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@eleanora a FEW is still a lot. To say that someone is a real psychic or healer just from seeing them is odd. Actors can act diverse roles and are believable in all of them hence academy awards. Most of us here can write you a script of what most psychics say and most of us can act the part of a psychic because we have heard it all so that they look serious does not make them real. This is their livelihood  of course they have to be serious. Even when you interview someone you cannot be sure about the person until you see how well they work. A person will be on their best behavior during an interview. A doctor can make a diagnosis by just looking at a patient sometimes because their are things that will be present like their skin color changing, eyes dilated or constricted etc. Even with energy work a person can read up on it and say the right things but cannot deliver. Almost anyone can also be schooled on the use of the tarot. Just memorize what each card means which can be found on the internet. 3 or more people here have gone to that site and did not pick up on their wonderful abilities. I still believe and correct me if am wrong that the only way to know if a psychic or healer is real is my tasting their pudding. Even those that don't go for just predictions still call for prediction but wants guidance included, they don't call for just guidance alone or else they would go to a therapist who is actually trained in that. They go for predictions but want guidance as to what to do or an advice. The only way to know who is real is to have seen their predictions or advice work not who is a good actor and able to act the part. I am praying that people do not get hooked on a scam. Everyone reading this forum make your own decisions on what feels right to you but please be very very careful. I lost thousands and became an emotional wreck until God saved me. I still take it one day at a time and am so passionate that others don't fall into unecessary traps. Any psychic that does not work for you stop stop stop and try another until you find the one that works for you. Jen


--- Quote from: jen80 on January 30, 2013, 04:19:30 AM ---@eleanora a FEW is still a lot. To say that someone is a real psychic or healer just from seeing them is odd. Actors can act diverse roles and are believable in all of them hence academy awards. Most of us here can write you a script of what most psychics say and most of us can act the part of a psychic because we have heard it all so that they look serious does not make them real. This is their livelihood  of course they have to be serious. Even when you interview someone you cannot be sure about the person until you see how well they work.

Then NO ONE will ever have a job!!!! Because everybody is hired BEFORE they see how you work ....

I am praying that people do not get hooked on a scam. Everyone reading this forum make your own decisions on what feels right to you but please be very very careful. I lost thousands and became an emotional wreck until God saved me. I still take it one day at a time and am so passionate that others don't fall into unecessary traps. Any psychic that does not work for you stop stop stop and try another until you find the one that works for you. Jen

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I'm not sure if that was addressed to me or not. No worries, I haven't spent a fortune. At all. And I won't. My last reading was about $40 early Nov.

@eleanora. It is true that people are hired before the employers know how well they work, which goes With what am saying that someone may say all the right things during an interview and have a good resume but it is only when they start working that an employer will know whether the person is good at their job. We 'hire' the psychics for how many minues, days or months. Their good resume is usually their feedbacks which is why california psychics have only good feedbacks, cp has videos of these psychics talking, doing promo videos so you can actaully see them. But it is only when we have 'hired' the psychics that we know wether they are real and good at what they do. Almost everyone I know has horror stories about cp psychics even though everything 'looks' perfect. You cannot say that anyone is good at what they do just from feeling their aura or energy or how serious they look. Anyway no problem thanks for the lively conversation. Jen


--- Quote from: jen80 on January 30, 2013, 05:06:08 AM ---@eleanora. It is true that people are hired before the employers know how well they work, which goes With what am saying that someone may say all the right things during an interview and have a good resume but it is only when they start working that an employer will know whether the person is good at their job. We 'hire' the psychics for how many minues, days or months. Their good resume is usually their feedbacks which is why california psychics have only good feedbacks, cp has videos of these psychics talking, doing promo videos so you can actaully see them. But it is only when we have 'hired' the psychics that we know wether they are real and good at what they do. Almost everyone I know has horror stories about cp psychics even though everything 'looks' perfect. You cannot say that anyone is good at what they do just from feeling their aura or energy or how serious they look. Anyway no problem thanks for the lively conversation. Jen

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Correct, Jen, we don't know how a person actually works until you see them working. So, let's say that the demos  and all other time that you spend on Oranum is like the screening process: it may give you a feeling of who you want to hire. I have now 3-4 people that I may want to hire if I feel so. This forum worked similarly for me for Cookie: all the things people were saying about her, what her strength is, etc. made me know that I did not want to hire her. I don't care about remote viewing details, that she sees a white car near a man with a yellow shirt in day 5 of my future. What's the point? At least for me. Anyhow, seeing the readers on Oranum is not like watching the videos on CP. But I stop here. If you or anybody else is interested in knowing more about this and who I think it's worthy and why, PM me.

@eleanora hi hope you had a good day at work today. Yes, now that you have seen 3-4 people that you may want to hire you may find out that maybe one or two of them will fit you and be good for you then at that time you will confidently say yes these people that I have hired work well with my 'company'. After you have hired and worked with your team let us know. Thanks elenora hope they work out for you. Jen


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