Author Topic: Any advice on how to recover from a broken heart?  (Read 2268 times)

Offline Yaris123

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Any advice on how to recover from a broken heart?
« on: March 29, 2020, 11:30:40 PM »
I caught my bf cheating on me back in November.He downloaded a dating app behind my back and I found text messages on his phone from another girl. We were together for 2.5 years. Ive been getting readings since then. Im 32 and he was my first serious relationship. I havent been lucky when it comes to love. Usually the guys that like me, I don't find them attractive and the ones that I like(i’ve had only 2-3 crushes in my lifetime) don’t find me attractive. When I met my ex, I thought he was the one.

Now i’m having a hard time moving on. Its been 4 months since we broke up and I still think about him all the time. I deleted him from social media but I still check his page constantly. The last couple of days I’ve been at home cause of the Coronavirus and Ive been really sad. I fear that Ill probably end up alone.  After this breakup, I feel that I will have a hard time trusting men. I’ll have a hard time letting someone in. I’m afraid to waste another 2.5 years on someone who ends up betraying me. Any advice? 

Offline Yaris123

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Re: Any advice on how to recover from a broken heart?
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2020, 04:18:09 PM »
I caught my bf cheating on me back in November.He downloaded a dating app behind my back and I found text messages on his phone from another girl. We were together for 2.5 years. Ive been getting readings since then. Im 32 and he was my first serious relationship. I havent been lucky when it comes to love. Usually the guys that like me, I don't find them attractive and the ones that I like(i’ve had only 2-3 crushes in my lifetime) don’t find me attractive. When I met my ex, I thought he was the one.

Now i’m having a hard time moving on. Its been 4 months since we broke up and I still think about him all the time. I deleted him from social media but I still check his page constantly. The last couple of days I’ve been at home cause of the Coronavirus and Ive been really sad. I fear that Ill probably end up alone.  After this breakup, I feel that I will have a hard time trusting men. I’ll have a hard time letting someone in. I’m afraid to waste another 2.5 years on someone who ends up betraying me. Any advice?

I truly felt the heartbreak in this post.

All I can say is you matter most, your self worth, and your heart ... I’m now 37 and I’m not scared of being alone and was so hung up about this in the end of my twenties. But it isn’t so bad. I find myself funnier than ever... but yeah my dark nights are there too. Now with this virus I’m scared things will never be the same. I am accepting letting go as best as I know...

If it’s possibly try a therapy app. Or regular therapy, if I had a job I would be doing this more than ever. I got an audiobook on CBD... and I’m not liking it, but I know compassion for ourselves matters most.

Big hugs to you! And everyone feeling that ache for an ex that didn’t value or respect us- a hug to you too

Thank you for responding. When this craziness ends, I’ll probably go to therapy. Big hug to you too!

Offline Yaris123

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Re: Any advice on how to recover from a broken heart?
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2020, 04:23:59 PM »
I get that right now is hard cause many of us are at home right now with many stay at home orders. Take this time to wrok on yourself, do some yoga, mediate, or whatever you feel makes you happy. Men cheat for a multitude of reasons, because they can, because their unhappy. We cannot pick their brain to find out why, but when you focus on yourself you find something better. Don't focus on him, focus on you. Once this all blows over maybe get out there and start dating again, and don't looks for specific types look for someone you connect with. Doing some inner reflection and healing from that will help you attract the right people in your life. When I was single again after my split I kept attracting the same emotionally absent men that I have always attracted and yes, I too have not had issue finding any dates. What changed the course was doing the work to realize that I need to attract different than what I normally gravitated to. And trust me that has paid off for me ten fold and never made me happier in life than I am now.
Actually a few days before we were forced to stay at home in my city, I went on a date and it didn't go well. The guy got mad cause I didn't want to go back to his apartment lol. I think that contributed more to my sadness. I was doing well before this craziness happened. I was keeping myself busy with dancing classes and going to the gym. But since being at home, I felt like I regressed. I just hope this craziness ends soon.