Author Topic: Finished. Giving Up  (Read 3596 times)

Offline Fairydust123

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Finished. Giving Up
« on: August 01, 2020, 02:52:35 AM »
Hey all.

I just wanted to get on an encourage some of ya'll to remember that you have your OWN power and happiness. I have been trying to figure out answers for 3 years now. All of the psychics told me the same ending results. They have all said the same predictions and outcomes. For 3 years I have been so caught up in the heartbreak, pain, and saddness; that I invested so much time into worrying about the outcome. Now realizing that POI is not going to try, I look back and see how many hours, days, months, years I have lost trying to make it better. Trying to figure out the answers. Trying to call/ chat psychics. They were all wrong. Now I am sad that I have wasted so much time being depressed that I haven't gotten to spend what time I should have with my family. I will no longer be searching for answers from psychics because they ultimately were all wrong. All of them. From now on I will just have faith that God is working all things together for good. Romand 8:28

If you are in a depression relying on these psychics, please wake up. Wake up to spending time with family, doing things you enjoy, hanging out with your animals, nature. Because we aren't guarenteed tomorrow with those who ARE STILL AROUND US. we hate when poi's ghost us or toss us to the side, so why do that to the ones who are still in our lives (family & friends).

You will be okay. God knows what he is doing. Even when we can't see him working or understand the pain. Trust him, and everything will work out how its meant too.

I am done with "psychics". I wish you all the best of luck, love, and light.

To all of those I've made friends with on here, I am so grateful for you all!

Especially, pinka, rayban,theawakened, purplerain,artslove, oisin, listenlisten, spiritualbinger, smiley, sparkle, mirosee,love2love,tzwilson,sexyp, librasun, maggs, bee.23, honeybee, carmen, mrrrh, fidget, bostongirl..

And even professor (because no thread was ever not entertaining when you commented)

I send you all the best vibes ever because you all were there for me, supporting me, listening♡♡
« Last Edit: August 01, 2020, 03:19:20 AM by Fairydust123 »

Offline Natashanyc

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Re: Finished. Giving Up
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2020, 03:49:20 AM »
I wish you all the best hun and I totally agree with your statement. I realized once you experience inner peace and self love, along with a combination of being loved CORRECTLY you won’t need psychics anymore or better yet the anxiety diminishes and your need to call will also. Even when I moved on in a better relationship I found myself still getting the urge to call, not because of how he was treating me but more so the desire to JUST KNOW and be aware of what maybe coming. Once I let it flow n ignored those urges I was great. It’s sooooo hard but it’s so rewarding at the same time. Again I wish you the best and I hope you can stop in and update the forum on how you are doing soon :)

Offline maggs30

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Re: Finished. Giving Up
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2020, 04:43:04 AM »
We all have the power to shape our own destiny. From my marriage ending to dating two asshole and trying to hang on to them. Now I am in a much better place. He's not perfect and I still go into anxiety attacks but I call psychics less and less. We will all find our happiness once we let go of the dead weight. I send my mom screen shots of the text messages I get daily and she loves this guy without meeting him. There is happiness in relationships out there. Heads up ladies and a few guys. We got this.

Offline Piggynose

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Re: Finished. Giving Up
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2020, 11:47:09 AM »
I wish you all the best Fairy and I completely understand how you are feeling. Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.

I think we need to add a section to this forum for occasional updates from members.

Offline maggie214

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Re: Finished. Giving Up
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2020, 07:35:20 PM »
What a great message.  I hope you continue to be motivated by that amazing attitude and remember that you are unique, special, and there is a wonderful life ahead of you.  I spent months almost 20 years ago calling psychics and wishing more than anything that my ex of 2 years would return.  We were talking engagement, but I had issues with the way we saw world issues differently and that finally led to our break-up.  He never did return even though EVERYONE said he would - I actually started dating someone else.  In hindsight, this person would have never been a great husband and I an thankful it ended. Then 4 years later, I had another serious relationship that ended and was heartbroken.  Again, everyone said he would return and he did come back and want to reconcile within a few years - but I was dating my now husband and the father of my 2 children and I did not trust him to give it another shot.  You are lucky to have realized now that you deserve better.  Invest that time wanting to know details from psychics with prayers and affirmations - not about another person, but about your peace, success, love and joy.  You deserve all of those things and I promise, one day you will look back on this proud of your strength and thankful for the life you have.  Hugs to you and saying a prayer for you right now.

Offline curiouspsychicreadings

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Re: Finished. Giving Up
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2020, 08:36:02 PM »
This makes me so sad, I have had so many readings saying my POI is coming back and we will reconcile and from heavy hitters. Have you gotten any correct predictions? I used to call about my ex years back and many said he wouldn't be back they didn't see any reconciliation so hearing them all say they do see it for this POI made me hopeful, but reading this post I just got sad and discouraged.

Has anyone had positive outcomes from psychics pan out?

I wish you the best of luck on your journey and am happy you are feeling positive now!

