 »

Offline Just FYI

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« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2020, 01:32:34 AM »
That is wild! Awesome.

You are a boss! Your cards are boss too!

Offline Rayban212

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« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2020, 01:33:21 AM »
So..... over the last few months a multitude of readers have been horrifically wrong for my POI scenario. If any of you all have been following my story, there’s no need to re-state it, but I will say my POI and I stopped speaking end of January. I, like many, went through a week binging phase and must’ve contacted an ungodly amount of psychics. When I tapped out of my emotions and realized reality, and the fact I’m a boss bitch and don’t need a man lol, I stopped. Haven’t had more than 1-2 readings in the past almost 3 months. When POI and I stopped speaking end of January, multiple readers predicted contact, things being better, reconciliation etc. a lot of them said a few days, some said a few weeks, and others swore by the end of February, then the end of march. Well all those dates passed. And I really started to truly believe I would never hear from POI again (which wasn’t necessarily a problem as I’ve been at peace without it). Then finally after a long almost 3 months.... he contacted me this morning. Not that it means anything, cause the contact attempt was lame, but contact nonetheless.. after a long silence. The only readers to get it right on this CONTACT prediction, were

1. LeeLoo Esotericorner (said either March or April, but she wasn’t sure, she said the feelings feel more towards march, but contact seems Aires timeframe, then she said somewhere between April 14-19th for contact) well boom, today is APRIL 16TH (I really didn’t want her to be right cause her prediction for me with POI was negative “always be ex energy” and also didn’t make sense cause she said his mother and I would reconcile next year but I know that won’t happen if poi and I aren’t together) (also said I would get pregnant 2021 and I know I wouldn’t allow that to happen if it wasn’t with poi) (have seen mixed reviews and don’t know what to think)
2. Marie Anna (said contact before May)
3. Shaman Kira (said contact March-May)
4. Hillary80’s (couldn’t decipher when but said at some point this year)
5. (Don’t laugh) but 2 of those “pick a card general reading” YouTube readers who I swear by, predicted this as well

Their readings are literally insanely accurate, and they give a lot of accurate detail, it blows my mind each time, and is 100% free

(All of these people mentioned, their full predictions are still pending, as they all had very very different predictions, each one of them... but they at least got the contact prediction right, while maybe 30-40 other people got contact predictions completely off)

If you guys would like to know who got it wrong, you can ask and I’ll list them best from memory, but it was..... a lot

Also the strangest thing was last night I was dreaming about my ex, and it wasn’t a bad dream. I feel like this means something in relation to him contacting, and energy really is real

On top of this, I’m a reader myself, and have to give a huge shoutout to my own cards, for also predicting a similar timeframe in it being not till early/mid April that he would contact me.
I will keep you all updated on what unfolds with this, or if nothing unfolds at all 🤔🤔🤔

Congrats love!!!!

Offline Fairydust123

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« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2020, 01:39:56 AM »

Offline seeker123

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« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2020, 01:42:08 AM »
That's great news! Congrats bee!

Offline bee.23

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« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2020, 01:53:33 AM »
Lol thank you guys 😂
Y’all are always so supportive, it means a lot

Offline bee.23

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« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2020, 01:54:43 AM »
That is wild! Awesome.

You are a boss! Your cards are boss too!

I hope all is going well with you since I gave you your reading!
In all your situations ❤️ And that you are safe and well in this pandemic too ❤️❤️

Offline PurpleRain

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« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2020, 02:14:56 AM »
How did you interpret timeframe with your cards? And which deck(s) are you using to get timing?

So..... over the last few months a multitude of readers have been horrifically wrong for my POI scenario. If any of you all have been following my story, there’s no need to re-state it, but I will say my POI and I stopped speaking end of January. I, like many, went through a week binging phase and must’ve contacted an ungodly amount of psychics. When I tapped out of my emotions and realized reality, and the fact I’m a boss bitch and don’t need a man lol, I stopped. Haven’t had more than 1-2 readings in the past almost 3 months. When POI and I stopped speaking end of January, multiple readers predicted contact, things being better, reconciliation etc. a lot of them said a few days, some said a few weeks, and others swore by the end of February, then the end of march. Well all those dates passed. And I really started to truly believe I would never hear from POI again (which wasn’t necessarily a problem as I’ve been at peace without it). Then finally after a long almost 3 months.... he contacted me this morning. Not that it means anything, cause the contact attempt was lame, but contact nonetheless.. after a long silence. The only readers to get it right on this CONTACT prediction, were

1. LeeLoo Esotericorner (said either March or April, but she wasn’t sure, she said the feelings feel more towards march, but contact seems Aires timeframe, then she said somewhere between April 14-19th for contact) well boom, today is APRIL 16TH (I really didn’t want her to be right cause her prediction for me with POI was negative “always be ex energy” and also didn’t make sense cause she said his mother and I would reconcile next year but I know that won’t happen if poi and I aren’t together) (also said I would get pregnant 2021 and I know I wouldn’t allow that to happen if it wasn’t with poi) (have seen mixed reviews and don’t know what to think)
2. Marie Anna (said contact before May)
3. Shaman Kira (said contact March-May)
4. Sonya Starr angel (said 2nd quarter of the year)
5. Hillary80’s (couldn’t decipher when but said at some point this year)
6. (Don’t laugh) but 2 of those “pick a card general reading” YouTube readers who I swear by, predicted this as well
7. Oh psychic yazmin wasn’t entirely wrong either, she said the latest for contact would be April (but implied it would most likely be much sooner, which didn’t happen)

Their readings are literally insanely accurate, and they give a lot of accurate detail, it blows my mind each time, and is 100% free

(All of these people mentioned, their full predictions are still pending, as they all had very very different predictions, each one of them... but they at least got the contact prediction right, while maybe 30-40 other people got contact predictions completely off)

If you guys would like to know who got it wrong, you can ask and I’ll list them best from memory, but it was..... a lot

Also the strangest thing was last night I was dreaming about my ex, and it wasn’t a bad dream. I feel like this means something in relation to him contacting, and energy really is real

On top of this, I’m a reader myself, and have to give a huge shoutout to my own cards, for also predicting a similar timeframe in it being not till early/mid April that he would contact me.
I will keep you all updated on what unfolds with this, or if nothing unfolds at all 🤔🤔🤔

Offline Smiley1

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« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2020, 03:25:01 AM »
Yay!  So nice to see contact coming in

Offline spiritualbinger

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« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2020, 04:59:28 AM »
Great update. Love to hear it!

Offline fashiondiva6337

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« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2020, 08:03:41 AM »
Congrats Bee!! Love to see positive predictions happening and contact! Sending positive vibes your way 💕

Offline bee.23

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« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2020, 09:26:45 AM »
Thank you guys . You all mean a lot 🥺🥺🥺 the support is great from you guys + all high vibrations ✨

And @PurpleRain so when I was learning how to read I got trained a special way to interpret timing. It’s kind of hard to explain and easier to show in person but I can try. Oh also I use the universal waite tarot deck (which is amazing and beautiful and easy to interpret) as well I use a lot of different oracle deck cards. For interpreting timing I use a few different methods. 1)  I’ll ask spirit for instance “when will I receive contact from (name).” I’ll put down cards and the first upright card I see usually represents the zodiac sign of timeframe. 2) if no card with zodiac is shown, or it’s all reversals,I’ll put down cards until I see a card for communication and I’ll count the number of cards there are before that and it gives me a certain number. Say the number is “3” I’ll then put down more cards and ask is it in 3 hours (put down a card) 3 days (put down a card), 3 weeks (put down a card) or 3 months (put down a card). Whichever pile has stronger energy is your answer. Major arcanas are the strongest energy, and reversal cards are the weakest. If there are say, 2 reversals (for hours and days), and an upright card for weeks, but a major arcana upright card for months, I would assume it would be 3 months until I heard contact.

Also if you want to skip the whole process you can ask more simply, “will I hear from this person in the month of April” put a card, then “May” put a card , or “June” and see what has the strongest energy same way

And if you put down all the cards (usually you put them horizontally next to eachother) and if it’s all reversals... then you  put down another card for each pile (like put a card below each other one) and  see which has the strongest energy of the piles . You have 3 chances per pile to see which has the strongest energy (positive uprights and major arcanas)
« Last Edit: April 17, 2020, 09:30:26 AM by bee.23 »

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2020, 02:28:21 PM »
Congrats on contact! Contact is super hard to pin down or pick up - kudos

Offline bee.23

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« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2020, 06:38:27 PM »
@mrrrrh22 no problem - happy to help :)

Thank you to all of you wishing me positivity in regards to contact. POI has been super nice, and sentimental but I have zero expectations at this point, as I’ve received some very differentiating predictions over the past year. I’m just trying to take things very slow and be friends for now. Detached with no expectations, I feel is the best and only way to advance.

@meinmeout I’m positive your contact prediction will happen cause leeloo absolutely nailed my contact prediction. But in regards to her other predictions I’m just not sure, because they were very contradictory

Offline bee.23

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« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2020, 07:59:01 PM »
That is awesome Bee! Even though it was half ass on his part still validates things which is nice.

I stopped all readings 4/1 cause everything was predicted as this month maybe early may and there is no "real" indication of contact, as of yet.

Let me know your thoughts anyone on this.

I was learning last night about tarot and timing and when I asked about contact I got the ace of swords first. I interpret that is quick, fast, and foward movement but the timing of the 1 kind of threw me off a little, cause if I look at 1 day, yeah right not happening, 1 week (eh, still less likely), 1 month (more feasible but who knows at this rate with this them), or 1 year which for swords sounds like too far out and not feasible.

I asked again today to clarify and got ace of rods (wands for most, I have a morgan greer deck). For some odd reason is makes sense to me. Wands are earthy to me and we are going into Taurus season which is an earth sign so I am going to say potentially between 1 week to 1 month which fits also into an earth sign like I interpret wands.

I could be giving it a lot of personal interpretation so let me know yours thoughts all.

True, that is a bit unusual. As swords are fastest moving for communication. Ace of swords can also indicate the zodiac for air signs. So Gemini, Libra, Aquarius  time frame could be another guess. Most likely Gemini as that appears to be sooner than others. Gemini (May 20- June 20)

For your clarifier ace of wands is usually indicated as the zodiac time frame for Aires (and wands is second fastest moving for time, following swords). 1 wand can also mean approximately 1 month. Seeing as though you got 1 sword in your other reading as well the number 1 could be significant. So with all this info I would expect contact  with your person anywhere from now -June 20th