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I like that you can see them on chat. I tried a few out. Some were good, some not so good.. I like that you get to see thier free webcam first. I got addicted to Oranum for a bit but have stayed away for awhile. Its easy to want to try them all out.

I looked at the site, I thought it was freaky and weird! No speak English very well, it just has FAKE written all over it to me! I wont try again...I didnt have a reading, I got outta there!!! Just my opinion though.

I would have to agree with you Jonnie. There are some real characters on there. And they're probably just that: characters portraying the role of a psychic. I'll pass.

There are a few real ones and some excellent tarot readers. And some healers, who do not pretend to be psychics, who are real healers. I only had one reading there, but observed quite a lot. Differently from other sites, you have the possibility of observing and judging for yourself. When you call Keen or CP, you have no idea who's behind the telephone. At least, on Oranum you can see for yourself. And yes, some speak English with an accent. But all speak very well and correctly. How many of you can speak another language so fluently to be able to give readings - despite the accent? If not, abstain from judging an accent, please. Spend time in their rooms and decide who's fake or not: it's a possibility that no other site gives you.


--- Quote from: eleonora on January 29, 2013, 02:21:56 PM ---There are a few real ones and some excellent tarot readers. And some healers, who do not pretend to be psychics, who are real healers. I only had one reading there, but observed quite a lot. Differently from other sites, you have the possibility of observing and judging for yourself. When you call Keen or CP, you have no idea who's behind the telephone. At least, on Oranum you can see for yourself. And yes, some speak English with an accent. But all speak very well and correctly. How many of you can speak another language so fluently to be able to give readings - despite the accent? If not, abstain from judging an accent, please. Spend time in their rooms and decide who's fake or not: it's a possibility that no other site gives you.

--- End quote ---
@ elenora please don't take this the wrong way but do you work for the site?


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