Please be very careful and cautious with this reader. I originally contacted him 8 years ago when my ex fiancé left me suddenly and I moved out of our apartment. Rev kept telling me "he'll be back, he'll realise he made a mistake, he still loves you" etc. I spent thousands of dollars with him because I was so desperate, heartbroken and believed what he said. None of what he "predicted" actually came true.
About 3 months after the breakup, I discovered my ex was with someone else, who he'd actually met while he was with me. He then moved out with her, bought a home, got married etc. This proved that nothing Rev said was correct. When I asked if my ex was seeing other people he would say "no, he loves you, he's just finding himself and going out drinking with his mates" etc.
Since I was in my early 20s at the time, I told my Mum and she was so mad that she went onto the Lifereader chat and told him he'd basically led me up the garden path. He then blocked me after that. Please be cautious before spending your money with him. My total spendings on the site he's on totalled over $26,000 over 8 years (with a range of readers). A big chunk of that sum went towards Rev and that's money I'll never get back.