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Any updates on this reader?  She seemed extremely tuned in and said she feels like contact will have happened by mid July.  Has anyone had anything actually come to fruition recently with her?

She has had about 4 predictions come to pass for me. She’s definitely gifted.

I just had my first reading with her. It was a general reading. How good is she with timing? She said that all her predictions will happen between now and April of next year. I didnt really ask her about timing, she was the one who brought it up. She said that I’ll be relocating but I have no plans of moving. Its interesting because Matilda and Leila said the same thing.


--- Quote from: spiritualbinger on July 08, 2020, 12:26:54 PM ---She has had about 4 predictions come to pass for me. She’s definitely gifted.

--- End quote ---

Did she get the time frame right?

She got a timeframe / prediction right twice for me, and one big miss - although on a subsequent reading she flipped the outcome.
I read with her again recently and have a couple more pending predictions.


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