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--- Quote from: poorprincess on July 15, 2020, 06:37:21 PM ---Any idea what her hours are generally?

--- End quote ---

On cp early uk time.  On Michele knight as Lucy around 10am

She's Talented but got a massive Miss for me.

Yup. Opposite outcome.

Cleo said I would hear from my POI no later than the middle part of July, did not happen.

I ended up adding more time and read with her for nearly 30 minutes. She tapped into past and present very well and her predictions are in line with everyone else. I've read with almost all well-known heavy hitters, all mentioned thru this forum, and they all predicted similar outcome, some more detailed than others. Hopefully it's true, but I'm not attached to the outcome. Can't necessarily bank on them all being right, but my intuition is also in line with what I believe and things I know to be true, so we'll see. I was pretty pleased with her overall, regardless of the outcome. She validated many things I know to be correct. 😊


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