Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services
Hi Everyone....
Have anyone tried any psychic on ???
this site is very nice... you get to chat with the psychic and it is on video call...
Let me know if you had a reading from this site..
Yes, it does look nice and I have tried it for two days, then deleted my account.
One of the things I've noticed is that there is no clock, once you elect to have a private reading. You can't see how much time is remaining with the reader. You only see a clock when you have about 75-80 secs left and then one pops up out of nowhere.
Also, for it to be chat, nothing you type is saved to refer back to later, so you are still feverishly taking notes. Even with webcams, can't they record the sessions? So in effect, although fun, this was useless.
Plus, the money you have in your account is called credits, but the amount you see is always lower than the amount you actually have. You never know how much you actually spend on a particular caller because this isn’t tracked. When you go to your account, it only shows how many credits are remaining and a picture of the reader you chatted with shows in your history. Many of the confirmation emails are automatic responses, so it seems like you are getting personalized service.
When you want to add to your bank, the lowest amount you can select is $19.99, although I could select $9.99 the first time and there is no way you can type in the amount, at all.
I can't figure out where the five star readers are getting their ratings. The second and last reader I chatted with only had one review. He just started two days ago, (I know 'cause I asked) and he already had a 4 1/2 star rating. How is that possible?
He had only been doing readings for a range of 5-10 years (ranges only inflate the readers years in service). He was more into numerology and wanted my full name and I told him I already had that done for the year and didn't need another one. He used tarot cards but honestly didn't seem that good at it. He liked to give peps talk. I knew I was closing my account and he was funny, so I just went with him, since he was only $0.99 a min. The site does offer money back guarantees but I don’t know the particulars.
That site was not only too inflated, it was too confusing. I wish anyone luck who pursues it.
I tried a while ago,readers dont speak well english..bad in fact.(some from Russia and Eastern Europe).I find the site very "doubtful",and i wonder what on earth they have mixed together... :-[
That site just dosent come across as serious..
Yes there are a lot of readers on there where English isn't their first language, but this company isn't based in the United States, so that might explain it. And I do mean there are many. And excuse me but plenty of the readers look downtrodden; like life really hasn't been good to them and they were just picked up off the street. Sorry, but that's what it looked like to me, although I know you can't have a free floating webcam without power, nor in a homeless shelter for that matter.
The first reader I had, seeingforward was so general I raised holy crap about it and wanted my money back (no problem). She was supposed to be one of their more expert readers. Almost everything she said to me could have applied to anyone. It was just random advice that I shouldn't have had to pay, to get. The second reader wasn't much better. It never even stated he was psychic, Joseph P Angelo or (JOSEPHPANGELO). He was funny and mainly used tarot (which he couldn't read very well) and numerology, which I've already had done for the year. Oh, and Joseph had a four and a half star rating. He had one review when I read with him and had just started two days prior to my reading. So where in the world was he getting his ratings from? It didn't make sense to me.
In addition, the company just went through some production changes. As of November 6th 2012, Duodecad IT Services Luxembourg S.à.r.l. took over the website's operation from Lalib Lda. I just hope any of this information helps someone.
--- Quote from: Zee on November 15, 2012, 06:50:44 PM ---And excuse me but plenty of the readers look downtrodden; like life really hasn't been good to them and they were just picked up off the street. Sorry, but that's what it looked like to me, although I know you can't have a free floating webcam without power, nor in a homeless shelter for that matter.
--- End quote ---
Haha..that made me laugh!Very good description :)We know for a fact in my country that its common that girls that operates sex-live-chats often quit,take a weekend cource in tarot,and open their own psychic line instead...That may be the case here..without me implying anything,but they do look least some of them..almost with only underwear on,in front of the webcamera.
I cant remember the names of whom i called.It was so generic that i had forgotten the next minute.The one i remember was an email reading i got,,,and the reason i remember it,was that i hardly understood what was written there..That girl needs to take a weekend-class in english :)
I showed the link to my friends at home in a forum i participate in,and we all agreed...Stay away!!This is not serious buziness!We had a good laugh all of us over a reagge-type of guy cooling off in his chair with his MP3,waiting for his next customer :)
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