Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services
@elenora I asked the previous question because you said that you only had one reading so how do you know that ALL of them speak correctly. Anyway I will have to trust the people on here that have gone there and would not recommend the site. Thank God I found this site I will no longer be a victim of any scam. The people here that do not recommend I have read all their posts and know they are not readers or endorsing any site or reader just saying their own experience. Sorry elenora I will not even check out the website not to talk of joining the site. Have a blessed day.
--- Quote ---And yes, some speak English with an accent.
--- End quote ---
Yeah, I totally laughed when I saw this. Their accents aren't the problem; forming complete sentences are. Kudos to anyone who can speak two languages but it doesn’t mean diddly if I have to be psychic to interpret what you're saying. So as far as I’m concerned this would mean you speak one language fluently and the other one brokenly.
The biggest issue I have with the site is the way you don't have accurate running totals of your funds, and the fact you can't save anything from chat. Callers became so fixated on seeing the readers via webcam, talking back to you as you type the question, they often clearly miss this.
I don't know how 'seeing' a psychic would make me more comfortable. I don't care if its the elephant man or an alien that is on the other side talking to me. I want accuracy, honesty, nothing general that can pertain to everyone on earth, no scam to take my money,a way to track my money. Oh I see you and ur ex had a fight, I see that ten years ago you had a boyfriend that u loved, I see a trip, he is overwhelmed and loves u, there is a delay, he loves u so much, wait for him he will be back in a year, I see u live in a green house. If you go for an interview and ask if you will get the job the answer will turn to percentages, oh you have 80 percent chance of getting it so that if you don't get it that would account for the 20 percent that was negative. Your ex will contact you today then tomorrow and if you ask again the almighty 'will power' excuse comes up. There is small talk until your money is finished and then you realize you never got the answer you wanted. Someone is coming into your life that has his own business, he is white, black, yellow and green. He is tall and short, he has a child or two or three. Oh I see a lot of money coming your way. I can go on. No I don't care to see what the psychic looks like.I need real take to the bank predictions.
@ elenora am sorry if I implied that you were a reader or worked for the site. It was just odd that you had only one reading but was able to tell they are real, had real healers and psychics etc. Thanks
@ Eleanora Like I said it is just my opinion about the are free to read with them all you will you know ;D
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