Author Topic: Do you think we negate predictions by the actions we take?  (Read 2200 times)

Offline Theladyleo76

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Do you think we negate predictions by the actions we take?
« on: March 20, 2020, 01:56:06 PM »
I have been getting readings on and off for about 20 years! Not in the excessive way that I have been getting online readings over the past few years but nevertheless, still getting readings. In periods where I have gotten multiple readings, from multiple advisers on the same topic I often found that the majority of them usually all say the same thing. And I am not talking about general yes or no responses but very similar explanations of what is going on and very similar predictions of how or when something is going to come to pass.  So in these situations could it be that I delaying or negating the predicted outcomes?

I am asking because I am thinking back to 2017-2018. It was the first time that I had a relationship end or break apart and I couldn't understand my POI's behavior. (it was also my first time using online advisers) At that time nearly every adviser said the same thing regarding us getting back together, what he was and what he wasn't doing. They were also telling me that the decision to get back together or not would be on me. The timing of when he would come back around and say he wanted to be back together would range from the "2 weeks" to next month that you often hear. I spent MONTHS stressing over this relationship and if i had written a review for most of those readers I would have said they were completely wrong and horrible. HOWEVER, fast forward almost a year later- he actually DID Come back around. And it was up to me if I wanted to get back with him- which I declined and have continued to decline. (He has asked me to move back in several times over the past year)

So thinking about it- were those that predicted we'd get married wrong? Or were they correct based on the trajectory of my life and my mindset at that point? Did I change the outcome with my actions of declining to get back together with him and desire to be with someone else?  So if I had chosen differently, would the advisers have been correct?

I'm NOT defending those advisers who essentially tell you what you want to hear with tons of fluff and a generic reading that could be applied to anyone. I am thinking of those advisers that give you specifics and details that you know to be true. What are your thoughts- do you think that we sometimes change our outcomes or do you think the adviser should be able to pick up that we will change our actions?

Offline Theladyleo76

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Re: Do you think we negate predictions by the actions we take?
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2020, 03:47:18 PM »
@th3awakened1 I can see that. I feel like that is what I did as well. I feel like I made a choice for a different path. Thanks for your feedback.

