Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Bitwine

Arel Psychic, Bryan and Gemini Moon

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Wishful Thinker:
Hello everyone.  I wanted to know if any of you on here read with anyone of these three psychics on Bitwine?  If so, could you share your experience with them. 

Hi WT, I read with Bryan once, i think he is an empath. He picked up the current situations of my POI quite accurately and didn't say much about future. He mentioned this not going to change for awhile. And when he was trying to read about me, he said i was in extremely balanced energy the moment he was reading. So nothing much he was delivered to me.
I was a bit tempted to read with Gemini Moon when she had the deal last time. Since i had cut many readings, i read when i really need someone to talk to, last one was in early Feb.
I have slowly treating reading with psychic is a time pass entertainment, our destiny is in our own hand at the end.
Hope you have a good day! Stay safe and well.

Wishful Thinker:
Thank you very much for sharing your experience.  Bryan is definitely a great Empath.  I like Gemini Moon.  Can’t really say too much for predictions but good at the current.

Dreamescape23 - P:
So I wanted to report I read with Bryan and Gemini moon, and although they are both great, Gemini moon is so incredibly ethical.  The other night she literally didn’t start even charging me till she was done with the resting because she said she wanted to make sure she felt connected.  She’s extremely ethical and she’s made two predictions that have happened.  Bryan is good also just waiting on his predictions. 

Is Bryan the guy from the UK? If so, I read with him yesterday. He just asked me if I knew a Derrick... which, I don’t. And he said I needed to let go of my ex. That’s not accurate for me because I’m well over him and have been for a year. I’m actually in love with someone else and haven’t even spoken to my ex. I’m not saying I think he’s fake but his reading didn’t resonate with me at all.


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