Maybe a shot in the dark but has anyone read with a reader who went by the name of Asian Sunshine?
She was a Keen reader back in 2017-early 2018. I am not sure what happened but one week she was doing readings and then the next her account was deleted completely.
I think her name was Kay and she did tarot along with help from her "guides". I think she was based on the West Coast- maybe California- but she also had family in Asia. I also think she was in college during that time that she was reading. (This is all stuff I gathered from various calls and chats I had with her.)
She was a phenomenal reader and I really wish I knew if she went on to another site or has her own site. She is the only adviser that got everything 100% accurate- even if the timing was slightly off. And usually, if the timing was off she could explain why things had changed- and she was right about it every time.
If you happen to know who I am talking about and know where she is currently reading, please let me know. Thanks!