Author Topic: Exhausted need help  (Read 4258 times)

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Exhausted need help
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2020, 01:14:42 AM »
Well the dreams continue. Not sure what they mean and not sure how to interpret them. But I dreamt about my POI again last night. The one theme that seems to be evident is that the distance between us seems to be getting closer. First dream i had about him he was not even looking at me there was a sense of indifference and coldness. Next dream I start to get attention from him but still from a distance but he is trying to catch my eye get my attention we never speak but there is a lot of eye contact and fliritng. This dream I am literally in his office lying on the couch reading a book he shows up leaning over me telling me he will be reaching over me to grab something from behind me and his face is so close to mine and he lingers there. I woke up feeling happy it was so real. But I thanked his guides and my higherself and sent him a energetic message and said I am sending you unconditional love I expect nothing. I know this all sounds so silly but you guys are the only ones I can share this with and not feel stupid. Anyway i have been having these dreams since I started my 30 day challenge to not get readings and I meditate to attract the love of my life every night but I dont ask for him and I am not visualizing him during the meditations. I say to the universe send me the one who is best for me. It has really helped me so much in my effort to get past my POI. It gives me a lot of peace. Curious to hear from you all.

